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Everything posted by naturebob

  1. naturebob

    Prayer for my pops & fellow hunter

    Sent, get well soon............BOB!
  2. naturebob

    Hornandy sst

    180 grain sst hammered my elk in sept. 406 yards , one shot tore him up, he couldn't go no where I put a second in him just to get it over quicker. that or barnes....... BOB!
  3. naturebob

    Christmas Theme....getting in the spirit!

    Very nice, Thank You and Merry Xmas..................BOB!
  4. naturebob

    Unit 21 Bold Hill Area

    Pretty Bold talking about it on a forum . Now 100 guys will be checking it out. Good luck. And only Bald guys are aloud to hunt it! ..........BOB!
  5. naturebob

    Target Panic Cure?

    Pretend its an Isis member. You will never miss....And don't forget the Xanex...LOL..................BOB!
  6. naturebob

    Dream Hunt of A Lifetime

    Nothing but, WOW! Conrats................BOB!
  7. naturebob

    Lighting up the Sky tomorrow

    I thought it was Isis practicing with some rockets obamma gave them...................BOB!
  8. naturebob

    Effects of so many monsters killed on the strip this year

    9 Points and counting. I hope I live that long.......BOB!
  9. naturebob

    Congratulations to CWT member 218 buck !!!!!

    I was looking for pictures of a 218" buck. Dummie me...............BOB!
  10. Yote , I always see them pheasants when I am working and can't carry a gun. This winter has been the warmest in My 5 years up here , but I'm still ready For AZ. I know We are gonna get the cold sooner or later. I hope later. 10 day still looks good. Nice Birdies by the way............BOB!
  11. naturebob

    Free spotter to any youth hunter

    This big Old Youth Hasn/t got any offers on the Free Swaro 15's Yet . Can't figure it out . Keep an old man interested in hunting ,Please...............BOB!
  12. naturebob

    Free spotter to any youth hunter

    I am a 59 year old Youth Hunter. I will take the Swaro spotter. Thanks...............BOB!
  13. naturebob

    Ok, Enough is Enough!!!! Unit 9

    Sir, They got something up their sleeve................BOB!
  14. naturebob

    Ok, Enough is Enough!!!! Unit 9

    And they put the early Bull 10 hunt back to 40 tags. Their expieriment with 100 a year for the last 2 years must not have worked. Thanks G&F, what a bunch of tools...............BOB!
  15. naturebob

    Ok, Enough is Enough!!!! Unit 9

    Merry Xmas from Game & Fish!..............BOB!
  16. WOW! Very nice Guys ,great photos too..................BOB!
  17. naturebob

    New to 36c and to coues

    Congrats, great buck. I luv that unit. .............BOB!
  18. naturebob

    WOW really?

    All this fighting over a Fricken 4 oz. bird.Get into big game then we is fightin. Straght Shot biblie dude or what ever your name is , I never read the bible and never will so I am clueless to Your take on this post..Amen..............BOB!
  19. naturebob

    Respect the Coues!

    Gettin tough as We get old, but still gotta do it. Congrats to all involved..........BOB!
  20. naturebob

    Headed to 31, Last minute advice

    Every thing said plus east facing slopes in am. if it is cold. Hunt all day also. They will be out. Good luck....................BOB!
  21. naturebob

    my son Anthony first bull elk

    Congrats .Kiddo. Very nice first bull. Proud Pops too..............BOB!
  22. naturebob

    Spring results

    Youl'l can have them stink pigs. Killed one with rifle ,one with bow and I am done Been over 10 years since. Archery. Its fun cause You can hunt deer at same time. But I can't find any body that wanted the meat. Even the local Illegals didnt want it. ..Good luck with the tag Snaffu..............BOB!
  23. naturebob

    WOW really?

    Thats the way it works. Too bad. Ive had same happen to me. It allmost pays not to be nice guy. .......BOB!
  24. naturebob

    Target Panic Cure?

    I don't archery hunt any more but with rifle I never look at the antlers. Not braggin but had very few bad shots in many years of hunting. Helps to pop 2 xanez as soon as I get on an animal too. That calms me down.............BOB!
  25. naturebob

    Two bucks down

    Nice job. I never had a double till 6 years ago and did another the following year. kinda fun...........BOB!