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Everything posted by andyu

  1. andyu

    F/S G7 BR2 Rangefinder

    Do you still have your range finder ?
  2. andyu

    Vortex Ranger 1000 Rangefinder - $250

    Where are you located?
  3. andyu

    F/S G7 BR2 Rangefinder

    Wondering if rangefinder still available ?
  4. andyu

    F/S G7 BR2 Rangefinder

    Very easy...takes about 5 mins per gun. All you need is BC, velocity, scope height, zero range, and maybe 1 or 2 other simple things Im forgetting. Very easy though.
  5. Thank you we will pass it on I'll call Eddie today.
  6. My daughter was diagnosed with scoliosis and due to the health insurance nightmare.... she was scheduled for surgery during the summer, but we had to change insurance, doctors and surgery dates!!!! She was drawn for a youth 5a cow tag October 13-19. Her surgery is now scheduled for October 2 nd she will not be able to use the tag and after talking to her she's like to donate it!! So I need to know who, to talk to about passing this tag to someone who can use it thank you
  7. andyu

    Marlin XS7Y 308

    Thank you
  8. andyu

    Marlin XS7Y 308

    Pm sent
  9. andyu

    Unit 12 New Mexico advise needed

    Thank you to all your info I knew I could get help thank you and thanks for the pm's as well hope fully we will have a Better hunt because of the info you've shared Ill post pics soon!!!!
  10. Anyone familiar with New Mexico ? I'm trying to help my father get a big bull. Since az has been so tuff. He decided he wants a big bull and this is one of the few years our schedules are working out that I can help him. Been talking to a few outfitters just wondering if this is the best unit ? And any great stories of outfitters and/or any issues you can pm me on that if you'd like thanks in advance
  11. andyu

    Swaro 15x56 NEU !!!SOLD!!!

    Rugerman has a good set of bino's there my friend had the issue to narrow of eyes made for a pretty funny trip home thanks ruger man good luck on the sale
  12. andyu

    Anyone have rabbit cage

    My daughter is saving money for a rabbit (pre-step to a dog) she is almost ten and wants a rabbit. We found the rabbit but need a cage for it. Thought I'd reach out to see if anyone has one they no longer use. I'll be in Mesa area on Saturday pm me and I'll buy it. Thank you