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Everything posted by coueshunter84

  1. coueshunter84

    coues deer, unit 32, late

    Sent you a PM let me know if you get it. Shane
  2. coueshunter84

    Need a little Help.

    Airborne, Anything North of I-10 should be just fine. I hunt in 32 and 33 regularly adn the only foot traffic other then other hunters we see is generally several miles away down in the bottoms. . Pick a mountain range that stick up above everything, (North of I-10) And give it a go. Everything from Tucson East to the state line, holds whitetail. From Mt Lemmon to the Chiricauhas. Most have lots of state land, and with the exception of height arent that hard to hunt, as long as you know how touse your optics. LOL Good luck Shane
  3. coueshunter84

    You guys thought Mace's buck was big?!?!

    Hmmm. Couple of filled tags, and lots of ( well not lots ) but some goodies for the freezer. Cant beat that. Congrats guys on the yummy meat, and for filling your tags. Shane
  4. coueshunter84

    Mace's Buck

    Ya know this is an easy one to figure. If its real, ( and looks that way to me) hes a whoile lot luckier/better then us. and chasing the coues. Dont matter which one. As all of you will attest to, some days it pays to be luckier then good. If it digital enhanced or messed with. Then hes better at playing with a computer then we are. Either way. WOW. If he gets it scored, then we will see it in the books if its real and if he dont get it scored. Then we will just have to guess. But to me its a no brainer either way. No matter which side of the fence you fall on he one upped the lot of us. And in that sence. I dont mind it a bit. Thats one nice critter to look at. I hope one day to see one of those again in the wild. And even more so to have another shot at one. Until then I will ( like the rest of you) Look at pics on here and dream/ drool/ pray . or what ever else those of us without tags do. Or those of us who did not tag this year. Or even those who did and didnt quite get the taod we have been looking for. Now quit bad mouthing this monster until something official tells you if its a hoax. Then we (my self included) will assit in the bashing. If you think its a hoax hold you tongue until something is said. I dont think Mason would be on here if it was. Could you imagine What would happen if it was a hoax. After posting on here, with his pic. I know lots of folk in the Gila valley, but dont think anyone is that crazy. Mason, WOW. no othe way to describe it. I have an idea where he came from, and the more power to you. Thats a long hike. Now please give us a story. Remember theres a bunch of us on here who are living vicariously , as we dont have tags of our own. LOL And hey you dont have to give specifics as to area. Generalise that one and tell the rest. Shane
  5. coueshunter84

    24A Shed

    SWEET!!!! Shane
  6. coueshunter84

    24A sheds

    Thats a real symetrical rack minus the extra point onn the left side. Beautimus. Now if you can just find the kitty that did it. Shane
  7. coueshunter84

    December Tags

    I cant wait either but I dont have a rifle tag. So if any of you see some goober sneaking around with a bow in 32, 33, 30B, or about anywhere. Please dont shoot anything out from under me. LOL. Seeing how I cant seem to draw a rifle tag. ..LOL.. oh well I will be watching for all of you with the fire sticks. And I promise not to shoot anything out from under you either. LOL... Shane
  8. coueshunter84


    Never guessed that anyone on this site would be vigilant enough to notice that...LOL.... or competetive enough to bring it to everyones attention. .LOL... y'all need to spend some more hours behind your binos... obviously your on here way to much.. LOL.....
  9. coueshunter84

    Monster AZ Coues

    I know,,,, I know,,,, I know I would like to have one of those. ... Ok,, I would like to see one of those in the wild ...LOL... WOW
  10. coueshunter84

    Cochise county hunts

    Sundevil, I got to hold that one. 114 7/8 SCI ( green score that afternoon). Nice main frame and lots of little kickers. Most of which I think would be scored typical as had matching on the other side. Was quite a deer. Still looking for his big brother. LOL.. Shane
  11. coueshunter84

    Game and Fish

    Meegahunter, Sorry to hear about your problems. I hope whoever he was gets knocked down a few. Without trying to beat a dead horse , I wonder how much USO had to do with what happened to you. I have never had any problems with any of the Wardens I have been in contact with. Not once. And I have seen at least one just about every time I'm out hunting a big game animal. Dosent seem to matter where I'm at. I had one sit down and glass with me for a while several miles from a road in 33 couple of years ago. Spotted each other about the same time, and it took him about 1/2 an hour to work his way over to me. He went out of his way to move around a couple of does that were between us. I dont remember his name but was a real nice guy. Told me he didnt need to ask to see my tag and license ( I was showing them to him at the same time) as anyone crazy enough to be where we were had to be a whitetail hunter. He was out watching a outfitter who had been accused of trespassing on private ground. I thougt it was kind of neat to see one that far out. I bump into the fellow from 32 every once in a while. And last rifle elk tag I had several years ago. I bumped into about 12 of them over the 4 days of the hunt. The last of which helped us pack 2 cows back to the truck. I hope the incidents you have had are isolated. The last thing we need is for the good guys to start acting bad. Shane
  12. coueshunter84

    Youth Bowhunt questions

    The youth combo license, is the same as an adult license, $25.50. The tags ar ethe same as the adult tag, ie there is no difference in tag fees. An elk tag is an elk tag and a deer tag is a deer tag, dosent matter how old the hunter is. Same with the archery tags. Youth hunters under 14 have to have a hunters safety course. 14 years or older ( unless they changed something recently) do not need a safety course. However they do have several youth hunts, for elk, deer, javies, and about everything other then archery. Shane
  13. coueshunter84

    Cochise county hunts

    Still waiting on the Dec archery hunt. Going to be out with a friends daughter for the jr hunt this weekend. Been some nice bucks come out of here this year. Both 32 and 33. The taxidermist has a bunch of nice ones. I cant wait until the Dec season. Then again in January. Shane
  14. coueshunter84

    pictures coming

    Glad to hear that it wasent the same one. Again I wont ask you exactly where hes at. But its good to know there are still some toads out there. And again. We will be out in the southern part of the unit trying to get one also. If you happen to come across the camp we will be up on the mountain. LOL.. Good luck you the girls. and to the guide. Looking forward to seeing a smile in close proxemity to that rack. LOL.. Shane
  15. coueshunter84

    Minimum Cal for Coues (youth)

    I started with a .223, and took 8 deer with it. I still use it every once in awhile. Actually used it couple years ago on an October hunt. Took a little guy at about 250 yards. I have also shot the 22-250, 243, and a 25-06. I would bet any one of these will work just fine. Especially if you hand load and can load them down to start with. . As for rifles the Win model 7 youth, was my first. And still my favorite. I also have the new WIn modle 70 in 243wssm. ANd think it will make an excellent youth gun. Just make sure the stock will fit them, and your off and running. Win also makes the new 270.wsm Wally world usually has a good selection. Shane
  16. coueshunter84

    36A Success

    I started mine out chasing dove, Lots of field time, at their leisure. After that, They all have their own bows. Everytime I am out shooting they are all invited. Even when I dont really have time and need to shoot or fix something. They still get to shoot . I just try and keep them involved with everythign I do hunting, shooting, outdoor wise. So far it has worked for me. Bad thing is my oldest is now into sports, and everything else a 11 year old girl is into. So I have been ahving problems with keeping her into shooting. As for a 12 year old boy I dont know. Maybe spend lots more time out in the boonies and offer to take him every time. Let him schoose where to go and be involved with everything about the trips. If you have the time, make the time for him. Other then that I dont know. Good lluck on this one. Shane
  17. coueshunter84

    36A Success

    That will work, Guess I caught you in the middle of the second post. LOL Thats enough to get mine up and ready. Maybe if I keep showing here these posts, she will try a rifle..LOL.. Congrats on keeping the little ones interested, and successful. And congrats to Alex on a nice coues. You folks already able to get your little ones out this year, have me envoius. I cant wait, until Jan Congrats again, Shane
  18. coueshunter84

    36A Success

    Ya know your killing us with these " to be continued" posts. I have been letting my 11 ( 12 next week) read these posts, to get her a little excited about hunting. we got to the end of this one and she about knocked me out of my chair. LOL.. She is anxoiusly awaiting your next post. Shane
  19. coueshunter84

    My Unit 33 Buck

    Very nice. Not much else to way. Congrats, Shane
  20. coueshunter84

    pictures coming

    NOt trying to burst your bubble any, but I seen a buck severly resembling that one hanging day before yesterday. I dont know what part of 32 your hunting, But if its tword the southern end on the unit. he might already be gone. The one I got to touch was 114 7/8 sci. As scored by the taxidermist. HAd stickers in about the same places. Again looks alot like this one. I hope for your kids sake, and one other junior hunter it isnt. My Captain's 14 y/o has the same tag. This is the first tag she has drawn so her first hunt. I miight see ya out there. If we cant find anything in our part of the country we will be headed up tword the Guilleros. Shane
  21. coueshunter84


    Double drops on the last one. Man I got to get me one of those one of these days. Shane
  22. coueshunter84


    I vote for firstcoues rendition. BUt agree the lower score should start at 65. Cause it P&Y, How about including distance you will travel aand pains you will go through to take the shot. ie, <44, self defence only, or if I see him first 45-65, all the above+if he happens to stumble into me 65-80, atb+if he's within range from where I sit 80-90, atb+will cross a canyon, maybe 2 90-100, atb +Will cross several canyons and a catclaw thicket 100-110, atb+ ocotillo thicket, deploy rapelling gear if needed, swim a pond 110<, atb + Clean the binos, Clean the binos again, Clean the binos and the spottign scope, cross several mountain ranges, spend 3 nights on the mountian with just whats on your back Of course this reverses proportionatley with the amount of days left in the season, and by last afternoon has completely reversed. LOL And staggers down for archery season. Shane
  23. coueshunter84

    Unit 32 Nov. Buck

    Very nice, Not much else to say about that. Congrats. And better luck staying out a little longer next year. LOL.....
  24. coueshunter84

    Why take kids hunting?

    Definately need them to be having fun, And thats the barometer as to when its time to call it quits. When the kids arent having fun its tiem to go find something else to do. I only made the mistake once of hanging around when they were done. Took a while to get them to want to go out again. I had to wait for the second dove season that year. Was kind of lonely the rest of the first season after that foopah. I learned my lesson fast!! and wont make that mistake again. Shane
  25. coueshunter84

    What is it?

    I wish someone would have told my daughter that noone hunts with a recurve anymore. LOL... Nice pics. Shane