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Everything posted by naturebob

  1. naturebob

    D'Backs done.

    Thats one heck of a big maybee. personally I don't like Chip Hale. He just doesn't seem like the guys have a fire lit under them. And its not all Him. The front office did a terrible job with the pitching staff ,except Grenke...............BOB!
  2. naturebob


    What didn't You like about them? ............BOB!
  3. naturebob

    Big fronts

    Still time for them backs to finish and more length................BOB!
  4. naturebob

    Phoenix people are rude

    New york and boston are tied as worst in My book. San antonio no one can speak english so how the heck would they know?..............BOB
  5. naturebob

    Unit 9 early rifle

    SirRoyal is the man if someone needs a guide on that hunt.........................BOB!
  6. naturebob

    Spare tires

    Chevy's don't need tires. They won't go to far anyway....................BOB!
  7. naturebob

    Unit 1 Archery

    Not a bad thing if Ya got money to burn/ in the old days, I spent my share there...............BOB!
  8. naturebob

    Unit 1 Archery

    Big Bulls any where in that Unit..Have fun...............BOB!
  9. naturebob

    Unit 1 Archery

    Ya, don't take any advice from trphyhntr. It will only get You 120 Yards......LOL..................BOB!
  10. naturebob

    Back to back archery bull tags cant wait

    arn't You only allowed 1 tag a year ? I'M turning You in. Non hunt for You this year. LOL...............BOB!
  11. naturebob


    Didn't several people misteriously disapear in the Bill clinton presidency that knew things about what was going on? ................BOB!
  12. naturebob

    Few small bucks hiding in the neighborhood

    Lookin good.................BOB!
  13. naturebob

    23N early rifle bull!

    Congrats on the tag. Looking forward to the hunt story and Pics................BOB!
  14. naturebob

    71 Days Out

    Whos got a early rifle tag this year and will keep us all hyped up with suspense and waiting for a story like I did Last year.,..................BOB!
  15. naturebob

    Thank you fire fighters, be safe

    Can't do without these Guys! hope all turns out well.............BOB!
  16. naturebob

    CWT First "Card Hit" Contest for Raffle Tickets

    July 11 at 809 am. I really don't care tho. Just want My Strip tag.............BOB!
  17. naturebob

    Stolen Bows

    Makes Ya allmost want to go buy something from them to help out. Any one need anything give em a try...............BOB!
  18. naturebob

    Stolen Bows

    Curtis, Then I came along when the Arizona Hunter Site collapsed................BOB!
  19. naturebob

    Alaska Fishing Trip

    Very nice................BOB!
  20. naturebob


    Thanks, gotta get the dog to vet. any way. Still looking for exterminator out there. Thanks..................BOB!
  21. naturebob


    I just got back from N. Dakota and brought my Weimeriner back with me and My buddys house where I been living all year all of a sudden has a boat load of ticks. His dog would get some but not like she does now. they are every where and he sprays her down with stuff that oviously isn't working. I never had a tick problem in Cave Creek before I went to work up in the oil patch. Does anyone have a good or great exterminator or whats my best thing to do. These 2 dogs have a doggy door so they go in and out . Do people still get dogs dipped and does that work . I want them critters gone Help please asap. Been back 2 hours from my 3440 mile round trip journey. No more N. Dakota ,thank God. Wifes vacationing with family and son in Ohio when she leaves next week, then back out here. Bring on the ideas and referrals guys ,Please...............BOB!
  22. naturebob

    Time for a good head cleaning.

    Not what I pictured!. Nothing like a good head cleaning. All animals need it................BOB!
  23. naturebob

    Shoulder surgery roll call

    Was at the doc today for same thing. Had it done 2+ years ago by a hack in N. Dakota . might need it again down here in AZ. Should of had the first one done here. Can't reccomend this doc. yet. Good luck.................BOB!
  24. naturebob


    IA Born do You recall where to get K9 aventix at?. Thanks..............BOB!
  25. naturebob


    Thanks for the replies so far Except Longshooter. Anyone have a good Exterminator in the north part of the Valley. Still need help on this one. Thanks ...............BOB!