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About naturebob

  • Rank
    Premier Member
  • Birthday 09/06/1956

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  • Gender
  • Location
    North Phoenix
  • Interests
    Big Game and Beautiful Women........ALL SPORTS except soccer.

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  1. naturebob

    WTS-2018 Ford Transit T350 Van

    Could haul 50 Illegals in there from Sasabee . Price is fair......................BOB!
  2. naturebob

    91 jeep

    Lotta cheap ,picky Bastards on here . My God , what is the difference between a 91 and a 98 . this is like 40 years later . If you don't like it buy a new one. Great Rig for Hunting no matter what year it is. I Think I will Buy it and Give it to My Buddy Trophy Hunter. We can use it on My Sheep hunt this year. Have a nice night Youall...................BOB!
  3. naturebob

    Shockey’s sheep

    Hi Richard , How you doing Good ole Buddy ? So glad You still care about me. Most the guys on here won't be hiking the hills like I do at 68. . They can only dream . Happy Thanksgiving!........................................BOB!
  4. naturebob

    How bout them Devils!

    Everyone here kept it civil and Respectful until your idiotic post . Thus my reaction . Maybee lookin the mirror ......................BOB1
  5. naturebob

    How bout them Devils!

    Screw off .You got Problems Dude ,You have no clue about me. Unless your wife told you........................BOB!
  6. naturebob

    How bout them Devils!

    GO Devils. Where are the Kitty Kat fans at now Football and Basketball are both Sucking...................................BOB!
  7. naturebob


    RIP, God Bless Your Friend Royce...............................BOB!
  8. naturebob

    Duwane Adams ?

    And many have learned from Him , Like tens of thousands around the World . Name Me an Outfitter who hasn't done something Wrong I got stuff on some of the other big names that would surprise You all ,But I don't care and don't RAT. Most didn't grow up with people like I did. Remember , Don't RAT.........................BOB!
  9. naturebob

    Duwane Adams ?

    That is what First Coues was an 80 and Trophy Hunter like to see . LOL
  10. naturebob

    Elk Points

    I been away for 7-8 months here , but I hate that too and others here hated me cause I accused them of putting in Grandma and aunts and every relative possible that doesn't hunt. I Guess I'M dumb cause I never did it but it is legal as can be . So go for it. I am doing the reverse this year in Wyoming. I have a chit load of points for Elk and I am letting 2 guys put in with me and they are paying for my wilderness guided hunt with them . They do it every year . So if its legal do it. I was dumb not doing it in Arizona. Good luck all with your points and Draw. Even Trophy hunter and FirstCoues was an 80.I will be 68 this year and don't care anymore one way or another . I am just happy , But Dad lived to 99 so I will be in the woods for a while.....................................BOB!.
  11. naturebob

    What's for dinner tonight?

    You have no clue what your talking about . watch your back door. . Youall laugh except me . If Yo love trophy hunter so much go be his body gaurd , he might need it if he says or post one more thing about me. You think its funny here . Try Me . I suggest all put it t rest .
  12. naturebob

    What's for dinner tonight?

    You are lost Guy , This is the last time I will tell you . I don't wanna see my name or any Pictures ever again posted by you. You and I are done. That goes for your friends too .There's no need for this bull Chit on here . Its a Hunting site and You continued to bad mouth me cause I didn't like a kid gettin a Big Horn Tag . Well I still don't . You could of left it at that . but You like to get attention and Glory , So Be it . I warned You , Don't be any stupider than already. Leave it Be . I know You aint Married . Who would put up with your shoot. If Amanda wants to kick me off of here for you thats fine. I will allow You one last Comment and Your follwers and never will here from Me again. Nothing here worth while. Take Me serious Boy.!
  13. naturebob

    What's for dinner tonight?

    What did I say nut Job . You are a Follower of a loser . Be carefull.!
  14. naturebob

    What's for dinner tonight?

    Blame it on Your buddy Trophy Hunter Who never killed Chit but likes to talk. This aint a good thread either .Who cares what you had for Dinner.
  15. naturebob

    What's for dinner tonight?

    Tour Daddy was a Clown ,what does that make You. The word rymes with Steer.