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Everything posted by Grandma

  1. Grandma

    Help a young hunter get a liver!

    Hello, My name is Sharon. I'm writing for myself and my husband, Ken. We are Sadie's Grandparents. Our hearts are so full of Graditude for what you are all doing for Sadie, we can't Thank you enough. Of course we think Sadie and her family are very very special but we could be a tad prejudice. I know that God answers prayers and never gives anyone more than they can handle if they only trust him. I think in this instance he has answered our prayers for help and strength by sending a whole army of Angels to support Sadie and her family. Derek, surely there is a special place in heaven for you and the people you have enlisted to help. You are certainly lightening Dave & Debbie's burdens. God love you all, those you love and those who love you. Grandma