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Bucks N Bulls

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Everything posted by Bucks N Bulls

  1. Bucks N Bulls

    Petition - Stop Paying Influencers

    Signed and same thing with the emails
  2. Bucks N Bulls

    Atv tire, trailer hitch

    Have a new never mounted carlisle at 489 26x11x12 rear tire. $75.00 And have a 12,000 lb hitch used. Dont remember brand $150.00 Send me a pm in tucson/vail
  3. Bucks N Bulls

    Atv tire, trailer hitch

  4. Bucks N Bulls

    Api grand slam climber for sale

  5. Bucks N Bulls


  6. Bucks N Bulls


    Used this chroni twice. Own a lab radar so up for sale. $100.00 pm if interested. Vail/Tucson
  7. Bucks N Bulls


  8. Bucks N Bulls

    Api grand slam climber for sale

  9. Bucks N Bulls

    Api grand slam climber for sale

    Not anytime soon.
  10. Bucks N Bulls

    Super Raffle Bull

    This is still a great bull. Remember some people even in Arizona will never kill a bull this big. I personally would rather kill a hard horned bull than velvet but with a year long tag and waiting to last minute i would kill in velvet.
  11. Bucks N Bulls

    Badlands superday pack SOLD

    Selling this pack as my wife now has another pack for upcoming season. She used this during late season deer hunt last year only. Pack is in like new condition. No rips or tears. Asking $150.00 Vail /tucson. Send pm if intetested
  12. Bucks N Bulls

    WTB Chronograph

    I have a shooting chrony beta master. Used 2 or 3 times max. Id sell for $100.00. Im in vail
  13. Bucks N Bulls

    Atv tire, trailer hitch

  14. Bucks N Bulls

    Where my fellow Doge coin billionaires at?

    Never bought crypto but have been looking and trying to uderstand it. Wish i would have bought doge when it was low. Still low compared to some others. Thinking of investing at 49 or 50. Hoping that isn't to high already and that it will go ti the moon. Thinking of buying through my Robinhood acct. Was looking at coin base but fees are steep. Pros and cons to both i guess.
  15. Bucks N Bulls

    Bumper hitch vs 5th Wheel

    Actually a sliding hitch and and anderson are good for 5th wheel in short beds. No problems with windows and clearance. I run an anderson on my short bed. My brother has an auto slider in his short bed.
  16. I am looking for 1000 small magnum pistol primers and 1000 large pistol primers. I am also looking for 1lb 4831sc. Looking for trades only at the moment. One for one. Send me a pm. I have imr 4350 1lb bottles H4350 1lb bottles Ph38 1lb H110 1lb
  17. Bucks N Bulls

    Ammo/reloading prices

    $213.00 per 1000
  18. Bucks N Bulls


    Sent you a pm
  19. I am looking for 1000 cci 350 or 300 and 1000 550 primers. Trade 1 lb 1for 1. If interested please pm me. Im in vail, tucson. I am also interested in trading a lb of either for h4831sc.
  20. Bucks N Bulls

    Imr 4350 and h335 trade for pistol primers

    I can also trade h4350 as well. I have 1lb bottles.
  21. Bucks N Bulls

    Imr 4350 and h335 trade for pistol primers

    Unfortunately i need 550 and 350. I can also trade for cci300. Thankyou though!
  22. Bucks N Bulls

    freakin rodents!

    I had pack rats chew all my wiring on my toy hauler and built a nest and chewed every wire in my onan 4500 on board generator. This was also brand new. I had to rewire everything. Pulled generator out and orderd all new wiring from cummins and rewired my self. I found 3 nests. I trapped and killed 23 rats in four days. I also had my wife stab nests with a 4 ft piece rebar and as rats ran out shot them with 410. Since then i stuff all holes with fine steel wool. And in generatoer area i load up on moth balls and dryer sheets. I have not had a problem since. But i always look for new nests. I feel your pain. Really sux!
  23. Bucks N Bulls

    2020 Coues

    Crazy weather down here for sure. Congratulations on a fine buck!
  24. Bucks N Bulls

    Couse Success!

    dang nice buck! Congratulations