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Everything posted by naturebob

  1. naturebob

    Man vs Wolf

    SSS. That the wolve people value life of an animal same as human shows how sick they are.........BOB!
  2. naturebob

    Lucky again!

    Just got out of the Hospital where I went to emergency room Friday morn at 4 AM after driving truck back from Perris Cal. area for work. About 5-6 PM the day before didn't feel good. On way back got reel bad pain in abdomen area. Wanted to get my cargo home so kept going. Don't know how good hospital in Blythe would have been anyway. After dropping off load I was on another planet with pain ,into emergency room . Bad bout of Verticultus.Got the mophine for 2 days and anti-biotic. They only gave Me ice chips for 2 days then liquid diet till lunch today. Feelin better but still hurtin. They said take a week off and gave me meds. Last time 6 years ago same situation, was gaul bladder. Surgery and 8days in hosp. a gang greenly sick one at that.Doc said it was wosrt He ever took out. Lucky to live. This time I got lucky again . No surgery needed so far. If you don't have your ,You aint got chit.. I feel lucky again and hope it continues to heel. Coues hunt in 11+ weeks..........BOB!
  3. naturebob

    2015 Rams

    Becker that is awesome. I love that pedastal too. Does someone make them for You or You make em? talking the wood part.even tho the landscape looks good too...........BOB!
  4. naturebob

    Lucky again!

    Ya and they said don't drink beer for a while. Don't know what I'm gonna do in spare time. Good lesson to others tho. If Your hurting in the mid section ,anywhere don't to have it looked at. Could cost You...................BOB!
  5. naturebob

    VELVET BULLS Scouting #1 2016

    Now that stuff gets me excited. Not them little Doves.....................BOB!
  6. naturebob

    Deer tags

    The people game and fish like get them first.....I got mine monday..............BOB!
  7. naturebob

    Its official

    Got Deer tag in mail today, and my buddy got his too...................BOB!
  8. naturebob

    Its official

    heck, its only a leftover ,but I get to hunt and still have 10 bogus points.............BOB!
  9. naturebob

    Any of you guys in insurance sales?

    !Are You asking for INS. salesman or con artist. No difference...................BOB!
  10. naturebob

    Is it rude to ask when she is due?

    Yup Edge, They say not expecting and slap Ya. But if there fat you can't tell the difference. Thats not fair to us. ON a serious note the rut down south goes way later than most think. I'm talking into FEb...................BOB!
  11. naturebob

    Leftover Tag Checks?

    Its Friday. They had to meet payroll...LOL.....................BOB
  12. naturebob

    Did I miss this some where?

    Sent a cashiers Check. I should be good. Thanks Guys................BOB!
  13. I called last week and they said I drew my 3rd choice leftover. In My portal today it still says pending ,but gives the hunt #. Did I get the tag or not. Bonus points seem updated...Thanks for answers in advance ,sorry for my dumbness. I generally don't follow this stufff.................BOB!
  14. naturebob

    PointGuard, good idea or money making scam?

    I kinda changed my mind. I think its good cause what if You draw a great tag out of State that hunt is at sam time frame ,u may never draw again ,but can get that AZ. tag again in a few years........................BOB!
  15. naturebob

    What was your most memorable Az Hunt

    Gonna have to think about this one a while. Been alot a hunts. over the years...................BOB!
  16. naturebob

    Didn't get picked for leftover tag...

    I used a envelope from Big 5 and mailed at 11pm fri. nite at post office at 19th ave and union hills still got a tag . so that kills some of you guys theory. .................BOB!
  17. naturebob

    Prayer Request for My Mom

    Prayers sent. Lost my Mon last Oct............BOB!
  18. naturebob

    ROC Most Wanted

    IRS is watching , Be carefull what you say..............BOB!
  19. naturebob

    Didn't get picked for leftover tag...

    Trufletch. Thats exactly what I did. Drew 3rd choice on left over and now have 10 bonus points...................BOB!........PS Remember more people living here now too..
  20. naturebob

    ROC Most Wanted

    Muledeerarea 33, I didn't say Your$ was no good I'M just saying as a general un written rule in the Buss. thats generally the way it was. The do it yourselfers will generally try to low ball You. Like I said not picking on you just the way it is out there. That why they are doing the project them selves. ,to cut out the Middle man and save $. Don't blame Ya one bit for that................BOB!
  21. naturebob

    ROC Most Wanted

    Mule deer33 I bet the guys that didn't call you back is because you were building by yourself . Most contractors shy away from that as I would. Why cause we generally see your type as tight wads. Which most do it Yourselffers are . Nothing personall ,just saying the way it is.....................BOB!
  22. naturebob

    Hunting the burns

    My guess for trophy's is 3-5 years. That gives em some time to grow up.............BOB!
  23. naturebob

    ROC Most Wanted

    One more thing.I would't used any ,that somebody You know hasn't used.. If You get 3-5bids You have to much time on Your hands and are to picky and I wouldn't wanna work for You anyway. Go shop for the Wallmart contractor..The other thing is the guy that has to advertise alot ,thats because He's no good and has no refferralls..........BOB
  24. naturebob

    ROC Most Wanted

    Or if You get a good contractor like I was that only lived on refferals no advertising, and I allways got 1/3 down. Just have to know who Your dealing with. And the other way around too. the Contractor needs to check out homeowner . How do we know they are clean. One other piece of art is the BBB. what a joke...................BOB!... Former licensed Contractor 23 years.
  25. naturebob

    Anyone else heading to the high country?

    I went up cliffs in Eagle creek in 27 in a Crew cab f350 that guys below in a toyota truck couldn't get up. He told me don't do it. I laughed.. I think I could have towed him up. That was ok He didn't come. Less hunters up there.................BOB!