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Everything posted by NYAZHunter

  1. NYAZHunter

    Looking for LH .25-06

    Looking for another .25-06, prefer synthetic stock. Would like SS, but not a deal breaker.
  2. Did the annual, bring the wood , check the tanks and look for animals this past Saturday. And did not need to be rescued by a semi driver this year. Deer were visible, got a chuckle out of mama walking thru the campground just before the concrete bridge , hawks, road runners , squirrels and help me out here , I believe I saw a red fox . Any comments welcome on that. Lots of water , other than the tank off the road just west of Summit Motorway ( low and green) and the tank directly south of 4176 , might be wrong with that number , this one is bone dry and thinking it must have a breach in it . Thinking that another 4 or 5 years of the moisture might bring the herd back to the early to mid 90's counts. The rancher seemed to do a good job on his repairs to the road. Only minor BP presence on the Ruby road. Hoping for 70"s and 40's. Wishful thinking ?
  3. NYAZHunter


    I do not venture out without my snake boots , Rockys. I have been rattled and see my fair share of rattlers in 36B. Many years ago , I bought snake pants, from I think , Gander , opening morning of the season , I put them on , walked 50 yards and went back and took them off. I must have looked like 'Igor' walking, all stiff legged. Thankfully, they took them back. I do not like snakes ( major understatement). I also have been looking at the gaitors instead of the boots , just wish I could find them locally so I could put them on and see how they feel.
  4. Last week in New York , the calm before the storm.
  5. NYAZHunter

    This years possibilities in New York

    Bob, I have not seen an ascending deer at the cabin . Hope you are well. Grady made it back east with me one year . Just sayin , but the swarofskys are pretty intense for 100 yds of distance.
  6. NYAZHunter

    This years possibilities in New York

    Oh Lark, you have painted this country boy with a very broad brush . I didn't cross the big river and get to the city until I was in my 20's. Us upstaters grew up with an intense dislike and suspicion of ' as my father referred to them as city slickers ' Mossberg and Ithaca 22's and Stevens and Ithaca shotguns and $55 Marlin lever 30.30's and whittling with my Barlow pocket knife . You forgot 'transfats'.
  7. NYAZHunter

    This years possibilities in New York

    .270 , There is more green in New York than Central Park and the Bronx Botanical Gardens and imagine this : New York will let you hunt on your own property without being drawn for that area. Yep, we can hunt and kill all sorts of game with a multitude of weaponry. New York : So Much More Than A City.
  8. Bill, My Uncle could only remember that it was originally a flintlock, then turned into a caplock. Thought is was from the early 1800's . I am always saddened that history gets lost. Even with all of the questions I asked my grandfather and father before they passed , there is so much I did not get to ask or think to ask. Jim
  9. Good morning, Forgiveness for the wrong orientation of the pix. I have turned them all ways and can not get them to be correct. Help is welcome. Grandpa shooting a musket in '28. The musket has tiger maple for the stock. Incredible looking wood. the gun sits in a local museum in the old hometown. The others are some Catskill Mountain deer ,unit 3K . Hard to imagine they were shot almost 30 years ago. I cant have aged that much.. Jim
  10. This was my fathers first machine , a 125 cc , I sure looked like a clown on a tricycle riding it
  11. Bill,' I am going tor talk to my uncle and get. some correct info and will post when I know.
  12. . First pic is from around 1958 or so. Taken after a night of spearing suckers in one of the local brooks in Orange Co. New York. I was always fortunate that my grandfather and uncle included me . Pic no. 2 is from 1989 , the December hunt in 36C. Imagine my first hunt in Az. and I draw that tag .That little 2x3 still ranks as a trophy for me being my first deer in Az. Looking back at my attire , it looks like I came right out of the Catskill Mountains in N.Y. Gives me a chuckle.
  13. Bob, Glad you are still kicking. I will look forward to the PA. pics. Any idea if you will be here this fall? Jim
  14. NYAZHunter

    Bitter/Sweet Fathers day

    I am sorry for your loss and can not fathom the pain. I have 5 children , 8 grands and enjoy every day with them.
  15. NYAZHunter

    Honoring my father

    A day before fathers day and my thoughts and memories of him are weighing heavily on me today . The man who, taught me to shoot , to gut a deer , to tie a swivel to my fishing line ,to bait a hook and to be the man I am is gone for 10 years . Not sure why today is so painful, maybe it is my getting older . My father was a crusty and cantankerous gentlemen with a hidden heart of gold. I will never forget his reaction on my killing my first deer , I think he was never prouder of me than at that moment . He was on original NRA safety instructor and in our rural area , gave the class 20 plus times a year and he let my brother and I listen in on every one of them. I am not sure what the course is today , however for him he lectured/taught and then there was a 20 question test. Sometimes , he would include shooting in it as well. He hated it when 'city slickers' showed up at the door and asked to take the class so they could get their license. He taught me well , because I am an asshat about gun safety. I have passed his teachings on to my children and grandchildren. Tomorrow , the family will share stories of him and his ways and some tears will be shed and I will wish he was still around so I could ask for his advice , the same advice I wanted no part of as a kid. It amazed me as I got older , the old man got smarter. This one is for 'Oak'.
  16. Fabric Depot at Cave Creek and Bell . Many thicknesses and densities
  17. NYAZHunter

    Loss of a good man

    Tragic events for both families who lost a loved one . Prayers to all
  18. NYAZHunter

    ISO Electrician in San Tan Valley / East Valley

    You are most welcome. If you use him please let me know you were satisfied
  19. NYAZHunter

    ISO Electrician in San Tan Valley / East Valley

    Try John Gorraiz - 480-821-1963 Licensed and responsive. Tell him Jim with Sonoran Landesign sent you
  20. For the last 21 years I have hunted the early hunt ( end of Oct). I am entertaining doing the early November hunt this year and when looking at the Harvest Data , I see that the number of 1st choice applicants is less than for the October hunt. Surprised by that . Wondering what the reason / reasons might be. The weather should be cooler which has an appeal as the last number of years have been pretty warm in Oct. I do appreciate any thoughts you might have on why the early Nov. hunt appears to be not as desired as the Oct. hunt. Thank you in advance for your help Jim
  21. Thanks for all of the input . I was looking for cooler . Temps ( you know , that global warming thing ) seem to have gotten warmer since I started hunting there in the late 90's. We had about 4" of snow one year and have had temps in the 20's in the early a.m. Several years ago , temps toward the high 90's and an extra trip to Arrivaca for ice ( none available ) and continuing to Amado to get some. Bob, if we go early Nov. it will only be two us, if Oct. , prob five of us. How about joining us again. Jim
  22. Ladies and Gentlemen, I am looking for original magazines . Thank you, Jim
  23. Gentlemen, I have a Weatherby vanguard , the composite/ Kevlar stock ( sorry , I'm not sure which) in .270 that was purchased in 2008 and has less than a box of shells through it that I would like to sell or trade for a Remington 760 ( rifle preferred over carbine and not 7600) ) in .270 preferably and 30.06 a possibility. Let me know if you can fill the bill. I can post photos later this week Jim
  24. Wood stock and yes, would just be pleased to find one in good condition