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Everything posted by azslim

  1. azslim

    Boots In Need of Some Sole's

    Martinez Boot Repair - I believe it is around 35th Ave & Greenway, NE corner.
  2. azslim

    !!! 10 year old LOST GUN !!!

    tough lesson to learn for him, hope you get it back
  3. azslim

    Does anyone know what this Bug is???

    yep, I'm wrong top left pic http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images?_adv_prop=image&fr=yfp-t-701-s&va=vinegaroon+scorpion
  4. azslim


    do you have any .270's?????
  5. azslim

    Take the time

    My attitude from many years back came from a line in Readers Digest - "you never hear anyone on their death bed wishing they had spent more time at work". As a result if I wasn't packing the pager for the week I had my wife and daughters out in the Az outback somewhere. At the time the girls hated it, wanted to stay home and play video games, hit the mall, etc. Now that they are married they cherish the memories of the different parts of this beautiful state they have visited, camped in, hunted in and just generally enjoyed. There are no do-overs with kids.
  6. azslim

    Book Review - Lone Survivor

    I just finished "Lone Survivor" for the 2nd time. It is about Operation Redwing and the Special Forces hero's who lost their lives in Afganistan, it is about their courage and commitment to their country and to the men on either side of them. The big hearts of the American people shine through and the courage and loyalty of the Afgan people that risked their lives to save the lone surviving SEAL. I think I will tear up every time I read this book.
  7. azslim

    Found Binoculars

    if you look through the little end and it makes things look closer in the big end then they are mine.......
  8. azslim

    Trail Cam Ethics?

    I've looked at them, even cleaned them up after they were sabatoged.
  9. azslim

    At least it isn't tag soup

    tasty Unicorn there.....
  10. azslim

    22 250 remington price question

    check out prices on gunbroker.com
  11. azslim

    Gett'n em out

    If it is cool enough I will let the qtrs hang at night without a bag, lets the meat rind up, much easier to cut off the rind than to pick hairs and dirt.
  12. azslim

    Rock Hounding

    The Az mine & Mineral Museum had a deal where if you come down for a couple nights and get training you can use their lapidary equipment. I did it years ago with my daughters, they had a good time and learned a little about making jewelry.
  13. azslim

    What do you sleep on ?

    Thermarest mattress in my bedroll, sometimes on a cot, sometimes in a tent, sometimes in the dirt
  14. azslim


    One of my Grandma's used to turn a venison haunch into ham. She would make a salt & sugar brine and inject it deep into the muscle alongside the bone, then hang it for a few weeks to cure. It was some of the best ham I have ever tasted. I was an idiot and didn't get the brine recipe from her.
  15. azslim

    12A West Advice??

    if the burn received moisture then yes, check it thoroughly, they like to eat the new green that pops up. Also find patches of cliff rose, it is one of their major sources of forage.
  16. azslim

    House Broken Into, Everything Gone

    Unfortunately it is probably someone you know that did it to you, or a neighbor (kid) that has seen you carting your loot back and forth. Hope they catch the lowlife.
  17. azslim

    Quality all purpose knife for field dressing?

    I carry a flexible bladed boning knife and a handful of pillow cases and do the gutless method
  18. azslim

    Redfield Rampage any opinions?

    Do you have GOOD bino's? Those are more important than a spotting scope. Rather than get 'make do' stuff save as long as necessary to buy something that will last the rest of your hunting career. I had a lot of 'make so' stuff over the years, could have bought good with what I spent.
  19. azslim

    Indian Ruins

    In the Sierra Ancha's, up the Cheery Creek drainage - Devil's Chasm, Cold Springs Canyon, Pueblo Canyon, west side of Cherry creek. Haven't seen them from the top, have walked up from the bottom, good hike, take your camera.
  20. azslim


    people like that keep me in work......
  21. azslim

    How's 36B look after the fire???

    it looked black last time I saw it, but that was when I was leaving the fire in June or July, whenever it was heard they got good moisture and greened up a fly-over of the fire on the last day or so showed a whole bunch of green pockets and water tanks in the middle of the black, there were deer at all of them
  22. azslim

    Rangefinder necessary?

    hunted a long time before range finders were even made, I like having one but it is not mandatory.
  23. azslim

    Indian Ruins

    previous pics - Pueblo Canyon?
  24. azslim


    If I didn't already have one I would snatch this up, it's a deal.