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Everything posted by kidso

  1. kidso

    Mongo the bear

    Good luck, chasing bears is a tough but fun endeavor. Tries my patience, but its good practice for working with students in the classroom!
  2. kidso

    Mongo the bear

    Is that bear up in the Kaibab? I heard there are few bears up there. Any truth to that?
  3. kidso


    With all the talk of attractants on this thread and the mention of "bears" along with it, I caution everyone to do things carefully as G&F regulations prohibit the use of any substance to attract bears. So if you put oils, scents, anise, whatever out for deer or elk, be sure not to hunt bear over it if they end up coming into the attractant, as that would be a clear mistake. It seems like its been about 20 years since we could legally use attractants for bear on public lands in Arizona, but too many people left trash behind at their bait sites and ruined the priviledge of hunting bear over bait for all of us.
  4. kidso

    Water water everywhere

    I find that to be true with any big game mammal, especially bear.
  5. kidso

    Small buck, bull, and bear

    The Morton water softener salt near the exit door of Lowes. Comes in a 40 pound bag for under five bucks.
  6. Checked out my first ever salt lick that I made the first week in June. Plenty of elk on it, a few deer, a few bear just passing through the saddle. Drove around a bit today north and south of the 260 between Heber and Payson to check out the rainfall results. Water, water, everywhere. All the potholes are filled. Every little drainage and run-off is flowing or has water in it. So the wildlife will have plenty to drink and the vegetation will start growing again.
  7. kidso

    Small buck, bull, and bear

    I also had some turkeys and a coyote, but they were probably luck.
  8. kidso

    Small buck, bull, and bear

    I have no idea about the double main beam. I thought it was a very long antler point. Here is another angle.
  9. kidso

    Small buck, bull, and bear

    I use the cheap Wildview Extreme II model cameras. They are like $50.
  10. kidso

    Santa Rita Bears

    I'd like to meet that second bear in about three years! Has an awesome color display!
  11. kidso

    Big Bear?

    I think that bear is off limits. Check out its muzzle color and ear shape, she looks to be the same bear in the sow with cubs pictures.
  12. kidso

    Another Gosar Coues shed!!

    nah the "Gosar" buck is a name that we gave this giant coues buck. No difference in species. we just named him "Gosar" and thus The Gosar Buck. Thanks.
  13. kidso

    Another Gosar Coues shed!!

    I have never deer hunted and am thus uninformed. What is a "Gosar" coues? I know of coues deer, obviously, but am not familiar with the Gosar part in front of it? Is it a larger sub-species or something?
  14. kidso

    My turn

    I would think with all the oaks there must be some bears getting ready for some acorns. Any bears off the cam yet? What unit are you in there?
  15. kidso

    two july lions

    Were either of them toms? Did anyone fill their lion tag?
  16. kidso

    My turn

    What the heck? A 9 x7? Don't know if I can even count that high! Lend me a couple of fingers!
  17. kidso

    recent trail cam pics

    Bear 0068 looks like a keeper. Looks like its ear was split in a fight over a sow.
  18. kidso

    swimming bear

    Looks like he is about to do the backstroke.
  19. kidso

    Javelina Pics (baby)

    Years ago, as a teenager, I ran into some young ones like that...and in spite of everything (ethics, laws, etc.), I was going to snatch one and raise it as a pet. HOWEVER, when I reached down to pick it up, it raised the long bristles on its back and popped its baby teeth at me just like an adult would do. I was afraid it was going to bite off half of my finger. So, I wisely kept all my digits and walked away. Crazy teenage ideas! (I also wanted to find and raise a baby bobcat back then too).
  20. Here you go, http://www.fs.usda.g...prdb5380309.pdf . They really had me sweating about my "within 24 hours" promise. Now, about that spring... Yes! I hope it is not a little too late to still swing one more trip... Thanks for the update!
  21. Be careful. Tonto Forest is still CLOSED. They are only opening up Houston Mesa and Horse Creek Campgrounds to day use only, along with the Tonto Creek area north of the 260 up to the fish hatchery and the nearby Horton Creek hiking trails. The rest of Tonto Forest north of the 260 remains closed due to the Fire Danger Ordinance. The Bear Attack Ordinance is still keeping Sharps, Christopher Creek, and Ponderosa Campgrounds south of the 260 closed. Correct me if I am wrong, as I would love to jump into some of the "restricted areas" north of the 260 to check my trail cameras, or hunt a spring near Four Peaks with my spring archery bear tag.
  22. kidso

    Pears on the san carlos

    I haven't been over there. but the lack of rain in central Arizona have made for poor fruit set and development on most of the prickly pears I've encountered. Hope they received more rain.
  23. That is a very sweet color phase bear! Legs still a bit lengthy and ears a bit long, but would still make a nice looking rug!
  24. Here are a few black bears with similar hair colors. The blonde cinnamons are my favorite!
  25. kidso

    Surprise for the elk

    That is a nice fat bear!