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Bucks N Bulls

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Everything posted by Bucks N Bulls

  1. Bucks N Bulls

    2019 tacoma take off rims and after market tires

    Lt285 70r17
  2. Bucks N Bulls

    2019 tacoma take off rims and after market tires

    We went with 17" fuel beast wheels and toyo at open country tires. These seem to hold up pretty good on tread wear. Have these tires on my ram2500 for 2 years now and running strong.
  3. Bucks N Bulls

    5b Archery date changes

    Should make the 5bn guys happy this year.
  4. Bucks N Bulls

    2019 tacoma take off rims and after market tires

    Thats correct. We just had 4 wheel parts use the same valve stems on new wheels
  5. Bucks N Bulls

    2019 tacoma take off rims and after market tires

    We did a 3" rough country. She just wanted the height and look do to an accident in her old tacoma.
  6. Bucks N Bulls

    First Time Hunter, Coues whitetail hunt

    Way to go. Congratulations on a nice buck!
  7. Bucks N Bulls

    1st AZ tag

    Heck of a first buck. Congratulations!
  8. Bucks N Bulls

    Look at this AZ freak buck

    Sweet jesus
  9. Bucks N Bulls

    WTB Ulmer Edge Trophy Taker 100 gr

    I clicked on there sales add on wedsite. Then went to shop and found what i wanted. I did the buy the 13 and 1 free broadhead and case. Was pretty simple after i figured it out.
  10. Bucks N Bulls

    WTB Ulmer Edge Trophy Taker 100 gr

    I just bought some 100gr sevrs. And they are bad ace
  11. Bucks N Bulls

    Hunters locked out of Buehman Canyon Unit 33

    This sucks! These roads should be easement rights since the acess has always been open.
  12. Bucks N Bulls

    Mt Rushmore

    Definately drive through custer state park. Lots of buffalo anf antelope. Crazy horse and Mt Rushmore are great. May even see mountain goats around crazy horse. The black hills are amazing. Sean
  13. Bucks N Bulls

    Solo kaibab Bison Hunt with help

    Far out! Congratulations and love you did it yourself. Sean
  14. Bucks N Bulls


    That rifle is killer! That copper is very sweet...great choice!
  15. Bucks N Bulls

    Cool Rocks Found

    Well after talking with Edge and testing my rock. Turns out i have hematite and not a meteorite. It was fun thinking i found one anyways. Ill keep lookin. Lol!
  16. Bucks N Bulls

    Major winter storm to hit high country

    Love it! Finally a winter this year.
  17. Bucks N Bulls

    Cool Rocks Found

    They do and have checked before. I just did it now for you. Here is a pic.
  18. Bucks N Bulls

    Cool Rocks Found

    Nice finds! I was out hiking around Rincons one day and walked up on this impression in the ground. There was nothing but white dirt and rock. In the middle of it was this rock. It is very dense and i am pretty sure it is a meteorite.
  19. Bucks N Bulls

    Heavy Duty Storage Boxes

    I also use these now on my ranger. These are very heavy duty and keeps my packs dry and dust free. They also lock.made by contico. 1
  20. Bucks N Bulls

    Heavy Duty Storage Boxes

    I have used these for years.https://www.google.com/shopping/product/16262899978122397627?q=rubbermaid+boxes&sa=X&biw=412&bih=718&tbs=vw:l,ss:44&prmd=sivn&prds=epd:11404189700479970916,paur:ClkAsKraXxaWCmecUJw39Ir0l4u50CVMzjzIHpEoHdG3w6bUa2BHzi7aiSAmj8XEdMVGdTnqQ15UlkgMOe-p4IYVueUAperXYKngxcigqlRYf9RCxgNk9dRwjhIZAFPVH73mZmdWnabeYIdW0pMKxPc1zxG2HA,cdl:1,local:1,prmr:2,cs:1&ved=0ahUKEwjP_P-xkNffAhVkr1QKHeXmBvEQgTYInAU
  21. Bucks N Bulls

    WTB Heated socks

    I would like to know this to. Foot warmers just don't do it. I have seen mixed reviews on battery operated socks.
  22. So I am thinking of pullin the trigger on a labradar. I know someone has asked in the past but for some reason I cannot find it. So I was wondering if it is the best? I have seen great reviews and I have seen a couple of reviews that say they have problems. so I know there are some labradar users on here and wondering if you can chime in. Sean
  23. Bucks N Bulls

    Labradar chrono pros and cons

    Yeah what 450dakota said. I have done alot of reading and seems just fine.
  24. Bucks N Bulls

    Labradar chrono pros and cons

    Got it. Now to go use this bad boy.
  25. Bucks N Bulls

    Labradar chrono pros and cons

    I have read about suppressors being a problem but i don't use them. Lance thankyou for chiming in. I was hoping you would. I will get the battery pack for sure. Thankyou both for the feed back and pretty much made my mind up.