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Everything posted by coueshunter84

  1. coueshunter84

    String stretching?

    I have always used custom strings, Never had more then 1/8-1/4 turn on the peep over the life of any of my strings. And I get them changed every year. . I dont mind paying a little more for the customs. I think its $75 for new strings and super tune.
  2. I canot even imagine what TwoGuns friend went through. Although first come first served is the rule. With that much time spent working on something, and have someone " take it" . The rules again state first come first served, But what about the other side. Takes quite the "man" to find a spot and put a tree stand up over an existing ground blind. But not all folks are that civilized. Loads of you have salt out, and have scouted your areas enough to know every rock and antler resembling tree limb in the region. Thats all fine and good but what happens when you show up opeing morning ad find someone sitting your salt. They got there first, but its your salt. This is a huge double edged sword. Ethics on either side can be argued until your blue. The law states first come, but ethically you shouldnt be hunting over something someone else put loads of time money sweat and everything else into. I agree about the Powder Keg. I would have to swallow hard if I found someone sitting on one of my spots and would not move. I've got 2 right now that I plan on my 12 year old getting a shot out of this year, with her recurve. Someone sitting one of those would definately not make me happy. But what can you do?? Well legally anyway.
  3. coueshunter84

    Kick off of the fall hunting season

    I have a bunch of them in my yard every day. A pair nest on one of the power poles in the back yard. Still havent seen any of them where I can shoot them. Cant wait for the first. Al the kids are ready to go bird dog for me. lol
  4. coueshunter84

    How Do You Practice

    I have a step program, that I use . Its as mechanical as I can make it. I found if I keep the same thing going all the time and refuse to miss a step I do allright. As of yet I have not experienced target panic ( thankfully) 1. Identify the target 2. Identify the range. Not estimate. I dont shoot 3-d as I canot guess ranges for anything, I have to have the rangefinder. 3. Pick the pin. Yes I identify the pin I will use before I draw and take a quick stare at it. 4. draw 5. anchor, then relax both arms and shoulders. 6. make sure of correct bow hand placement and open both hands. 7. Find target in peep and put it at the bottom of the sight. 8. Align target with pins vertically and allow sight to come down to correct pin. 9. Hold breath, and Hover pin 10 squeeze. I do this every time I shoot, Happens with each arrow. The only short cut I take is shooting from a known range. everything else is exactly the same every time. If anything changes I let down and start over.
  5. coueshunter84

    Archery Tips

    Out to hunt, Thats a pretty lookin set up. Looks just like both of mine. Except I dont have the Fuse sight. I have Sonorans on both my Right handed bows. And I have drop away rests on all 3 of my bows. And also shooting the Easton Axis. Although I have heard the Vapors are good arrows also. I like having the weight. Either way, Nice set up. And if my eyes arent decieving me you have a number of pins in that fancy elk sight. LOL.. Looks like about 10 pins. LOL.....Nice. Shane
  6. coueshunter84

    Archery Tips

    I started hunting archery almost exclusively back in 2000. My cousin got me back into it. He is an incredible shot, and I ended up buying alot of beverages for him the first little bit. I finally got my form set, and started shooting. I usually end up shooting around 300-500 an afternoon when I'm home. And have been doing that since way back in 2000. The only thing that has changed is my draw weight. I started pulling about 55 lbs, and now am pushing 80 lbs. Lots of repetition. Lots of it. It was costing me to much in beverages not to get good at it, and that ment getting familiar with my equipment. Which ment shooting it. With my schedule I cant shoot every day. But I still average around 1500-2000 + arrows a week. And thats why I'm comfortable shooting 110-120 yards. LOL.. Shane
  7. coueshunter84

    Archery Tips

    After About 3 dozen arrows launched, I'm back with the trophy taker. Go figure. Ended up just having to fine tune the connector string. Pulled it up a little so the rest was coming up later in the draw cycle. No more fletching contact. I tied it in real tight got everything turned back up, and the first arrow was fishing so bad it almost missed the target. So another 3-4 dozen shots and got the rest realingned and dialed everything else back in. Then started pushing the pins out, and got to hitting low past 60. Then remembered I had backed the poundage off to tie the connector string in tight ( ran it through the downward cable and tied it off on both sides). So had to crank it back up. So long story short, I spent about 4 hours playing with everything, to fix a problem ,that in the end only took me about 5 seconds to actually fix. But got to shoot about 500 arrows in the process ( without breaking any). LOL..
  8. coueshunter84

    Archery Tips

    Up until about 5 minutes ago, It had a Trophy taker shaky hunter on it. But have been having some contact issues I have been fighting since last year. Finally got tired of it and replaced it. I have 2 other drop aways, Going to try both and see what happens. Either the Schaffer, or the cavalier. No telling which one will end up on it. Not that it way to close to season to be switching rests of all things. But cant have any fletching contact with broad heads on. LOL And I like pressure....
  9. coueshunter84

    Archery Tips

    Bownut, I like that Hoyt in your avatar, I shoot a Hoyt, Turbotech. Pulling 80 lbs running AXIS 340's about 516grain, adn shooting either Rocket ultimate steels or one of the sonoran heads. in the 100 grain variety. Draw length is 29" LASt time I chronoed it it was pushing 328 fps. I realy like a well tuned bow. LOL
  10. coueshunter84

    Archery Tips

    Redbeard, Again you are very well versed, and correct in your thoughts. The slimest amount of error at that range will resort to something I really dont ever want to happen. That being a wounded animal. In answering that, I have had more reactions from animals at less then 50 yards, then more then 50 yards. Neither of my kills at those long ranges moved a muscle when I released. Not even to see what the noise was.( yes my bow is really quiet). But I'm shooting about 330fps. So my arrows do make soem noise. The mulie I stuck here in AZ did not move until he turned and seen the arrow sticking out of him. ( broke 2 ribs on the way in and 3 on the other side punching through the center of one rib and wedging about 6" out of his chest on the other side Taking both lungs with it ) The spike kicked his heels up moved about 10 yards and fell over. The does with him stuck around for quite a while, while we found away to get down the riverbank ( 35 foot sheer ) not one of those deer had much of an idea what happened except that jr. was bleeding. One of the does was licking the entrance wound when we finally got there 2 hours later. That arrow passed through him and then through 3 salt ceder type branches on the other side of him. Also clipping both front shoulders ( cartlidge), gettign both lungs and the heart. took me a few minutes to get that one out. LOL.. Anyway, I still like getting close, and I appreciate you not bashing. And I also think that the over all meaning of all of these posts on the subject is You make your own decisions on your shooting distances. Which have to include but aer not limited to your self and your own competence, which is directly releated to how much you practice. The ammount of practice you do. How well your equipment is tuned, How much ke your equipment puts out at those distances. What kind of broadheads yoru shooting as compared to ke. and a whole bunch of other factors. Including the animal and what they are doing at the time. etc.etc.etc.etc. Dont shoot farther then you or your equipment are capable of shooting. PERIOD> And then make sure the shot is good.
  11. coueshunter84

    Archery Tips

    Redbeard, Thus the reason that this particular topic causes blood letting back east. And in the interm I agree with your point of view on about all of what you said. And yes I read through your whole post. Very well worded I might add. I conscider myself a decent archer now having taken 11 big game animals with a bow. 2 of which are recordbook. 1 P&Y mulie (32 yards) and one javy (31 yards) in the AZ bowkill book. The rest of them were meat. I happen to like venison, about all of it I have tried. So I have been inclined to also make myself an archer. To which point I do realise there is a difference. As a hunter after an animal I try to get as close as possible. And 80%(+-) of my bowkills have been at average western ranges, Maybe even closer then average, ( doing the math right now those 9 kills average 34.5 yards). All of which are spot and stalk. The other 2 kills are the ones that could be contested by another hunter. But probably not by another archer. The first of these was a 91 yard shot on a mulie. The other one was right at 100 yards aslo on a mulie. Both of those were one arrow kills. Neither went more then 30 yards from where they were standing when I released. There are several things that differentiate those 2 shots from the others. Mainly I was not able to get any closer. Period. And to that add animals that were not aware of my presence, Wind absent in both cases, straight flat shots. Known distances via rangefinder. And more importantly. LAst day of the December season 3pm on one and the last day I had to hunt in Wyoming on the other. And finally I did not want to eat the tag. For some reason I havent figured out how to cook one of the dang things and make it tasty enough to eat. So for me there are times when I turn the hunter off and the archer on. But everything has to be as close to perfect as you can get. And prior to both of those kills I had educated my fair share of animals trying to get closer. Including blowing a stalk on a 110" coues at 35 yards. I spent close to 4 hours stalking that one, and had him well within effective range (120 yards) for almost 2 hours. But I had to get closer. I just had to . And ended up blowing the whole thing after getting with-in 35 yards. The archer in me does not come out to play very often. I have been lucky enough to have been able to get close enough to everything else. As for the mulies mentioined above. ONe is a 4 1/2 y/o 4x2 that measured about 115" total before deductions (LOL). about 22 wide. the one I took in Wyoming was a spike. Yep a spike. and boy was he tasty. Oh and a little earlier in that Wyoming hunt I got my first archery antelope ( missed P&Y by 1/8") at 15 yards. So yes sometimes its nice to be able to stretch the distance out a little, and I do it without any remorse at all. I'm very comfortable out to 120 yards, with my primary bow, and know that I have the KE at that range to put a hurt on whatever I shoot at. And the ability to put the arrow where I want it. But its a whole lot more fun trying to get within 30 yards.. LOL>.
  12. coueshunter84

    Archery Tips

    Only in AZ and maybe a few other western states does this discussion not always end in blood. Thats how bad the debates get over distance shooting out east. Got to love it. But to possibly help answer the question at hand. Consistancy,,,, Consistancy,,, Practice,,,,, Practice,,,,,, Add about 100 of each of these and your pins will start extending out to the ranges you wish for. The bow has to be tuned to perfection. Your form has to work just right for you. Then add the above listed and you should be set. Oh and give it a few years for all of this to come together. As for how far you can shoot an animal. Best to leave it up to yourself. Knowing your own limits and that of your equipment is key. If your bow will not push "X" amount of kinetic energy at "Y" yards I would not shoot. even if I know I can make the shot I will not shoot a mech head farther then the 60lbs of ke line. The ultimate steels on the other hand can go to the 40 lbs of ke line. Thats part of the ethics question. And again something you have to ask yourself. Can shots be made at 100+ yards. I have seen 3 one arrow kills in that range. And several more in the 70-100yard range. So yes it can be done. Whether you choose to do it or not is up to you and your equipment. But you should give the up close and personal side of archery a try at least once also. Nothing like having a bull elk standing in front of you bugeling so close your getting slobbered on ( about 3 feet). Thats a true test of ones urinary retention capabilities. LOL. But there are times that you just cant get any closer, and its definately nice to have the confidence in a little yardage.
  13. coueshunter84

    pro shop

    Shooters Edge, On east 29th st. Right next to the Marksman. One of the origional owners of The Archery Center. He'the string maker. About the best customer service and bow repair I have seen. And the best custom strings.
  14. coueshunter84

    Archery Gear

    Hoyt, Turbo-tech, 80lbs, 29" Hyper-tech , 70lbs. MArtin PhantomII 75lbs. Easton Axis, 300 Sonoran sights Sonoran 2 and 3 blade 100grain heads Rocket Untimate steel 100 grain. Muzzy 4 blade 100 grain. Custom stabilizers. Cobra , trophy taker rests, Fuse quivers, cat quiver. Sims stuff everywhere. Oh and of course Bushnell range finder, and Nikon Binos.
  15. coueshunter84

    stupid AZGFD

    Good to hear. I missed that part. Next question. If they have listened why is that one still up? I can only imagine the amount of feedback they are getting from it. I know I've sent in several e-mails. Would make more sense to reword it and repost it. Or are they just going to leave it as is?? I guess only time will tell. Shane
  16. coueshunter84

    stupid AZGFD

    azhuntnut, Look at the proposed regs. They did not change them from the proposed. There are still a whole bunch of units with Nov archery bull listed . Unless I'm missing something. The idea was to take half of the Sept bull tags double the numbers and put them in Nov?? Well if they were going to follow what the survey said. then why are there still a whole bunch of Nov hunts for archery bull? I hope I missed something and they said they were going to add the Nov hunts anyway. I really hope that what happened. But havent heard that one yet either. So I have to go with the likleyhood they are going to do whatever they want, does not matter what we think. Shane
  17. coueshunter84

    stupid AZGFD

    Here is the link again, http://www.azgfd.com/pdfs/h_f/fall_biggame_guidelines.pdf See if this works. Its also on the front page of the web site. Under proposed. If you scroll down to the bottom they have the PDF links to everything proposed including the Spring 07, Fall 06. And so on. I think they are going to stick it to us no matter what the surveys say. Unless were lucky and they havent had the chance to change them since the elk survey came out. I almost forgot. They had a big article in the Tucson papers last week also. I dont remember which section, but thats where they were complaining of the financial problems the drought was bringing to them. And I just checked again and its all still in there. About 15, Nov Bull hunts. and the 10 day Oct deer seasons are listed, along with a plethera of other changes. Including cutting the archery deer season dates. Anyone with any ideas on this???? Shane
  18. coueshunter84

    stupid AZGFD

    I didnt check today but there were still a multitude of units with Nov archery bull hunts listed. I thought we got past that. And I have been seeing on the evening news how the Game and Fish is going to be hurting for money due to the ammount of tags the drought is taking away. THey got it on the news in Tucson and channel 4 ran it 2 or 3 days in a row. 5,6 and 10. Looking through the whole "proposed " regs on the web site in definately interesting reading. Shane
  19. coueshunter84

    33 javelina

    Way cool, thats definately a toad for a pig. All the way around. I have been watching a few since the season and hope to get one that size next year. LOL.. Congrats on a toad of a pig. Also looking forward to the pics. Shane
  20. coueshunter84

    Proposed regs??

    http://www.azgfd.com/h_f/hunt_guidelines.shtml Go all the way to the bottom of the page. they have everything listed sererately. 2006-2007 Fall Big Game Hunt Guidelines. These are the proposed new regs. If the link works. There are some other changes in there that I havent heard about yet. Mountain lion season going to be from Sept 1- May 31 except certain areas. . And they still have the changes in the archery elk seasons listed ( the same ones we took a stand against) . I dont know if this will be the final printing, but You folks might want to look . Shane
  21. coueshunter84

    In market for new bow

    Seeing how everyone else is jumping in the name game. LOL.... After I had shot everything I was able to get my hands on. I ended up with Hoyt. I have a hyper-tech thats a back up to the turbo tech. And I also have a Martin PhantomII that I shoot lefty, when my right shoulder starts acting up. ABout every bow company in the market today will have about the same quality of bow. Even most of the smaller companies are producing quality equipment. Take into account everything you read here. as everyone on here will stand by their brand. But go shoot everythign you can get your hands on before you make a decision. The first new bow you shoot might feel very good to you and loads better then what you already have. But the one you shoot after that might be even better. And so on. The more types you shoot the better. and in the end willmake you happier with your set up. As for arrows I shoot the easton Axis. and I still shoot Sonoran broadheads. Or Rocket ultimate steels where mechs are not allowed. Bottom line go shoot everything, then make your decision to buy a Hoyt and get it over with. LOL>. The Reflex line is Hoyts cheaper on the pocket book line. Same thing Chuck Adams shoots. LOL... Bowtech now has the Diamond bow line. Which are cheaper then the bowtec's Good luck and good shooting. SHane
  22. coueshunter84

    In market for new bow

    Shoot everything you can get your hands on in your price range and go from there. no other way to put it. if it fits it fits. Shane
  23. coueshunter84

    a couple lions

    Josh, 3 or 4 pictured side by side would make a better comparison. LOL. As long as you dont wear out the dogs. LOL.. or run out of film. LOL
  24. coueshunter84


    I dont know if this has anything to do with this or not, but over the past several weeks I have noticed that Google.com has been listed at the bottom with everyone else registered at the time. And it was in the registered user part not the guest section. I thought it was someone who Googled the sight and was just checking things out. But thinking about it now. Why would Google register on this site? Might be the subterfuge. ???? Shane
  25. If either or both of them can shoot what the gun is capable of. Let them at it!! I got my Model 7 when I was 9. I used it the next year on both piggies and deer. You cant beat it for getting a kid started. Keep them going, and next thing you know they will be stealing your .300 LOL... Good luck. Shane