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Everything posted by naturebob

  1. naturebob

    23north archery hunt early youre thoughts!!??

    Bonecollector, what did that Stud score anyway? He's a great looking Bull...........BOB!
  2. naturebob


    Outdoorsman should have it or can get it. I think I have got that from them before...........BOB!
  3. naturebob

    23north archery hunt early youre thoughts!!??

    On one hand I hope I shoot a toad next to the road, on the other hand I know how 24 year olds are a pain in the AZZ know it alls too. I have one that still lives at home most of the time and i want to rip him a new one every other day. Amazing how smart the Young ones are and they aint accomplished nothin in life yet but BS. I recently quit another site cause got tired of winers and arguing. Wish all would just hunt, get along and quit jellousy and trying to impress everybody. We are all here for the love of Hunting. Sure We disagree alot but leave it at that.I horn hunt and others meat hunt, Big deal To each his own..... Now what road was that? Oh! let Me get the popcorn too...............BOB!
  4. naturebob

    Got my Gould’s turkey mount back

    Looks great. I got a Eastern bird in that pose and a Rio in a simalar one on the perch too. When I finally get that Goulds He will be strutting. Got My Merriams flying. Some day hope get to FLA. for Osceola. Again congrats..............BOB!
  5. naturebob

    New world record Pronghorn

    When I go to Wyoming in 2 weeks I am Gonna try for one like that. I said try. IL'L be happy with 15" smaller tho. Nice Buck Guys..............BOB!
  6. naturebob

    23north archery hunt early youre thoughts!!??

    I have been told no big Bulls left in 23. Glad I didn't get drawn. I will try 9-10 next year.............BOB!
  7. naturebob

    Monday Night Football

    CARDS WIN, CARDS WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!..............BOB!
  8. naturebob

    Rain is coming!

    Longshooter ,where can I get one of those pretty pink umbrellas? Its so I can walk My poodle in the park..............BOB!
  9. naturebob

    Rain is coming!

    Looks like if things line up right You guys could get a Butt load of rain from them 2 tropical storms. Be prepared............BOB!
  10. naturebob

    11 days and counting down

    11+14 +1 year untill My Early rifle Bull tag. I am countin em down too...................BOB!
  11. Nice. It is a hidden Gem............BOB!
  12. naturebob

    Wyoming 2014

    Thats why I built up the points. I knew someday I would have the oppurtunity. To bad I am 2 points behind Max. Lotssa guys just building points. There was over 2,000 with max for deer, or Elk,one or the other.IL"L never catch up so may as well hunt now, plus I will be 58 this week. Aint gettin Younger................BOB!
  13. naturebob

    Border units

    He will probly cheat as much on the back 9 as he did on the front 9. I know he uses Titilist for balls cause he doesn't have any of his own..................BOB!
  14. naturebob

    Border units

    Ya. Thanks to janet napolitano.LOL. And her boss obammy. On a serious note, I think We have quite a bit of Military close by. Up here on the North border same thing............BOB!
  15. naturebob

    Wyoming 2014

    Thanks guys, If it helps to get a good tag I am a sucker for the special extra fee too. Lets see what kinda Lopes us Arizonans can get this year.. Can't wait............BOB!
  16. naturebob

    Wyoming 2014

    Cool Big Browns. I got a 63type 2 tag. Going down around the 22nd. Good luck........BOB!
  17. naturebob

    Wyoming 2014

    Havasuhunter, I will have 7 points for Elk and Deer next year there and lookin for places to go. Just a hint. Any ifo would be appreciated. I wanna use em up well I am up here working the oilfield the next few years. Thanks............BOB
  18. naturebob

    Wyoming 2014

    Big Browns, did You get drawn?...........BOB!
  19. naturebob

    Bonus points

    Sorry , i just realized this was an antelope thread. I was talking Elk in the post I made above. I guess the same for antelope tho. If Ya really want to hunt lopes You could go to Wyoming every year on descent hunts. every 2-3 years on good hunts. $280 for tag. more for gas.........BOB!
  20. naturebob

    Got My Buck Back

    Very nice. Congrats. Hope everyone doesn't flock to 27 for archery. Wasn't there posts last year the #'s are way down? I don't know , just asking? ..................BOB!
  21. naturebob

    Labor Day weekend

    I have My holiday in 3 weeks. Going to Wyoming Antelope hunting and Fishing in Casper at a buddies place ,one week. First time to WYO. been building points. Should be great............BOB!
  22. naturebob

    My $2.35 digiscope adapter

    Lotta guys doing that. Nice little hook up. Good pics........BOB!
  23. naturebob

    Labor Day weekend

    +1 for staying home on Holidays. When I had My place in the White Mts. in the 90's We never went on hol. weekend. Lakes were crowded, resturaunts too. traffic and dust every where. Even here in North Dakota I'm staying home.Went by the big lake here today coming home from work and nothin but boats and campers going the other way. To top it off You can't drink on the lakes like You could in the 70. 80, and 90's.Enjoy it where ever You go and be safe.............BOB!
  24. Are You protesting tonite or watching it on TV? The Ferguson MO. thing that is going on. I think it is a joke. Ask any one of them protesting if they have a job ,or what time they have to be to work in the morning. Shouldn't they be home gettin some sleep? O wait , welfare! You don't have to get up. Only to go to the mail box to Get them food stamps at 2pm. then get ready to protest tonite. What about 37 people shot in Chicago and 12 dead this past weekend. Where is the media on that. And I bet most or all were black. CNN wouldn't put one of their reporters in that zone. And I am not predjudice. I grew up in the inner city in Penn. and played Basketball with all blacks. I remember the race riots in middle school in 1968 and its not much different today. Sad that things aint changed. The left is giving them too much off a free LIFE. And I grew up left but left about 25 years ago. I could go on all nite. Had to Rant. What do You Guys think.........BOB!
  25. naturebob

    Minox 15x58 ED w/ Aluminum Case - SOLD

    Guys ,here is your ticket to glassing rite here and cheap at that!..............BOB!