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Everything posted by naturebob

  1. naturebob

    Mule Deer Success X 2

    Nice, More good luck...............BOB!
  2. Nice Buck. Trump planted that Deer there on Wed. Congrats. If I shoot a bugk like that they can call Me a Dick too! LOL''''''''''''BOB!
  3. naturebob

    Veteran's Day Nov 11, 1967

    Great Story. RIP Your Dad...................BOB!
  4. naturebob

    Back To My Roots

    Nice Buck Christian. Congrats..............BOB!
  5. naturebob

    2 weeks until they start charging cards

    Mine cleared the bank Mon. no more pending...............BOB!
  6. naturebob

    Spring Draw Results Pending

    I wanted that Goulds tag bad. When I was gone to N. Dakota for allmost 5 years I only put in for points. Before that when I lived here I was the King of getting Merriams tags in the Spring. I got like 12 out of the last 13 years I put in here. I have a Eastern, A Rio , and hopefully a Goulds next Spring. Then only Florida with a few Buddies and We will all have the 5 species. I believe that is the North American Slam. If You have the 4, it is the Grand Slam....................BOB
  7. naturebob

    My 2016 Mule Deer, Ugly or Awesome?

    Awesome. Beats the heck out of a spike...............BOB!
  8. naturebob

    2 weeks until they start charging cards

    I got 35a, just don't know which hunt. Thats all I put in for. Was down there this weekend for 2 days with leftover Deer tag Saw turkeys right by our camp. My buddy said thats 3 years in a row they been there. 5 Toms. Don't know where they will be in early May. Good luck all.............BOB!
  9. naturebob

    Fully Grown

    Big orBust, nice comments. Sounds like You have some great fun. Good luck all...............BOB!
  10. Sean Miller will take the tents in Tucson. He might need them soon. his team barely beat Chico State a division 2 Team today....................BOB!
  11. naturebob

    Election time is upon us

    I think there are several hillary's. We just don't know which one we are getting on any given day...............BOB!
  12. naturebob

    Colorado buck

    I was curious too. Unit and or how many points to draw. Great Buck,Big congrats. Thats what we dream of.............BOB!
  13. naturebob

    Spring Draw Results Pending

    I was waiting for that comment Brian. Now that Iv'e drawn it I hope You get 5 more of em...LOL.............BOB!
  14. naturebob

    Spring Draw Results Pending

    $25 pending from AZ Game & Fish Lady at bank just told Me. only thing I put in for was Goulds in 35A. 11points. WhOOO HOOOO. and I'M leaving for there in 2 hours to Deer hunt it with a Buddy who says H e knows it and knows where the Birdies are Too. Good luck to all. Don't know how much hiking i can do .My Diverticulitis has been bad and Hav'nt felt good in rescent weeks. Can't for colonoscapy in 10 days to find out whats wrong.....................BOB!
  15. naturebob

    Desert buck

    Love them Desert Bucks. Big Congrats.............!BOB!
  16. naturebob

    Backpack Hunt

    Great bucks, Congrats................BOB!
  17. naturebob


    Go Tribe. I like seeing people suffer 100 yeas. Its like getting a big game Quality tag in AZ..........................BOB!
  18. naturebob

    196 inch redemption buck

    Congrats big time. The guy that thought that was 170 needs new eyes.........................BOB!............. Shooter anywhere.
  19. naturebob

    Unit 27 Schedule Change Outcome ?

    I agree that Camera's are butchering all species of Trophies................BOB!
  20. Cut back funding for Cops but keep giving many benefits to Illegal Alliens....AZ. is trying to catch up to California................BOB!
  21. naturebob


    Go Tribe. 100 more years for Cubs ,We will all be dead..................BOB!
  22. naturebob

    Should you get a tag if you can't read English?

    No habla English...................BOB!
  23. naturebob

    My elk is finally home

    Kaffer, Nice Elk by the way.............BOB:
  24. naturebob

    An incredible elk season!

    Heck of a season Bud. Congrats................BOB!
  25. naturebob

    Unit 27 Schedule Change Outcome ?

    I always joke, SSS, but pretty soon at the rate things are going Things might have to happen from the Hunting Community. I mean You Young guys that have no problem breaking the Law..LOL................BOB!