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Everything posted by naturebob

  1. naturebob

    WY - Whose in?

    Drive. Not bad.................BoB!
  2. naturebob

    This actually makes golf interesting

    Nothin but a little Florida Turtle. Play on fellas...........BOB!
  3. naturebob

    WY - Whose in?

    Not complaining ,I have hunted in 9 States over the years but the Guys that get a turkey Slam in 1 year ,You are the ones I'm talking about..........BOB!
  4. naturebob

    WY - Whose in?

    I was going deer hunting in a great unit, but put it off till next year with still having to move the wife back here, and shortage of funds from all this moving and new job crap this year. Why couldn't my Parents been rich? Some of You spoiled bzterds out there don't know how good You have it..................BOB!
  5. naturebob

    New Culinary Delight

    Eating a boston market tv dinner as we speak. Can't till wife gets down here in a few months to get some. some um good cookin and some um good kookin................BOB!
  6. naturebob

    2008 Polaris ranger w/trailer

    Very nice Ruthunter. Wish I was ready to buy. Great set up and deal. Good luck...................BOB!
  7. naturebob

    Sept 15 2012

    I missed the draft to Nam by 2 years and at 60 the older I get the more I feel I cheated My Country.Thank God for the guys that do . I feel bad anyone has to die for these Middle Eastern thugs . Thanks to all that served . A REAL BIG THANKS..............BOB!
  8. naturebob

    WCL Tiger Trout

    Predator, Great story and good time. Enjoyed it but those are the ugliest Trout in AZ in My op.. Bring back the Brownies.............BOB!
  9. naturebob


    Put a yard sale sign out, but warning You will get all the chap basterds. They want every thing for free..Good luck..I only ever had 1 garage sale in My life and that was when I moved away from here 5 + years ago . Had quality items and people tried to Jew You down to nothing.. I was amazed . No wonder I allways gave to goodwill or who ever. ..............BOB!
  10. naturebob

    Escudilla and Baldy next?

    We allready do that in the Southern units..............BOB!
  11. naturebob

    Escudilla and Baldy next?

    We need them dang wolves gone asap. Don't they actually look like coyotes when Your shooting.............SSS.......................BOB!
  12. I bet even a Gorrillla wouldn't touch hillary..................BOB!
  13. naturebob


    Sam ,I bet You can even see them in Tucson. I know there are plenty in Phoenix. Like maybee 1 million...LOL.....................BOB!
  14. naturebob

    Elk Show 2016

    Nice Stuff.,Thanks.............BOB!
  15. naturebob

    Dear max point holders,........

    60 in Sept. for me and only 23 points. Only chance I have is if I live like my DAD. He will be 96 in Sept. .If I get a tag in My life time it is a bonus the way I look at it......................BOB!
  16. naturebob

    Aaron Rogers arrested

    Bull ,that would Be Shelby Miller..................BOB! ,..................He should give the $ back to the D backs
  17. naturebob

    Looking for advice in Unit 10

    Hire Sir Royal , He is the man...................BOB!
  18. naturebob

    23 Late mule deer

    I think they have 10 or 15 Late muley tags in 21 this year. rifle..................BOB!
  19. naturebob

    Cabin Rental in Alpine... Unit 1 and 27

    Great looking place. in My dream town....................BOB!
  20. naturebob

    California Approves Ban

    I drive to So Cal every day for work. Its the one place I feel I need a gun. Go figure....................BOB!
  21. naturebob

    Big Lake and Sunrise

    Nice fish. Congrats on a good time>.....................BOB!
  22. naturebob

    Unit 23 New Mexico Mule Deer

    Thats why the New Mexicans shoot dinks or have a hangover on the 2nd day of the hunt and get scunked...LOL............BOB!
  23. naturebob

    Unit 23 New Mexico Mule Deer

    Yes there are deer and Lions and bears and plenty of hunters. The New Mexicans seem to road hunt and drink Beer. Hike and get away from them and You mite find a good Buck. Take Bear and lion tags if its stilll open and You can afford them..Good luck .............BOB!
  24. naturebob

    Point Guard

    Thanks for starting this Kent. Very interesting. Good to hear Your voice to Kent...................BOB!
  25. naturebob

    Big Lake and Sunrise

    I was allways trolling. But can throw them from shore too if fish are close bye...................BOB