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Brian Payne

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Everything posted by Brian Payne

  1. Brian Payne


    Great buck with cool character! My guess: bigger than 105".
  2. Brian Payne

    Payne Brother's 09 Hunt

    Thanks for all the nice comments guys! Here are a couple more photos that I liked of my buck.
  3. Brian Payne

    Dec WT

    Great deer! Way to hold out for the big one. I think the folks that have already guessed are pretty close. 110" range.
  4. Brian Payne

    Happy Birthday...Brian Payne

    Hey, thanks everyone! My brother and I will be posting stories/pics of our Christmas/Birthday presents very shortly. Happy Birthday to GRONG as well.
  5. Brian Payne

    Mule and coues pics

    Very nice deer!
  6. Brian Payne

    Mexico sheds

    Sheesh!! Another giant to add to the collection. If you run out of room for all those sheds I have space at my house.
  7. Brian Payne

    My December Buck

    That buck looks like it should be posted on the Mule deer site! What a giant! Congrats!
  8. Brian Payne

    Ezras Coues

    Great photos. You should enter that first photo in the photo contest if we are still having that this year.
  9. Spent Veteran's day scouting for my Dec. tag in some beautiful country. While I reflected on those that have served our wonderful country unfortunately I was reminded that some of those precious freedoms that we cherish like the use of our public lands are under serious attack from the south. These guys were headed south, to pick up another load I presume. See if you can find the deer in this picture. The last picture gives the answer.
  10. Brian Payne

    A Worthless Waste of Hunting Gear

    When we first started glassing from tripods we had those $20 minox tripods from Wal-mart. My brother bought some of those Cabela's 20x80 astronomical star gazing binoculars that weigh like eight pounds and mounted them on one of those little tripods. About half way through the first day we were was sitting there glassing on a steep hill when the head of his tripod snapped off from the weight of the binoculars. I was sitting below him and I watched his brand new binos go rolling passed me end over end and stop on a little ledge below us. Then I proceeded to watch my brother who usually pretty calm beat what was left of his tripod against a rock until it was in about 20 pieces. It seems like I bought one of those silly tripods almost every time I went out because they wouldn't last more than one trip. Kind of like disposable tripods. Finally figured out that I could buy a decent Bogen for about what I was spending in a season on those POS little tripods.
  11. Brian Payne

    Guess the Score Contest - Nov 09

    I came up with 124 2/8 but there is nothing even close to that hasn't been taken. You snooze you loose I guess. Oh well. Awesome buck Scott!
  12. Brian Payne

    Will I ever get a bigger buck?

    You definitely shot the wrong buck. That is only one of the most pretty typical 3x3s I have ever seen! What the heck did the other buck look like? Good grief!
  13. Brian Payne

    recent pics

    Dang Jay! That is a way cool buck. That last buck is a nice 3x also. Might be tempted to go after him and let the freak get even freakier. It is probably just the way his ear is but it almost looks like that 3x has a drop tine coming out at the base of his left antler?
  14. Brian Payne

    which one would you shoot

    I am pretty sure you are kidding about the meat. I would shoot the one that will look the best on the wall. If you post the pics I will give my opinion on the matter. Definately one of those good problems to have.
  15. Brian Payne

    My First Giant Coues Buck!!!

    That is what it is all about Scott! Way to go! December can't come fast enough for me!
  16. Brian Payne

    The blind dog finally found a bone!!!

    Great buck! Definitely the same one that is in the picture.
  17. Brian Payne

    my 11 year olds first couse 537 yards

    I guess that first shot wasn't a fluke Too cool.
  18. Brian Payne

    Held at gunpoint

    I think memorizing the following phrase might help you in a big way "Somos cazadores. No hemos visto nada" We are hunters. We haven't seen anything. Then go over the hill and call BP.
  19. Brian Payne

    10 months later!

    What a great buck! Congrats!
  20. Brian Payne


    You guys are putting a hurtin on the big bucks! Love the bladed beams.
  21. Brian Payne

    My First Giant Coues Buck!!!

    Absolute giant Scott! Congrats! Would love to hear more of the story and get a score on that dude! I didn't realize how wide he was from the TC pics.
  22. Brian Payne

    Held at gunpoint

    Well said Hammy. Let's not forget that these are people, and not varmints (some may fit the second category better but not most). The border is a very tough issue. The problems that illegal immigration cause to our society are vast and serious, from violence and drugs to social and economic issues. We are fighting it hard but not near hard enough from a government standpoint. I had the opportunity to live in Guatemala for two years and I do not blame the people one bit for trying to leave there hopeless situations of poverty and corruption. I would try to do the same. There is a right and a wrong way to do it though and the problem is that most of them don't even know the right way. While it is very likely that if you hunt the southern units you will see illegal immigration/smuggling activities, the chances of a dangerous or harmful encounter are much less likely. My brother and I have had several encounters with illegals and smugglers but nothing that keeps us from going back. These people want more than anything to keep a low profile. Coyotes and smugglers have routes that they like to continually use and if they do something to call attention to that route they will have to find a new one. With that being said there are definite dangers involved with people as desperate as many of them are and we need to be cautious when hunting/scouting in areas where this activity is taking place. My wife worries about me hunting in the border units. I tell her that the most dangerous thing I do each week is get in my car and drive down the freeway to work with all the yahoo drivers. I honestly believe that. I have a 36B dec. tag this year and am so excited I can hardly stand it. WOODS, AZ I have thought about this as well and I would think that based on the imminent threat of deadly force I would say YES, but I would like to hear others thoughts on this. I want to paint another picture for you all and see how you would respond to this situation: You are hiking with your hunting partner to an area you are going to glass. You both have your long range hunting rifles over your shoulders and .45 cal pistol on your hip in a holster. You come up over a rise and suddenly you see two smugglers with assault rifles over their shoulders just 20 yards in front of you. The smugglers see you about the same time you see them. What is your reaction? I think I know how I would react but I am curious to see what the rest of you say. Please respond to this as I see this as a very likely situation where a split second initial reaction could make all the difference in the outcome.
  23. Brian Payne

    The pictures I promised

    Hard to tell a whole lot other than he has a really good frame and G2s!
  24. Brian Payne

    my 11 year olds first elk, 580 yards

    Hogwash. If the kid can make the shot consistently which it sounds like he proved he could then why not. Everything was legal, ethical, and humane. If you put enough time and $$ into your rifle, amo, and rest then you can be consistently lethal at those ranges. My wife shot her first deer at 500 yards with a similar set up. Double lunged it with one shot. As far as the experience and essence of the hunt who is to say he didn't experience it? Look at the smile on his face. Isn't that what it is all about? I personally love long range hunting. Adds to the challenge. Some people like to sneak in close for the challenge which is fine if that is what they enjoy. Not everyone's essence of the hunt is the same. As long as you are legal and humane and it puts a smile on your face then Mission Accomplished! Nice job kid! Those coues bucks are in serious trouble!