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Everything posted by azslim

  1. azslim


    told the kids in my Hunter Ed classes each person has their own ethics, a simple way to establish yours is don't do anything you would be embarrassed to tell your Grandmother about. as far as slinging mud, let me make a batch of popcorn, some of these threads get funny
  2. have you sat and rested the butt on something solid and slow fired a magazine to see where the impact is at 10 yds? That is what I do when I get a new pistol, figure out how it shoots from the bench before I start offhanding groups
  3. go visit some dirt tanks/guzzlers, walk the perimeter and find which ones are getting hit, then pick a high point and climb up there and glass, when I'm scouting I hit a few and if they look likely I make sure I glass them for an evening and the next morning until 10:00 or so, then move and find another one. Do this a few days and you will have a good idea where to start looking.
  4. azslim

    ISO Hd Spotting scope

    I have a package deal, Vortex 15x50 HD Vipers and a 20-60x85 Razor HD spotter, will let them both go for $1300.
  5. azslim

    ISO summer sausage schooling

    you can always buy a pork butt and make a couple lbs as a test before using game meat I've made a lot of sausage but haven't tried summer sausage yet, wife prefers all the other types I make. Here are a couple recipes I've picked up over the years. Summer Sausage Recipes 8 lbs. lean elk meat or venison 2 lbs. fat pork trimmings Mixture 1 tablespoon cracked black pepper 10 teaspoons household salt 3 tablespoons sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt peter 1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon coriander 1 teaspoon ground ginger 1 tablespoon ground mustard 1 tablespoon garlic powder 2 cups rose wine This recipe is calculated for 10 lbs. of sausage. Chill meat (38 degrees is perfect). Then grind through a 3/16 in grinder plate. Place in a large plastic, wood, glass, or ceramic tub or crock. Mix all ingredients by hand to blend spices evenly and chill in cooler for 2-3 days. Stuff into 2 3/4 x 24 in. beef middles. These are usually available from a butcher. 3 x 28 in. fibrous casing may also be used. Make the sausages abut 1 foot long and then tie them off. Be sure they are not stuffed tightly. After stuffing, hang so they do not touch each other and dry at room temperature for 5 hours. Transfer the hanger to smoker or smokehouse and smoke at 120 degrees with a heavy smudge for 6-8 hours or until an internal temperature of 145 degrees is reached. Smoking longer (6-8 hours) will flavor the sausage more. When smoking is completed to your satisfaction, remove and shower with tap water until an internal temperature of 120 degrees is reached. Hang at room temperature in a draft free area for 2 days. Small Batch 2 lbs. ground venison 1 1/2 teaspoons liquid smoke 1 cup water 1 tablespoon mustard seed 1/2 teaspoon onion powder 1/8 teaspoon garlic powder 3 tablespoons Morton's Tender Quick Meat Cure Use 2 lbs. ground venison (plain, we never add pork as many do, the natural small amount tallow left on the deer as we skin it is enough moisture). Mix all ingredients and then mix with ground meat. Make into rolls of size you wish. Roll in foil with meat to shiny side. Refrigerate for 24 hours. Place on a rack over a pan to catch drippings. Insert fork through under side of foil to allow drainage as it bakes. Bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes at 325 degrees. Can also add cheese & jalapeno to sausage. Freeze the cheese before crumbling in, makes it crumble easier. Add these just before cooking – don’t grind. HOMEMADE VENISON SAUSAGE (If you have more than 25 lb., adjust ingredients accordingly) 25 lb. cubed venison (1 1/2 - 2" chunks) 4 Lbs. Smoked Bacon. 1 1/3 cups Tender Quick 4 Tbsp. Onion Powder 6 Tbsp. Red Pepper Flakes 3 Tbsp. Liquid Smoke 3 Tbsp. Garlic Powder 4 Tbsp. Black Ground Pepper 3 Tbsp Crushed Basil Leaves 1 1/2 Tbsp. Dry Mustard 2 Tsp. ground mace Mix above spices in separate container, sprinkle over meat a little at a time mixing into meat chunks until all spices are used. 1. Keep meat mixture cool. 2. Let mixture set for at least 24 Hrs., then grind at least 3 times. 3. Form into rolls, (1 1/2 lb) 2-3 inches in diameter, 10-12 inches long and wrap rolls tightly with cheese cloth. 4. Bake at 200 degrees for 3 1/2-4 hrs., turning every 1 hr 45 Min. Take out of the oven and remove the cheese cloth right away while the rolls are hot. The cheese cloth is hard to get off after the meat has cooled. Cool the rolls on a wire rack then refrigerate in a covered container until you can wrap or "seal-a-meal" them for the freezer . MAKES ABOUT 15-16 1 1/2 lb ROLLS. This venison summer sausage makes use of high-temperature cheese, which is cheese that can withstant temperatures up to 400 degrees F. With a kick of flavor from some jalapeño peppers, this recipe is one you'll want to try right away. Jalapeño-Cheese Venison Summer Sausage Recipe3 pounds venison 2 pounds pork 5 tablespoons Morton Tender Quick Curing Salt 1 tablespoon black pepper 1 teaspoon mustard seed 1 teaspoon marjoram 1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon garlic powder (or 5 minced fresh garlic cloves, if you have them) 4 fresh jalapeño peppers ½ pound high-temperature cheddar cheese Grind together venison and pork. Add curing salt, pepper, mustard seed, marjoram, sugar and garlic powder. Mix together thoroughly with your hands, making sure curing salt and seasonings get evenly dispersed through meat. Hull jalapeño peppers and remove seeds, then chop into small but not fine chunks. Part of the visual appeal at the end will be in seeing the peppers and cheese in the log of summer sausage. Combine jalapeño peppers and high-temperature cheese (you might have to go to a big-box supplier for the high-temp cheese, unfortunately) with the meat. Mix thoroughly. Stuff mixture into 2 ½ -inch mahogany collagen casings. Place in refrigerator overnight. The following day, hang sausages on drying racks and dry at room temperature, or you can dry them in the smoker with the damper open. Leave until casings are dry. Raise temperature of smoker to between 120 and 130°F, add smoke chips (I like apple wood), and smoke for 3 to 4 hours. Raise temperature to 170°, and smoke until internal temperature reaches 165°. As sausages finish up, prepare bucket of ice water in which to immerse summer sausages. After internal temperature has reached 165°, take sausages out of smoker and immediately immerse in ice water to cool them quickly (it takes around 5 minutes for them to cool sufficiently). This maintains their plump appearance. Once cool, place back in cooled smoker and allow sausages to bloom at room temperature (or comfortable outside temperature) for 1 to 3 hours. Editor’s Note: Once cut into, sausages will keep longer if refrigerated. You may also freeze them, then thaw and serve as needed. If you get 20-inch casings, they will each hold about 3 pounds of summer sausage, so following this recipe you’ll either have to triple the recipe to stuff five casings, or you’ll end up with one 20-inch log and two-thirds of a second casing. Read more: http://www.grit.com/departments/venison-summer-sausage-recipe.aspx#ixzz3MyDcxQLR Sausage Stick Recipe 2 level tsp. Prague Powder #1 4 tbsp. paprika 6 tbsp. ground mustard 1 tsp. ground black pepper 1 tsp. ground white pepper 1 tsp. ground celery 1 tbsp. mace 1 tsp. granulated garlic 3 1/2 ozs. kosher salt 1 1/2 ozs. powdered dextrose 6 ozs. Fermento 10 pounds lean ground beef The last two ingredients are for fermentation and may be omitted if you don't want the tang. After you stuff the beef sticks, he recommends smoking at 90-110 F for 8 hours and letting it go at this temperature for another 12 if you want the tang to fully develop. Then you raise the smokehouse temperature until the meat reaches 145 internally. If you wish to modify your current recipe for the dehydrator, or use this one in it (I highly recommend it, I've made it several times), just follow the temperature guidelines - IOW, keep the temperature under 110 for 8 to 20 hours, then crank it up to cook the sausage at the very end. What you've probably been doing is following the same procedure as for jerky, at 145 until dry, and have been ending up with jerky in a casing. Beef sticks will not be as dry as jerky, hence the lower temperature. FWIW, I use the Prague Powder #1 and make jerky at 120 and it is much more flavorful than the stuff dried at 145 like most recipes call for. Under 140, the curing powder is absolutely necessary to prevent the growth of botulism. Pepperoni Sticks 2 lbs beef chuck (70% lean) 1 Tbs. Tender Quick 1/2 tsp. crushed red pepper 1 tsp. crushed fennel seed 1/2 tsp. garlic powder 1/2 tsp. crushed anise seed 1 tsp. black pepper 1/4 cup cold water or red wine Whole Meat Method Cut meat into 1 inch cubes. Place the cubes sprinkle on the seasoning mix. Work the seasoning into the meat cubes. Make sure that all the cubes have seasoning on them. Cover the bowl and refrigerate for at least one hour. Set up your grinder with a coarse cutter and stuffing horn for 1-1/4 inch natural or collagen casings. Tip: meat that is all most frozen will grind better and make a sausage with more texture. Mix meat cubes again then grind and stuff. Make sure to feed lean and fat meat into the grinder evenly. Place sausages on a baking rack and cook slow in a 200 degree oven for 2 hours or until then internal temperature of the sausage reaches 160 degrees. Remove from oven and immediately wrap each link tightly in foil. This will enhance the flavor. Allow to cool then refrigerate for 2 days. Use cooked sausage within one week or freeze for up to three months.
  6. azslim

    Bone saw

    don't use a saw at all, a sharp boning knife and your thumbs is all you need to separate the muscle groups and slice up steaks
  7. azslim

    Looking For an Elk Brisket Recipe

    grind it up and make it into sausage, plenty of recipes for it on here, this one is pretty good. I don't stuff it into links, makes a great hash and pretty good burgers too. Hunter Sausage - makes about 3 pounds 2 lbs pork butt or game meat 1 lb bacon - smokey or maple 1/2 cup water 1 tblspn whole yellow mustard seeds 2 tspns minced garlic 2 tspns coarsely ground black pepper 2 tspns paprika 2 tspns dry yellow mustard 1 tspn kosher salt 1 tspn coriander 1 tspn nutmeg 1/2 tspn ground ginger Grind meat and fat through 1/4 in plate; mix ingredients together in large bowl. Stuff into medium casings and tie into 6 - 7 inch links. Recipes are from the book "Bruce Aidell's Complete Sausage Book" - ISBN # 1-58008-159-2. Published by Ten Speed Press - www.tenspeed.com and available at Barnes & Noble or Border's Books.
  8. azslim

    Javelina Meat?

    tenderloins make 2 steak sandwiches, backstraps make one batch of green chile, the rest is various types of sausage
  9. azslim

    Tips for boning out meat

    and don't forget to make up some bacon burger, 2 lbs game with 1 lb bacon, makes wonderful burgers and excellent in mac and cheese
  10. azslim

    Tips for boning out meat

    I use my thumbs just as much as a knife to separate the muscle groups, the silver skin shows you where to cut/separate. Front qtrs are grind, hind qtrs for roasts and steaks and stew meat. Cut your steaks at 90 degrees to the grain. A flexible blade & stiff blade boning knife and a 10 inch butcher knife are all you need to do your own processing. And a $100 countertop grinder works fine until you've a couple elk to do, then it takes a while. I used to have the butcher at Albertson's save beef suet for me for the grind, I don't bother to anymore, just grind it up and if you want to make a meatloaf just add a couple eggs to keep it together. For sausage 2/3's game with 1/3 fatty pork butt is my mix and the recipes are from Bruce Aidell's Complete Sausage Book. If you are going to stuff links, brats and the like, don't skimp on the fat or they come out dry, links are the only time I use all the fat recommended in the recipe.
  11. ttt still haven't worked up my load yet so bringing this to the top so I don't have to dig so far to find it when I'm ready
  12. you can do it in your backyard with a stove, pot big enough for the skull and a 12 pk of beer, wrap the bases with plastic wrap and keep them out of the water as much as you can, change the water mid simmer and for the final whitening use clean water and a big bottle of peroxide. Usually the head is done at the same time as the beer.
  13. azslim

    Bear Jerky

    smoke it all day long and when you think its done put it in the oven preheated to 200 and give it 15 to 20 minutes of heat, just an idea
  14. azslim

    HOSS is this your work?

    it was filmed in NM because they offer better tax incentives to movies than Az does
  15. azslim

    Vortex Viper Hd 15x50 Price drop $400

    guys these are great backup and loaner glass, if you have kids or take people out that don't have glass these are perfect, if they get dropped and broke so what, Vortex will replace them
  16. azslim

    Elk Heart

    pretty good diced up with corned beef hash and oe eggs
  17. azslim

    National Forest travel maps-what am I missing?

    it was one of Clinton's last acts, EO on TMP, then enacted long after he was gone I know a few people in the FS that deal with this, all hunters, did you know our own G&F was all keen to help enforce it until they were told they wouldn't receive any funds for doing it, then they said the FS was on it's own IMO it was a nod to the Anti establishment because it only affects hunters and avg campers, of which those that visit out of the way places are usually hunters not the city boy from down the street that needs campfire rings and an outhouse to survive
  18. azslim

    Leupold 15x56 BX-5 Santiam Hd

    what don't you like about them?
  19. azslim

    National Forest travel maps-what am I missing?

    what annoys me the most about the TMP is if you are a rancher, logger or cutting firewood you can use all the roads, only us that want to camp or hunt have to follow them
  20. azslim

    Wtb .22 pistol

    go check pawn shops
  21. when my daughters started hunting I had to get another gun, I picked a BAR MK II in .270 w/BOSS, the semi-auto action and BOSS took out most of the recoil. And I liked it so well I picked up a .300wm in the same rifle, my youngest was 12 and used to shoot it on the Hunter Ed Field Days with 180 gr hot loads, once again most of the recoil was taken out.
  22. azslim

    Gear review

    I've got the Alpine's, love the venting, much better than the double faced Carhartt's I usually wear. I also picked up the gaitors, good for going through mean bushes and add some warmth on cold days.
  23. azslim

    Leupold Optics Customer Service

    my b-i-l had a horse fall with him and bust a scope his Dad had bought 20 years before, sent it to Leupold and they sent him a new scope with a "sorry for the inconvenience" letter, this was about 25 years ago Vortex is following the trail blazed by Leupold when it comes to customer service
  24. thank you Lance, that's what I'm looking for, figured with a 264 I could get around 3k fps without hotrodding it and have a nice long range gun
  25. thanks guys rifle is a Sendero, bedded, Timney trigger and prone muzzle brake. I haven't shot it yet but the guy that built it for me got a group he could cover with a quarter with Rem 140 Core-Lokt once he had all the work done on it. I have Nosler, Hornady & Berger bullets to try, I'll find one the rifle likes.