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About triton

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  • Birthday 09/26/1966

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  1. triton

    5B Coues

    Ive seen them in 5BN and 4A since the early 1990's. No secret. Just pockets of them throughout the unit
  2. I thought San Carlos dove regulations follow the state regulations???
  3. Not sure about shooting....but you can legally glass from neighboring unit into yours. If it came down to technicalities..... You have a hunting license and can legally take coyotes in any unit, regardless of where your deer tag is.
  4. triton

    West coast fires

    I was just working on of the big fires in Oregon. Most of the big fires that started Mid-end of August, were lightning started fires. As far as the climate change causing them..... last year, there was a less than average wildfire season in the Pacific Northwest. So I find it hard to believe its climate change
  5. triton

    Antler Staining

    Looks great. Take some fine steel wool and gently rub it over the high points and ridges, Make sure you go very light, and do it lightly til you get desired look. That will lighten the high spots and make them more natural. Use your other antlers as a reference. Then a quick, very fine mist from a distance of Krylon Clear matte spray paint. That will lock in the color of the minwax stain which is oil based.
  6. triton

    Coues Mount - Habitat Ideas

  7. triton

    Sheep Tag Drawn-24BN

    No part of 24B North burned at all.. Only South and Wilderness
  8. triton

    2018, Desert sheep unit

    In 2018-- 18B-181 4/8 28-189 3/8 41W-184 3/8 I don't think you've walked the entire state and looked at all the remaining sheep country besides 22/24B. There will be several 180+ rams killed in other units again this fall, proving you have no idea what you are talking about... Just wait it out for the tag, and don't act like you know what you are talking about. Who are you planning on hiring to find you your ram by the way??
  9. Selling my 16’x14’ Cabelas wall tent made by Montana canvas tent. Good condition, external A-frame, stove jack, no floor (I use tarp). Located in Phoenix. $700
  10. I have only measured coues deer. Don't hunt mule deer very often. Maybe someone will get measurements after they shoot one with their bow this month. Then post them for you
  11. Being a taxidermist and also wanting to know the vertical dimensions of the chest of a coues deer, I started measuring deer after they were killed in the field. After measuring about 10 mature bucks (90-112"), I got an average of 14" from the top of back to the bottom of the chest (right behind front shoulder) 14 1/2" was the measurement on a largest bodied buck. 13 1/2" was the smallest of the deer measured. Before I used turrets, I used these measurements to figure out "Hold Over" distances for 300-400 yds shots.
  12. triton

    Late Hunt - Rutting???

    In southern AZ, bucks were sniffing does, but not chasing. Bucks pushing others around, but still in bachelor groups. Like Ernesto says. Late Jan to early February. Does go in heat the same time every year based on length of days. Its only shenanigans with bucks until then.
  13. triton

    Weatherby 6.5 Creedmoor for sale

    Do you still have this?? Im interested
  14. triton

    Coues deer cape for sale in AZ

    Sandy, congrats to both of you. Also, its a great idea to offer up the cape for sale for someone who needs one. There are plenty hunters every year who need capes for a variety of reasons (damaged, hair slippage, improper caping). They want to mount it and need a cape. Coues deer capes are actually hard to come by. Just ignore the negative comments and someone will want it. They will be thankful that it didn't get thrown in the garbage like so many do. Good luck