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Everything posted by azslim

  1. Great! When I started my daughters hunting the oldest couldn't pull the trigger on an elk, big brown eye was looking at her in the scope, I said fine, you don't have to kill anything, no problem when she decided to stay home for the deer hunt. Then came Javelina season and she said she wanted to try again, javelina are smelly ugly little things and I think I can shoot them, she tagged out and has been hunting ever since.
  2. azslim

    Help wanted! Opinions of this buck

    son or little brother, looks like the same gene's to me
  3. azslim

    Size of pig herds in Unit 18B?

    I'm inclined to think predators Don, was East of you after Elk in Dec and saw a bunch of coyotes and heard many more. Picked up lion sign in a couple spots too.
  4. azslim


    have no experience with doublers, all I can say is I see a bunch of them for sale
  5. online=2.5 times the number of PROCRASTINATORS that put it off until the last minute, of course G&F is going to extend the deadline, more money for them
  6. azslim

    Women's Javelina HAM Hunt 2013 - recaps

    I really enjoyed this Amanda. Thank you for setting it up and allowing me to drive some ladies around and teach them cuss words.
  7. azslim

    Ever seen one thinner?

    or from one of those "elf" coues deer I have heard run down in that country
  8. azslim

    Trouble spotting javelina herds

    think small, look for a single animal versus a herd, watch for horizontal lines (their back), if you think you see something but aren't sure mark it and look elsewhere, then go back and see if it has moved. You may glass the same terrain for hours, then all of a sudden there they are. Check for them coming out of the bottoms of the draws in the mornings and following the sun lines up the hills. Glassing is a skill that gets better with time, like any skill.
  9. azslim

    Ever seen one thinner?

    good gene's in that small buck is my guess didn't know you couldn't bring sheds back from Mexico, knew you couldn't on the Rez.
  10. azslim

    elk herd with hoof rot

    they need to put out salt blocks with iodine, that is how ranchers handle foot rot in their cattle
  11. azslim

    Vortex Viper 15x50mm (Non-HD)

    may hang on to them, I use mine as backups and loaners when I take people out that don't have glass.
  12. I have a very simple solution - if it is legal for a LEO to carry it should be legal for the average citizen, my life is just as important as theirs. The exception is full auto firearms.
  13. azslim

    Homesick Snowbird?

    I was in Mesa the other day and I saw a bumper sticker on a parked car that read, "I miss Chicago ." So, I broke the window, stole the radio, shot out two of the tires and left a note that read, "I hope this helps!"
  14. azslim


    quite a few pigs came in to camp, was a good time
  15. azslim

    Southern Arizona water hole

    if you want to hunt an area spend some time on foot, there are usually hidden tanks away from roads that don't get hit. These are going to be in draws so use that to guide your wanders. Now there is Google Earth, before it I would buy a couple 7.5 minute maps, sit and study them in my living room, then go walk the country. You'll be surprised what a little boot leather will buy you.
  16. azslim

    Travel Mgmt zealots

    You would be surprised and the number of anti-hunters in positions of authority in the FS now. They don't want hunters, cattle, logging or people in "their" forests, despite the fact that these are the groups that have been stewards of the land for generations.
  17. azslim

    Vintage Long Range Javelina Killer

    what caliber is it?
  18. what is the link to this, I would like to send it to a couple people. All my searches have pulled up various news orgs views and feedback, I would like just the speech part that you have provided without the rhetoric.
  19. azslim

    Ruger .204

    I bid $100, a chunk of summer sausage, block of cheese and a 12 pack of the beer of your choice.........
  20. azslim

    goulds turkeys

    saw a few on the east side of the Horseshoe II fire 2 summers ago, up the road from Portal
  21. azslim

    Blonde Javelina

    I killed one in 33 4 or 5 years ago, skinned her out to get it tanned but changed my mind. Now I wish I had tanned it, she was pretty.
  22. azslim

    Pistol Grip Heads

    I have both the Bogen and the Outdoorsman grips, I really like them over the standard panning. Plus you can get a little more height on your set up so you can stand up and glass.
  23. azslim

    Vortex Kaibabs

    bad timing, a pair with tripod & panning attachment went for $850 yesterday
  24. azslim

    Successful pig hunt in the snow!

    was up in the conifer country myself, was pretty Saturday morning with the snow covering everything.
  25. azslim

    Red and White

    I really look forward to seeing your pictures, you take beautiful shots.