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Bucks N Bulls

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Everything posted by Bucks N Bulls

  1. Selling a Champion trophy 50 gun safe. Upgraded to platinum gloss paint, electronic lock. You can go to champion safes and look at specs. I don't know how to provide a link for that. But it is their big one that is 72" high 42" wide and 30"deep. Has interior led lighting. Safe is only a few months old. Reason for selling is wife and i are downsizing and i already have another large safe. Save yourself the tax. You will need to pick up and remove or have a safe mover do it for you. Weighs around i think 1000 to 1200lbs. No scratches or dents,chips. Asking $5100.00. Pm me if you have questions i will try to answer them.
  2. Bucks N Bulls

    Vortex pst 624S1-A gen 1 EBR-1

    No scratches or dings. Glass is perfect. May have fine scope ring prints. It is mounted on the sendero i have for sale still. $450.00
  3. Bucks N Bulls

    Vortex pst 624S1-A gen 1 EBR-1

  4. Bucks N Bulls

    Kimber stainless II 45 acp

    New unfired and still in its bag. $900.00 firm not interested in trades thankyou. Face to face and must have az drivers licsence or ccw. Pm Sean
  5. Bucks N Bulls

    Kimber stainless II 45 acp

  6. Never used set. $40.00 Pm Sean
  7. Selling a reminton sendero 2. Original owner and well takin care of. No scratchers or dings can see marks from harris bipod. Crown is perfect. Have around 120 rounds down the pipe. This rifle shoots 180 gr berger vlds lights out. I dont remember the load. I started last year with hornady 162 eldx and these were shooting great as well. Was in middle of working a load when i stopped shootibg this rifle. Rifle is all stock except has a timiney trigger. Pm me Asking Price drop from 1400 to $1200. I have a vortex viper gen 1 6x24x50 scope for sale on this website for 450. It is still mounted to this rifle. I will sell package for $1600.00 flat. Has talley light weight rings and a bubble level
  8. Bucks N Bulls

    Rem sendero II 7mm rem mag price drop

  9. Bucks N Bulls

    Reloader 22 for sale

    I will but 140.00 a 1lb
  10. Bucks N Bulls

    Reloader 22 for sale

    Let the haters hate. I have 1 5lb bottle reloader 22 asking $700.00 the only ones i can find are 800. I have 5 1lb bottles of 22 for 700 or all 6 1lb bottles for $800.00. They are all the same lot numbers. I have 6 1lb pictured only 5
  11. Bucks N Bulls

    Rem sendero II 7mm rem mag price drop

  12. Bucks N Bulls

    Rcbs fl die set 7mm rem mag new never used

  13. Bucks N Bulls

    Rem sendero II 7mm rem mag price drop

  14. Bucks N Bulls


  15. Bucks N Bulls


  16. Bucks N Bulls

    Champion trophy 50 gun safe lowerd price

  17. Bucks N Bulls

    Champion trophy 50 gun safe lowerd price

  18. Bucks N Bulls

    Champion trophy 50 gun safe lowerd price

  19. I reload progressive on a Dillion 550b, 357,38 special,45acp, 32 h&r mag and 9mm. Love it
  20. I have 3 french Brittanys from Kellers french Brittanys. He is out of prescott. And his dogs are great lines for hunting. You can find him on gundog breeders website. He lists his litters there as well. Name is Matt Keller
  21. Bucks N Bulls

    DIY Home Pesticides

    I have been using tempo sc ultra. Kills everything and lasts a long time.
  22. Bucks N Bulls

    34A Goulds Tag

  23. Bucks N Bulls

    Rem sendero II 7mm rem mag price drop
