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About kidso

  • Rank
    Premier Member
  • Birthday February 6

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  • Interests
    Raising my twins alone, predator calling for bear, and Christmas.

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  1. kidso

    Past 5B tag holders

    Hit me up on FB Messenger...Keith Idso. I had that tag last year. It was such a fabulous experience with five scouting trips leading up to hunt camp.
  2. I thought they were trying to throw us archery bear hunters a bone, you know, making it easier for us to pack out our kill. 😁
  3. kidso

    Vortex Razor HD

    Text sent.
  4. kidso


    Status update? Sold...still available?
  5. kidso

    Sitka ascent pants, 30mm rings

    Where are you at in the valley?
  6. kidso

    Archery Antelope

    Fun looking buck!
  7. kidso

    AZ Rifle Antelope

    Well, my AZ rifle hunt was successful! I had some great tips on bucks in 5B sent to me by a couple individuals here on CWT in private messages and other tips sent to me by Curtis in Mormon Lake. However, tips are no good unless you put your boots on the ground to verify them and learn the area and behaviors of the target you're after. I had a perfect field crew who came together on this hunt (Keaton, Jared, John, and Mike) and I owe them my thanks and gratitude for their help and support. Likewise, there were others who were willing and ready to help out as well. This hunt was incredible, and truly was a once in a lifetime opportunity, so I am writing it up for publication. However, John put together a YouTube video of our journey to success and that link can hopefully be found here... https://youtu.be/QR0x5hY_70U
  8. kidso

    Archery Goat Down

    Looks like a winner!
  9. kidso

    Anyone up for Scouting 5B

    I've got a gun...
  10. kidso

    Anyone up for Scouting 5B

    Found some nice antelope on the Mesa and on the lowlands. Torn between hunting the two different areas. Taking this weekend off from scouting, but will go out again the following weekends each week leading up to the hunt. I guess there are pros and cons to hunting each area. It's probably more about picking the buck you want regardless of the area and sticking to it.
  11. kidso

    Anyone up for Scouting 5B

    Going to still be there Saturday?😁
  12. Sorry for the long delay, but it took me a while to recover after not tagging a grizz. Long story short, our 10 day hunt lost one day in front due to unflyable weather, and we were extracted two days early from the field due to weather. You can't hunt on the day you fly in, so we only had six huntable days in the field. Of those six days, three days were rain and blizzards that kept us in survival mode. We only had three huxtable days. I glassed a total of 14 different bears, all being sows with cubs, except for one beautiful yellow boar we couldn't get to across a big river. We bumped a two toned boar heading to a glassing spit and blew two stalks on him. You can PM me for what occurred if interested. https://youtu.be/g5DURErbl5s https://youtu.be/V9n7_e4-THY
  13. Recently returned from a three day scouting trip in 5B with my young daughters. I think they need a break, so I am planning to do a quick trip this Friday to the NE side of 5B after work with a return home on Saturday evening. I almost stepped on a sidewinder last time, so not flying solo would be wise. Anyone care to join me?
  14. kidso

    AK Grizzly

    Sweet! I hope to do the same in five weeks!! What unit did you hunt? Did you fly in with an air taxi, or what kind of access did you have? Did you glass him in the berries or hit him on a salmon run? Some details please!😁