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Everything posted by couespatrol

  1. couespatrol

    2014 Rewind

    Nothing like spending time in the woods with family and friends. Congrats on a great year!!!
  2. After filling three coues deer tags it was now time to help my Brother and God Father fill their elk tags. This would be my Brothers first bull elk and my 63 year old God father's biggest. I was able to glass up my God Father's bull the evening before the hunt. We put him to bed and prayed that he would be there in the morning. Our prayers were answered the next morning when we spotted the bull 80 yards from where he was the previous evening. He made a 330 yard shot and his bull was down. We hunted hard for the next three days and passed on several bulls before my Brother filled his tag on a nice bull making a 344 yard shot. It took us all of two whole days to get his bull out but it was worth it. During this hunt we glassed up seven different black bears and helped a fellow hunter pack out a monster of a black bear. The bear was over 300 pounds and was 7 feet 3 inches in length. We were blessed with another safe and great year of hunting with family and friends. I would to thank the Lord for Blessing me with a great family and a loving wife who deals with my passion for hunting!!!!
  3. couespatrol

    The start of a great hunting season!!!!

    Thanks for all the great comments. Thought I'd post some more river pics from years past.
  4. This year started off in October with our traditional backpack hunt in to the Blue Wilderness. This is the seventh year for us. The first year we started this hunt my oldest boy was two weeks from his eleventh birthday and now a week and a half from his eighteenth birthday. This was the second trip for my youngest boy who is thirteen. We glassed up plenty of bucks and had a couple of toads give us the slip but I was able to fill my tag on a great buck. This started off to be a great hunting season for our family. My boys had two November tags in unit 32 (hunts will be posted under the youth forum) and my Brother and God Father had late bull tags in unit 27 (to be posted under the elk forum). We were able to fill every ones tag this year and made a lifetime of memories.
  5. couespatrol

    Monday Monster

    That's a toad! Congrats.
  6. This was the second hunting trip of the year for us. I was able to fill my tag on a great hunt and now it was time to fill my two sons tags. The weather was very hot and deer movement was at a minimal. We were still able to glass up plenty of bucks and my youngest son Christopher was able to fill his tag on the fourth day of the hunt. He made a 346 yard shot on his buck after passing up on seventeen other smaller bucks. This buck was on older regressing buck that gave us the slip two years earlier. My oldest son Larry was able to fill his tag the next day. He made a 400 yard shot on his buck. This is the biggest buck he as taken. It was another great hunting experience with my boys and another birthday for Larry in the woods. He turned eighteen on this trip. He will be off to college next year so I'm not sure when we will be hunting together again. Time sure does fly by!!!!
  7. couespatrol

    Late rifle bulls

    Congrats on two sweet bulls and working hard. It's worth it in the end!!!
  8. couespatrol

    The ladies got it done

    Congrats to both ladies and everyone who helped, it's not easy packing out two bull elk.
  9. couespatrol

    Wifes first Hunt And First Elk

    Congrats to you and you wife. Looks like she's hooked!
  10. couespatrol

    A great season of hunting comes to an end!!

    The Euro looks good as it is. can't wait to see the finished product. Hopefully next year we can get you that 100+ coues you've been wanting and a big bull.
  11. Great video. Thanks for sharing.
  12. couespatrol

    Majestic Monarch Buck....

    Congrats again on a great Muley. No more excuses, it's time for you too start hunting real deer with me. See you on the elk hunt.
  13. couespatrol

    Ruger .270. SOLD

    Pm sent.
  14. couespatrol

    Vortex Kiabab 15-56

    Sent you a pm.
  15. couespatrol

    Last Day Buck

    Sweet buck. Congrats.
  16. couespatrol

    Last day cows!

    Love those last day success stories. Congrats to all.
  17. couespatrol

    Emmy's Left Over Tag Buck

  18. couespatrol


    Sweet buck. Congrats.
  19. couespatrol

    WTB frame pack/packing out pack

    Bump for the bull-pac. I have one and I have packed out multiple elk quarters, several whole mule deer and whitetails. The frame can hold more weight than the average person can carry.
  20. couespatrol

    My daughter's first deer

    Sweet buck. Congrats to the both of you.
  21. couespatrol

    1st tag, 1st trip, 1st deer

    Congrats to the both of you for a memory you'll never forget.
  22. couespatrol

    conversion bucks.

    Congrats on an awesome hunt and a couple of great deer.
  23. couespatrol

    Unit 27 Success

    That's a great Buck Trey. Do you or the boys have any other Tags. I will be taking my boys on Thursday for their hunt in 32. I got my coues buck opening day in 27 then ran up to the Kiabab to help my Dad and nephew. I tried to tell him that he didn't have to go to the Kiabab to get a great buck. He will believe me now when he see's your buck. Take care.