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Everything posted by naturebob

  1. naturebob

    No rut behavior

    They are waiting for a cold snap. Hang in there. You only need One........BOB!
  2. Thin is in , Closer to the bone the sweeter the meat. Can't they catch on.And 80% of the girls there will be fat.......BOB!
  3. naturebob

    Mule deer diet in the fall

    Seen Coues eating leafs off ocotillo if available. They love all fruit from Cactus. Mesquite beans and foilage too.........BOB!
  4. naturebob

    Morning with the boy!

  5. naturebob

    Merry Christmas

    Same to You......BOB!
  6. naturebob


    Nice job. Get them coyotes......BOB!
  7. naturebob

    Late season tactics

    Luck! Good Luck to You....BOB!
  8. naturebob

    Merry Christmas

    Thanks Doug. Thanks for all the pics. thru out the YEAR. Merry XMass....BOB!
  9. naturebob

    Gould’s for sale - but which is it ?

    I forgot to add the word spurs in there......BOB!
  10. naturebob

    Gould’s for sale - but which is it ?

    The G&F Lady in 35a saidMost Goulds are 17 to 25 LB'S. Most Merriams are 13-14-15LB'S And most Goulds don't have or not very big, they get worn down in the rocky terrain. I know when I was hunting them they looked alot bigger inthe field than Merriams..........BOB!
  11. naturebob

    Great grandparents hunting photos

    Cool Stuff!..........BOB!
  12. naturebob

    mexican wolves

    We might have to take things into our own hands. I don't want to see wolves ruin this State in My lifetime........BOB!
  13. naturebob

    Mexican wolves chasing huge elk herd

  14. naturebob

    My Sheep Hunt

    Great job all around. Congrats,.............BOB!
  15. Yotebuster,I know u luv Your State and Your a good guy like most up there. The problem with hunting is its all private land and You have acsess I don't. only thing most would let me on for was Turkey. And Turkey was fun except to many ticks. Last time I went for 3 hours in the afternoon and I pulled 43 ticks off of Me. If Your from the cold its what You know. I got a good buddy born and raised in Casper Wyo. and he loves it.I wouldn't touch that place either. As far as jobs go I would not do it again. To high cost of everything eats up the extra You make. And mostly dumps that You can find to live in. I am better off % wise , $ versus cost of lving making 55k down hwere. Heres a Stat 600,000 people live in ND. and 7 Million here in AZ. Who like what? LOng as Your happy Your good.Take care buddy. And there are Good people up there. My wife luved them. ......BOB!
  16. I don't need a breathalizer. I lived there 4 an a half Years. You guys from here didn't live there and feel the cold.You really don't understand until u been in -50 or -60 degree weather. Call that fun.......And I am sober , so there.......BOB!
  17. naturebob

    How bout them Devils!

    Texans op. don't count here. LOL. Fact they don't count anywhere but Texas. I will add Steve Kerr and thugly San antonio coach Are big liberals and need to shut up and coach.They need to keep there op. to them selves......BOB!
  18. naturebob

    How bout them Devils!

    They both have had a lot of great pro's.Good to see. Neither School gets enough recognition nation wide. East coast bias bull shoot. Lets hope they both keep winning.Good for the State. Last thing Hardin is a star and Iggy is a role player, understand.If not You don't know Basketball.Just 10 minutes ago on the radio they said Hardin will win MVP this year.And like I said earlier I actully like Iggy better, but I understand the game.....Go cats and Devils.......BOB!
  19. naturebob

    How bout them Devils!

    How bout Bob Horner and Reggie Jackson In Base ball. Back to Basketball I'm not a real Hardin fan ,But You gotta have offense to win . If You hold the other team to 50 and You only score 45 You lose. + offense is more exciting.......BOB!
  20. naturebob

    My NM Coues

  21. naturebob

    How bout them Devils!

    Iggy hasn't had a better career than Hardin. He has been a role player. Hardin is a star. I'm not neccesarily a fan of Hardin but would build My team around him versus Andre......BOB!
  22. naturebob

    How bout them Devils!

    And # 1 in the power Rankings. How is that taste in Tucson. I allways have cheered for the Cats too. So this will be fun. We know its the only thing You Guys have down there that is any good.....BOB!
  23. naturebob

    How bout them Devils!

    Better coaching,for one and better guards. Ayton from U of A might be best big man in the nation.But they don't have any guards down in Tucson. .Jackson the point guard with 6 names is terrible. about 3 assists a game and can't shoot or penetrate..I cheer for both teams but a a Basketball nut for 50 years I know who is better. Test Me any Young Guys....BOB!
  24. Who wants to Hunt Goose in 10 degree weather. Or I was there for 5 falls and never went pheasant hunting. Why. To danm cold. When I was driving truck in the oilfield, I saw Guys hunting with dogs. and temp was 5 degrees. ,Plus win chill it was below 0. That is no fun.....BOB!
  25. Fuk N.dakota..Yote U can have every inch of it.Worst State in America......SERIOUS, And You know it except the few educated like You that get out of there once in a while.The rest are Drunks. and brain dead........LOL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,BOB!