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Everything posted by naturebob

  1. naturebob

    Bonus Point for LOT

    No, cause everyone would put in just to get the point. You allready got one.....BOB!
  2. naturebob

    Leftover results

    Got My wyoming deer tag today, waiting on my bab tag..........BOB..!
  3. naturebob

    I drew 12aw late hunt.

    I got that tag too, and as good of a Glasser and Hunter I am, I am confident with 2 scout trips and tips from people I could find a great buck. But I figured the cost of scout trips from the valley and I would probly rent a camper for $500 a week time missed from work, I'M half paid for a guide. So I did just that. Plus I will be 62, ndon't want the hassle of setting everything up at camp.Now all I have to do is get in shape. and have help getting a Buck out too of the woods.. Can't allways count on buddies now days, and the fact I will probly never draw the tag again. Easy decision....Good Luck on Your hunt. I can't wait Even us older Guys get excited! Gonna Be FUN...............BOB!
  4. naturebob

    Archery lessons?

    Never to late....BOB!
  5. naturebob

    Who remembers 49 years ago tonight?

    Yep.I was out playing baseball with friends, allmost 13 years old came home to watch it . Was still living in PA. You Guys here could have went to Meteor Crator and watched live.....LOL>>>>>>BOB!
  6. Couesdeerhunter ,we got the same hunt. It took me 11 points.............BOB!
  7. naturebob

    Storms a comin

    Yup, on radar rite now looks like alot of the North getting blasted including my Kaibab......BOB!
  8. naturebob

    Cross-Canyon Shooting

    Great shots Doug.......BOB!
  9. naturebob

    Another coyote Hit the Dirt

    Nice job! now get about 5,000 more..........THANKS BOB!
  10. naturebob

    Arizona Elk Society Elk Hunting Clinic, with Dan Adler

    WHO? How many water tanks did You Guys fill? Did we get our Moneys worth??......BOB
  11. naturebob

    Shed a teer

    Found out today A good Buddy back in PA. never smoked ,died of throat cancer at 62. Shed a tear. That bullshit. Great Guy..I never smoked but I say if You do. Keep it up if You enjoy it. Your gonna die anway.......Sad Day for Mike Owens....RIP>.........BOB!
  12. naturebob

    The 2018 leftover list is now up on G&F website.

    36c has allways been a great unit . Bout time people caught up thats all. Best Coues Bucks I ever saw were in that unit with lots of Lions . Get your Lion tag Tooo...........BOB!
  13. naturebob

    Shed a teer

    I denogean ,Thanks hope You get Muey Grande as well. I am Going to Wyoming end of Oct. in a descent unit. If I can get a good one Say 1then that will take the pressure off at the BAB and I can hold out......Good luck to all with tags . Gonna be fun If I get in shape....BOB!
  14. naturebob

    Shed a teer

    No teers today . Just a power outage. I will talk to DAD again Tomm. His memory is going but if you talk enough about it He will rememember. Thank all for reading and the nice compliments,,,,,,Luv You Guys, You are My Family now as all 3 of my Kids moved out of state..........BOB!
  15. naturebob

    Shed a teer

    Yup ,Me and Dad were never perfect.I was a Basketball star in High school and He never saw me play. But I respected Him. He allways gave me a ride or picked me up before I could drive.He went to the 5th grade in school and then Helped his family live Thru the Depression Sports wasn't inportantFeediong Your family was .I was allways happy as a kid Being poor, I didn't know any Different..He did the best He could and that was good enough for Me and MOM AND 4 Sisters We all get so wrapped up in Sports. Back then they didn't and they were happier......BOB .
  16. naturebob

    My 1000th post - picture extreme

    Very nice, Thanks for sharing.....BOB!
  17. naturebob

    Velvet bucks and lions

    Somebody take care of those Lions before the eat my deer...........BOB!
  18. naturebob

    Results out on portal, post up your hunts

    Hey Jack Put in for the Kaibab. There are few Deer in 21 WE should Leave the 21 Deer alone...................BOB!
  19. naturebob

    Good Sight To See!!!!

    It rained a late 12A West tag on Me just now Brian...............BOB!
  20. naturebob

    Results out on portal, post up your hunts

    My late BAB tag is west unit A i forgot to add......BOB!
  21. naturebob

    Storms a comin

    Cloudy around the out skirts of the valley too. Looks like it trying to Monsoon......BOB!
  22. naturebob

    Results out on portal, post up your hunts

    Late Kiabab, tag #83 out of 100. No Strip there was only 80 tags . I am still reel Happy tho. GOOD Luck to all........BOB!
  23. naturebob

    THe draw

    I am leaving in my Semi to go to SO Cal for 2 days. Thats all thats gonna be on my mind Strip or Bab.....BOB!
  24. naturebob

    THe draw

    When are the results coming out.? Driving me nuts waiting to see if I got a Strip tag or Late bab west Us old Fart like to know.......BOB!