Ok folks, got a couple of questions for you with the knowledge. What about the " fantails" and the red coues. couple of years ago I got into a little herd of what I have herd referred to as "fantails", Had one broadside looking at me at 50 yards. he had a fully formed rack nice and heavy compared to his body mass. but scored only about 60 inches. with the approximate body weight of 50 lbs , and no this wasent an immature buck he was a perfect 4x4 with eye guards. None of the rest of the herd were any bigger, none of them over 24-26 iinches at the shoulder.
And last year got I into a herd of 4 bachelors in November that were red in color and all of them would put a good coues to shame on the body size, all of these were little guys biggest was a 3x2, no eye guards spindly rack. all of them would have gone 150 lbs on the hoof. thanks Shane