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Everything posted by azslim

  1. azslim

    Price check in sporting goods

    compare prices on gunbroker.com
  2. azslim

    Hunting out of a blind

    Try to build your blind about 3 weeks before you plan on sitting it, this gives them time to get used to it - the first few days it is an "ugly coffee table" and gets a lot of attention. If you can't sit all day sit 4 to 5 hours in the mornings. If you are on a guzzler try to set back about 40 yds from the water, this gives you enough distance to move without spooking the deer, especially if there are more than one. I have got by with a ghillie suit, backed into a bush sitting on a stool but prefer a comfy seat for any length of time.
  3. azslim

    What maps do you Use?

    I'm a old hold-out, I still like my 7.5 min maps. I like to learn the country and pencil in what I learn, write notes on the back (mostly to remind me of what the heck that waypoint is marking). I like to study them in my living room before I head out on a scout to plan my travels to make the most of time and gas.
  4. azslim


    back it off so you don't tip it over with muzzle blast, you aren't going to see much difference in readings with only 10 feet change that close to the muzzle.
  5. azslim

    Looking for varmint rifle

    Need to hit pawn shops too, you can pick up good deals if you are patient. Take cash and never pay the price on the sticker, if they won't take your offer today come back in a week, if the rifle is still there start negotiations again. I avg paying a little over half what the sticker price is, altho a few times I have lost out.
  6. azslim

    game cameras and vandalism

    Depending on where you are hunting in 36B you don't need a camera to find deer. Why lose $100 if you don't have to.
  7. azslim

    it's good to be me

    So what are you going to do with it?
  8. azslim

    Quick Camp Coffee

    Guys, I like my coffee but some mornings there isn't time to drink a couple cups, plus if you are sitting a blind with a quart of coffee in you pretty soon you spend more time peeing than watching, and invariably you have to pee at the wrong time. A quick cup of thick brew is more than sufficient to start the day. I picked up these things this season, makes for really strong coffee fast - 3 sips and you may crap your pants. The 10 oz job from GSI Oudoors makes 1 cup ready to drink between 4 & 5 minutes after you turn the heat on. I use 1 heaping spoon of fresh grind or 2 good, not heaping, spoons of ready grind espresso for 1 cup, there is room to make it thicker if you want, I will if I have to share. A pinch of salt cuts down on the acidity if I remember to add it. The other one makes a good cup and a half or so in about 7 to 8 minutes. I use 2 normal scoops of fresh grind or 2 heaping of ready grind. Same salt deal..... If you have to share with a couple people then load up the grounds for normal espresso, I figure it may give 3 people a morning blast. I have a GAZ burner I use but any propane burner will work, house or field your choice. http://www.gsioutdoors.com/products/...mini_expresso/ http://www.bialettishop.com/MokaExpressMain.htm - I use the 9 cup version of this, runs $40. Shop the net and you can pick it up in several different places.
  9. azslim

    25-35 load ?

    Not many people load that anymore, rifles - or should I say reasonably priced ones - are not very available so it doesn't get a lot of use nowadays. I would love to put one in my safe. Good luck on your search, I think you may have to hit a manual or two.
  10. azslim

    Draw Result Waiting Blues Got You Down

    yep, for elk and antelope, have to wait for deer........don't worry, I'll post when they come out....
  11. azslim


    don't worry boys, I'll tell you when the draw hits......you can trust me.......
  12. azslim

    Hoyt Trykon 75th Aniversary Bow

    Have you thought about swapping it for a lighter draw bow? I have a friend that broke his arm when his motorcycle bucked him off and jumped on top of him, he has to shoot a 50 - 60 lb draw bow backed off to about 53 because his arm doesn't work right anymore. You may try taking it to a shop and trading for something you can shoot, shouldn't be too hard since that is a good bow.
  13. azslim

    Backpack hunting for coues

    You can also hike in the 2.5 gal containers you get at the supermarket for around $3. Once you know where you are going to go hump in 2 of them and stash em in the bushes, come back a week later with all your loot and hunting camp is established.
  14. azslim

    Swarovski HD vs. Swarovski non-HD

    I read somewhere that the HD is great for digiscoping but for avg glassers we wouldn't see much of a difference. Have no idea if that is the case, haven't spent any time behind an HD scope.
  15. azslim

    The Future of Wolves in Arizona

    got nothing nice to say about how the Endangered Species act has been bastardized to support a viewpoint that end goal is to eliminate hunting by the average citizen because they don't like it, "science be damned we'll just shop around until we find a Judge that sees things the way we do".......
  16. azslim

    4A cow tag

    Your son has a great unit, won't be hard to find elk. Both of my girls took several out of that unit over the years.
  17. azslim

    Here is # 2

    Nope Ernesto, he's mine. At 400 yds I hold at the top of the back, been doing it for years, I probably have a longer zero, haven't done the math in years.
  18. azslim

    Here is # 2

    I'm shooting my .270win with 130 gr round, I'm lining up about the top of the lungs with the vertical hair just on the inside of the right foreleg and squeezing. I sight my rifles in about 2.5 inches high at 100 yds, gives me about a 250 yd zero depending on the ammo, with a good sized kill zone like he presented he won't go far from that spot.
  19. azslim

    Story and pics about avatar

    I was thinking that was pretty steep country........
  20. azslim

    Huntin' Jokes

    don't ya hate it when those little surprises happen Lark......
  21. azslim

    Peep Sight Trouble

    You can also pick up a peep aligner, acts as a nocking point, they work pretty good, I believe TRU makes them. Their Spyder string silencers work too, if you have a chrono and a little time you can add fps to your bow if you find the sweet spot.
  22. azslim

    bear close encounter

    When I walked up on a mama and her cub many years back I had to jump in the creek and swim across the hole or she was going to kick my butt. She stood on the bank and talked about my ancestors while she hopped and stomped about. Glad yours was a much more relaxed encounter.
  23. azslim

    bear close encounter

    Great pics Amanda, did your friend have to change anything?
  24. yep, I have been trying to hook up with them for a couple of seasons but dates haven't panned out. They do great stuff for the kids and that's what it is all about.
  25. azslim

    Unit 7 fire

    His story is true, I was about a mile away to the S/SE on Father's Day, went in by Spring Valley Work Center. A couple of times on the way out I saw elk feeding in green patches while stumps smoldered and burned around them, one night was 3 cows, the next was 2 decent bulls - I was surprised about what I saw sticking out of their heads already.