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Everything posted by NYAZHunter

  1. Being the luddite I am , I seem to only be able to post one pic at at time. Got this guy Saturday afternoon . Long hot walk back to the camp. had a great hunt with my buddy from N.J. , this was his 18th year coming out for the hunt and my brother from Tx. joined us for the first time.
  2. NYAZHunter

    Deer and camp visitors , 36 B

    Yes sir, on the way out we let BP know what we knew. Kinda funny , until yesterday morning we had BP come thru us 4 or 5 times a day and two nights before they picked up one about a hundred yards from us , we watched them handcuff and put him in the dog cage on the back of the pick up.
  3. NYAZHunter

    Deer and camp visitors , 36 B

    NogalesJim, interesting you mentioned the group because Monday morning as I was heading back to camp two very elderly gentlemen were walking the forest service road , so I stopped and chatted them up and and they had names tags and the initials GVHC ( Green Valley Hiking Club) on them. They were scouting the road to bring a group of hikers in next week. I kindly let them know it was hunting season.
  4. Being the luddite I am , I seem to only be able to post one pic at at time. Got this guy Saturday afternoon . Long hot walk back to the camp. had a great hunt with my buddy from N.J. , this was his 18th year coming out for the hunt and my brother from Tx. joined us for the first time.
  5. NYAZHunter

    Early Coues Hunt in 36B

    Wondering why it appears to be a week early this year. Always thought it was set up to include the last full weekend in Oct. I am thinking it will be hotter than the normal years. Any thoughts or input? thx
  6. NYAZHunter

    WTB Left hand rifle

    I am looking to purchase a Left Hand bolt rifle , preferably .270 , will look at 30.06 , .308 . Scope not needed . Feel free to pm or email me. Jim
  7. NYAZHunter

    Cabover Camper for sale

    Cabover camper for an 8' Bed , older model , ice box , battery for lights, gas range ( I never used it) , sleeps two or three if you if you put two in the cabover portion. Three jack stands work great the fourth never worked and has not been needed . I have also used this on the shorter bed trucks , hangs out a bit . $925 will keep you comfortable and dry.
  8. NYAZHunter

    36B Fire photos

    Did the fire reach Corral Neuvo and get to the Apache Pass area? thanks for the intel
  9. NYAZHunter

    border patrol questions

    Was sitting around the campfire a couple of days before the early hunt in 36B when we noticed some lights coming up the wash , about 75 yds out from our camp they shouted 'border patrol ' , these men had walked from the Ruby Rd and were headed to Apache Pass , cross country. One helluva hike in the dark. They were decked out in body armor carrying whatever assault weapon is used. We chatted up for a while and then I drove them the rest of the way to meet up with the balance of there group. Tough and fit men. I have also seen some that were not so active. Either way , I have the highest regards for men who put there lives on the line . Jim
  10. NYAZHunter

    2011 New Mexico Mule deer

    Great novel , I mean story and a fabulous deer. Congrats
  11. NYAZHunter

    .264 Winchester Mag loads?

    I own one of these beasts as well , heavy rifle to carry . It resides in N.Y and when i fire it the guys say I am just clearing brush with it. It surely will wake you up.
  12. Grandpa_and_deer_1948.pdf I hope this comes through. Top photo,left, is a spike taken in 1953 ; top photo right is a photo of the house/cabin with hanging deer on the front porch , taken approx. 1932 ; middle photo , sideways is Grandpa in 1948 with an 8 point and the '36 Plymouth with the obligatory car mount . Bottom photo ,'36 Plymouth and 8 point . Deer and cabin in the lower Catskill Mountains in New York . Deer shot with Remington Model 14 he purchased new, in I believe , 1916 , chambered in .32 remington. I look forward to taking ' Grandpa ' ( his .32 rem.) for a walk this year.
  13. NYAZHunter

    Help for a computer illiterate on posting photos

    Amanda, I think it worked. thanks, Jim
  14. I have some 'vintage photos' of my grandfather in 1948 and 1953 with deer he shot at our cabin in N.Y. I seem to be unable to download them to the site. I know I head seen a previous post on 'how to' and can not find it. thank you in advance for your patience and help Jim
  15. NYAZHunter

    Arrivaca mobile phone service

    Is there good cell service in Arrivaca,(near the saloon) Verizon is my carrier and I would like to head Arrivaca way instead of towards I-19 when I am on 39 . I appreciate any info . jim
  16. NYAZHunter

    Arrivaca mobile phone service

    Thank you for the info
  17. way wow! Scouted 36b this weekend and was pleased with the amount of animals I saw. Trying to sit on the excitement or else I might pack up and head out tonite.
  18. NYAZHunter

    More success

    Congratulations, that is one fine deer.
  19. NYAZHunter

    Is it hunting season yet?

    You are right about that , heading to the 36B this weekend for a look see and mental health break before the season and set up camp on the 19th , can not come soon enough.
  20. NYAZHunter

    My first big game animal

    Congratulations and thank you for the story . certainly made for indelible memories.
  21. Was out at Ben Avery shooting clays with the family and my Browning jammed. Would like a recommendation in north Phoenix for some help. thank you. Jim
  22. I am in 'Stun' looking at that monster. What a deer. Congrats
  23. NYAZHunter


    EffenJeff, I do not believe you are looking to have your mind changed , you will do whatever feels best for you and whatever that is you will go forward. I don't write this so much for you as I do for me . I grew up in an area where the first day of deer season was an excused absence from school . I grew up when the deer in my little corner of New York were few . I grew up hunting because my dad did and his dad did and my uncles did and my friends did. I hunted on 1500 acres that were owned in part by my family. Easy hunting, opening morning in a tree stand waiting for the deer to come by. Shoot the unwary on that morning cause unless a doe come in heat later in the season, you were gonna have to be a hunter and not just a 'trigger man' to get your deer. I remember that first kill , I think it was the proudest moment my father ever had of me. I was an opening day hunter , maybe a one weekend hunter. I did not love it , had a good time but it did not burn a fire in my belly like today. I was in my late 30's before i got the fever , when for me it was all about being in the woods , being with my friends , talking about , dreaming about and thinking about hunting. I have watched the evolution at my property in New York where the season is only about the kill .shoot, the guys are not hunters , just killers and trigger men. We do a lot of ' drives' in the east , not the ones we did in the old days with whoopin and hollerin , today they are just a few guys walkin and huntin at the same time , just trying to move an unpredictable creature in a predictable manner. When one of the standers gets his deer, he is reminded that he was only the guy on the trigger , he does not get that deer without the other guys. I guess that I agree with much you say , effenjeff. It is sad , however , sadder for me will be the day that i can not get out into the woods,desert to hunt . I talk hunting every day , I have my days that get me ramped up even more , like the day the 'regs' come out , the day I bring the app to G and F , the day the draw hits the computer, the day my buddies make their airline reservation for the hunt , the day i make mine for the N.Y season. The two saddest days for me are the day I am finished with my 36B hunt and the day i close the N.Y cabin up and get on that airplane and come back to AZ . There is so much more for me than the kill , I have made the best of friends hunting . That bond that 'hunters share' for me is a tight one. Hunting with a friend that you know exactly where he will be when you finish that walk. Cocktails at the end of the day, woodstove and campfire. My best friend , the guy who I have hunted with for 40 plus years got cancer , gone to his bone and gotta tell you, hunting will never be the same without him , so , I am gonna enjoy every moment I can . Thanks for putting up with this rant and effenjeff, thank you for the provacation to tell you how I feel.