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  1. ASB

    New TAG GRAB

    It's my account. His words as a non CWT member. I allowed it, I own it. Decide on your own.
  2. ASB

    New TAG GRAB

    Hello.....I am not a member of this site, however I am using someone's account, as I am not an internet guru. This will be my only post. I guide here, therefore I have been given enough inside info to make one very simple post,....... No matter who says what, no matter what "well known" persons are spinning any agenda, it comes down to a very simple concept...... They want the tags for a very select few. And, only the good ones. Raffle will be the late bull or cow types. Anyone promoting this is doing so to benefit. No more, no less...again, it's really a very simple concept. The claim of defeating HSUS is a clever way to misconstrue the facts. Some orgs are onboard cause they will probably be able to auction a tag or two....it benefits them. The spin on funding education is a complete BS joke, not even close to reality. Say NO TO AUCTION TAGS......if you don't, they are gone forever. I will attend meetings & make my voice heard......what say you!! Thanks!
  3. ASB

    Spotting Scopes

    A Nikon ED Field scope blows away the 2 you mentioned.......look at a birding reviews (they are the harshest) on the 80MM's. It's probably also darn close to the "non" HD Swaro too. Remember, all optics work differently with different human eyes. Same reason some wear contacts, glasses, or have 20-20 (all different)......buy what works for YOU & not what someone talked you into. Good luck......buying new gear is always great!!
  4. ASB

    44 BS

    As much as you have thanked others........there is a "thank you" to you as well for sharing your experience. Helluva ram!
  5. ASB

    44 BS

    AZ Desert Hunter...... there are a few more rams in there that will make you shake your head. Problem is, they are not hanging out on the 10. No disrespect......I am thinking most units have undiscovered sheep that have never been hunted. Each time I take a ride out there & beat the jeep up another dang wash.....it is rewarded with a new "yellow" horned friend. Hope we all can draw a tag & have these problems.....until then, just gotta watch on the sidelines. Thankful Jack & Trav let me in on their show........
  6. ASB

    44 BS

    Hey Jack......sent you a text last week. What did G&F score that at when you checked it in? I am just curious to know the difference from the field measurement. Helluva ram!! Dino
  7. Awesome thing to do......I was having a crappy day until I read this. Agreed with above......hunting gods will pay that effort back in due time. Good for the both of you guys....now let's see pics of the bull, please!!!
  8. ASB

    Shopping for a meat cooler

    Call the guys @ Canyon Cooler. Local to Flag & I am very happy with their coolers. Less $$ than a Yeti & performs the same. Just another option to the Igloo's. Good luck on your hunts!!
  9. ASB

    Search Feature

    Thanks Amanda
  10. ASB

    Search Feature

    Hello..... Got the search figured. But how does one search under a unit, say 2a & 2b? When I input that, it asks for more. Thanks
  11. Great exposure tonight. Now, that portion of the fight is over!! As someone looking in from the outside....now is the time to really hammer your legislators, your supervisors, etc!! Use this new press to your advantage! As General Patton once said, now is the time to hold them by their nose & kick them in the azz. You got some airtime....fantastic.....now, more than ever, play on that airtime & call, email, shout, etc to all your legislators every hour, every day......you have the true definition of a "grass roots movement"......keep it going!!! Politicians hate to be 'bothered"....keep bothering them, you are in fact turning this thing around......you cannot stop now!!! If you think I may be kidding..... Remember, even Weiers gave himself an "out clause" in that interview. Trust me, the proponents of this bill are already doing damage control and figuring out what their "out clause' is!! Keep after it more than ever!!! AZ is AWESOME!!!!
  12. Ryan, Great post. The reason they have the Expo is for people to come validate the "applications" for the tags they hope they can draw. It's all about the tags, no joke....that is why this thing is out of control now.....huge money generated & KEPT in the sale of those tags!!! I have been to the UT Expo.....I can honestly say, if it was not for the amazing booths Muley Crazy & Mossback have, the AZ ISE show is a better show. Also, to add to your facts.....the UT Expo never did draw out of state tourist's from the outset. So, once they saw the lack of non-resi attendance after the first couple of years...what did they do? They had a "special" draw just for non-resi folk, to lure them to come. All sheep tags back then (POWERFUL LURE!). Guess what...nobody showed in terms of a percentage. By the way, most of the auction guys buy online now....even they aren't putting money in the local economy....why go when you can buy a STRIP tag sitting on the easy chair? This years Expo was the absolute worst in attendance...that is no secret, it was a ghost town. To add further, this proposed Expo will basically draw it's crowd from within a 2 hour drive. Non-residents will be very few. No motels rented, no restaurants filled up, very little gas bought. But, you have those tags that many AZ people will attempt to draw. If they are $5 bucks (like UT) apiece to apply for, many locals will do it (because IT will be the game they have to play if passed)....do the math. All $$$ goes to AZSFW & then they decide to dole it out only after Ronald McDonald does the cost expenses associated with what it took to even put the Expo on. Huh, no money left over for AZG&F. SFW will then be saying thanks for the tags you guys......next time get organized & us boys with the lobby lady won't snooker you again!! Print this & in 5 years look back at it if it gets passed. I would bet these comments will be pretty close & I hate to even think this way. Whole thing makes me sick. By the way, here is some crazy math......$23 million proposed revenue, correct?? 350 tags up for grabs, correct?? That equates to $65,700.00 per tag in some sort of revenue. To add to that, the Javelina & turkey (etc) tags have to keep up that average to promote that type of dollars. REALLY!!!
  13. They are starting to let their voices be heard. Saw on another site a letter by Geoff Moss of Littlehorn Outfitters. He strongly supports HB 2072. A guide for Mossback Guides & Outfitters sent one in too supporting it(Chad Rhoton). Both guys have guided Alan H in AZ for sheep & elk in the last couple years. Now that some are coming out, how about an answer from the ADA?? Does the ADA support, or oppose, bill 2072?
  14. ASB


    Thanks for the PM's. Haven't heard back from anyone...still looking.
  15. ASB


    Hello... New to this forum.....replied to an old topic with regard to 15x60 glass. I am looking for either Docter 15x60 or Zeiss 15x60 binos that are in nice shape. If anyone knows of a pair or has one for sale, that would be apprecieated. Thanks! ASB Thanks for the polite reminder it's 60mm glass!!