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Everything posted by kidso

  1. kidso

    Got some bear questions

    Anyone from your hunt fill their tag on one of the 11 bears you spotted?
  2. kidso

    Got some bear questions

    Friend glassed two bears crossing a meadow in a high alpine forest. Headed over that way and watched them working on a cow elk kill for a few hours. In the afternoon bear number three showed up to feed on the carcass. So, yes, a gut pile or a downed animal that someone lost is a great food source this time of year. Acorns are also on the menu. Plenty of juniper berries are ripe and falling, so that is also a food choice for bears.
  3. A little late too, but both my wife and I carry .40 caliber Glocks. They are model 23c, so they are compensated with gas ports to reduce kickback and get you back on target. The 23 is the mid=sized frame, as it is not the largest size, nor the smallest. Both of us can rip a clip of lead into a target without a hiccup, and neither Glock has ever jammed. As much as I love revolvers, I usually call for bear alone, and love the rapid release of lead I can produce with my Glock versus any of my revolvers.
  4. kidso

    Wtb elk skull boiling pot

    Since I have not yet tagged a bull elk, I have used a large tamale pot on bear, lion, cow elk, and javelina skulls.
  5. kidso

    Two tags/Two Elk

    Two nice bulls!
  6. kidso

    Apple Dumpling Gang

    After racking my brain for hours, I finally figured out two theories of what these guys were up to. Theory one is that these guys were obviously packing too much fruit for their day hike and decided to lighten their load. Theory two is that they are conservationists related to Johnny Appleseed and were sewing ripening seeds to start a community orchard. Anyways, I wanted to thank them for placing a sheet of bark over my camera instead of stealing it or destroying it. I wish more hunters could follow their example and respect other people's property!
  7. kidso

    Unit 10

    Never hunted unit 10, but have called them in unit 9 on elk hunts in October.
  8. kidso

    Elk Season Finale Rifle Hunt

    Looks like a great bull to me!
  9. kidso

    2014 Muzzleloader Bull (Updated with story)

    Love the blood on both antlers, very unique!!
  10. kidso

    first ever bear tag ?s

    +1 on calling the bear hotline!! 23 south is closed to bear hunting for the rest of 2014. Other units may have already closed as well.
  11. kidso

    Elk season Part II Archery

    Reminds me of a caribou! Great job!
  12. kidso

    Help a newbie!

    ...or sit a good water hole with fresh bear tracks....or call into ravines or canyons where you have spotted bear scat or bear trails.
  13. kidso

    looking for a bear guide

    How old is she? Starting the big 10 early? Just set her up on a good water hole in a blind.
  14. Drilled holes in a bucket are great for water release so plant roots do not asphyxiate and kill a growing plant. Metal cages protect young seedlings from herbivores that might otherwise eat them. If it was experimental, tags would have been attached to the buckets with contact information. It all adds uo to trouble in my book. Be careful.
  15. kidso

    A little 6b elk success

    Nice bull! Wanted to see your decoy, too!
  16. kidso

    Two Trophy Years (Picture Heavy)

    That bull is larger than any of my bulls! I would have shot it too!
  17. kidso

    2014 DIY unit 9 archery bull elk

    Nice job! Was that a PM or AM kill shot?
  18. kidso

    Wife held out for a nice bull

    Holy crap, that bull looks heavy! Great job!
  19. kidso

    Wifes first archery bull

    Sweet looking bull! What unit, and where is her story?
  20. kidso

    checking my cams for my kids hunt

    That is a sweet little drinker that you built! 50 gallon barrel?
  21. kidso


    I would like to buy a wolf tag for Arizona.
  22. kidso

    2014 AZ ELK (Pic Intensive)

    Yes, out with the story of your great bull!!
  23. Selling a model 1911 Century Arms International Elite .45 ACP for $350. Soft holster from KNP. $350 near Chandler Fashion Mall. Keith 480-231-4654
  24. Selling unfired Blazer Brass 9mm Luger 115 grain ammunition. Case of 350 rounds for $100. Near Chandler Fashion Center. Keith 480-231-4654
  25. kidso

    AZ Unit 33 Late

    Or, be prepared for a much closer bow shot! I do not even hunt deer, but have ran into coues nearly every January 1st for the past 20 years hunting javelina in unit 33. I do not know beans about antler size, but they all look respectable to me!