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Everything posted by azslim

  1. azslim

    Now That's a Trail Cam

    great joke!
  2. azslim

    Spotting Scopes: Angled -vs- Straight Eyepiece?

    straight makes it easier looking downhill, angled easier uphill - for paper both are fine
  3. 8 to 10, more in the rig if necessary
  4. azslim

    Hippies are taking over

    I don't wander around naked.......but I have mooned a couple game camera's over the years, simple pleasures for simple minds.......
  5. azslim

    144" gross Coues for sale

    tell him to trot over to Cabela's, Bass Pro or Sportsman's Warehouse, they buy heads or have in the past
  6. azslim

    Pack it in, Pack it out

    nuff said.......
  7. azslim

    Outdoorsmans Tripods worth the money?

    If you decide to sell an Outdoorsman tripod I'll throw my hat in the ring.
  8. azslim

    Bino Harnesses

    I put split rings on my 8x32's and rangefinder, come time for a stalk I unclip the right side of the harness from the bino and put the range finder there, this allows them both to hang right under my armpits but be quickly accessible. I like the 8's around my neck for 400 yd or closer viewing and pull out the 15's for long stuff. If you don't like having to adjust the suspender harness length just set it up how you like it and sew a couple of stitches.
  9. azslim

    New GPS - Garmin Oregon 450T

    Haven't had that problem yet, it is ready to go about 3 minutes after I turn it on. The maps chips show more water, or potential water, than you would think is out in the desert. Doesn't have the guzzlers but it has plenty of other sources.
  10. azslim

    Outdoorsmans Tripods worth the money?

    I've been eyeballing them for a while, I have the pistol grip, quick detach and panning attachment on a Cabela's carbon fiber, but it is too short for me to stand and glass with. Your story MAY make me pull the trigger, but I would much rather buy a used one for $250 to $300 than put out $550+.
  11. I have a .244rem that has killed numerous deer, elk, 2 moose and 1 bear over the years with Remington CoreLokt 90 to 100 gr rounds. Now it sits in the safe and waits for a grandkid to show up.
  12. azslim

    Ground blind

    even if caught thieves are not punished, just a slap on the wrist at most. My Dad and Grandad always said "locks keep honest people honest, a thief will get what he wants". As a result I assume everyone is a thief until proven otherwise. I will build up a "poor" brush blind, then when I want to hunt it I string camo burlap in the front and back and sit in a ghillie suit. When I leave I take the burlap with me. So far I haven't had anyone improve my blinds to the point they are huntable without the burlap and putting the brush up early allows the game time to get used to it. The one time I built a real good blind people were lined up to hunt out of it to the point I left the area. Compare the cost of a good ground blind to a good ghillie and they are about the same, then a couple of 4'x12' strips of burlap and you are set.
  13. azslim

    New GPS - Garmin Oregon 450T

    Used it for 10 days straight a couple weeks ago, pretty hard on batteries even if you aren't doing a lot of work with it, so take plenty.
  14. azslim

    Can not get GPS to match Topo map cordenance

    the chip in my 450T is WGS 83 I think, my maps are all NAD27, get the big picture from the maps and the detail from the GPS
  15. azslim

    whats the deal with locating elk in unit 6a

    out at night and holed up in the day, get as high as you can (Apache Maid or similar) and break out the biggest glass you have.
  16. azslim


    never try to teach a pig to sing........that is a site full of annoyed pigs....... I wish I could have shown them the chicken coop when a fox got in it, or George Mazett's drop herd that wandered away in the snow storm and the coyotes found it a couple days before we did, dead sheep and lambs everywhere and I watched a coyote pull a lamb from a ewe, kill it, then kill the ewe, then go after another one. They grew up on Walt Disney and have no clue about the real interaction of wildlife.
  17. azslim

    AG&F Youth Field Course Complaint

    all Hunter Ed Instructors are volunteers not G&F employees, lots of experienced hunters on this site, some of you should step up and become an Instructor.
  18. My suggestion for kids, burn up bricks of 22's, they are a lot cheaper, no recoil and the kids get to shoot a whole bunch more. Then towards the end of the session break out the .243 and shoot. If you want to be a good shot it takes trigger time, and 22's give you the most for your bucks. When I was shooting all the time I would start with a couple hundred 22's before moving on, didn't matter if it was pistol or rifle practice.
  19. azslim

    quality binos -opinions needed plz

    +1 for Kaibabs
  20. azslim

    Hunting 2011 36B

    good story, good country, I've pulled a bunch of deer and pigs out of there in years past
  21. azslim

    Use of the word "Harvest"

    I use "congrats" because I can't spell congrad congrati congrag ....the whole thing....
  22. azslim

    Use of the word "Harvest"

    depends on my audience
  23. azslim

    0 for 4 but we had a great time!

    sounds like you had a great hunt, beautiful country, I'm envious
  24. azslim

    The Draw

    The draw - How does it work? Poorly this year, I got skunked!