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Everything posted by azslim

  1. azslim

    anyone want to go fox hunting?

    yea they can be friendly little shits, they usually cuss me the first time they get a mouthful of spicy beef jerky, but always come back for more......
  2. azslim

    anyone want to go fox hunting?

    I like the little turds, have a few camps where they come visit me and I give them spicy beef jerky
  3. azslim

    Cabela’s changing CC to MasterCard from visa

    The Visa card now is serviced by World's Foremost Bank now. Not happy with being forced to switch, if the call center is outsourced I will look for a new card. Major reason I like my Cabela's Visa is when I call them a nice lady in Nebraska answered the phone and was fluent in English.
  4. azslim

    Attempting to help a new young hunter

    volunteer at a couple of the youth camps this fall, they can use glassers and pack mules and he will probably learn something
  5. azslim

    Backpack Trip Suggestions??

    West Clear Creek, go in on Maxwell Trail and fish down to Tramway, then turn around and fish back to Maxwell and walk out.
  6. azslim

    Vortex Viper 15x50 Binos

    nice deal, I have a pair, they are backups/loaners, nice to have when you take someone out that is just getting started or kids and you want to get them involved
  7. azslim

    Coyote problem

    wire a baby bottle nipple onto the the barrel of a scoped 22 rifle, makes a decent silencer
  8. azslim

    Archery lessons?

    your first arrow of the day is the most important
  9. I've had fun with a Garand and was thinking about getting one through the CMP, but they are heavy darn things and it's not like I'd take it hunting so never got one.
  10. azslim

    Cabelas Big Eyes 20x70 Binoculars

    if you have kids or take people out I'd keep them, they will make good backups and loaners
  11. azslim

    12AE Logistics

    a deer qtr'd up will fit in a cooler, use frozen water bottles for ice so meat isn't soaking in water, I always rolled down the hill to Fredonia to fill up
  12. I use frozen water bottles for ice in my meat coolers, that way the meat isn't soaking in melted ice water
  13. whichever one you shoot the best, be ready for shots from 50 to 500 yards
  14. azslim

    Fluid intake?

    I have some experience with dehydration, helped a lot of folks with it over the years. Drink as much as you can during the day, but at night is when your body will recover the best so that is when you should tank up. If you have to get up and pee at zerodarkthirty it is a good thing. And try to get some electrolytes in you, a bottle of Gatorade or something along those lines. I like Drip Drop, it's a powder you put in a water bottle, can find it by the Pedialite in the drug store. And I drink this at night so it has longer to absorb. When you wake up in the morning the first thing on your mind should be boy do I have to pee.
  15. azslim

    Anyone fished Yellowstone?

    grasshoppers, royal coachman and wooly boogers worked years ago that and cream colored flies, I tied some of the ugliest you ever saw in HS from neck feathers of a cream colored chicken of my Grandma's that died, they worked no matter where I tossed them
  16. azslim

    Remember the 19

    June 30th will be 5 years
  17. azslim

    2017: What is your bull goal this year?

    one standing right next to the road
  18. azslim

    Fly fishing Wyoming

    to learn to cast without popping your fly off tie a piece of yarn on the end of the leader, then set a tuna can up in the yard an practice dropping the yarn/fly in the can I grew up fishing in Wyoming, I would be heading to spots on the Wind River Reservation, Little Bob's Lake, upper end of Dry Creek above the falls, the Wind River by Burris & Crowheart. Been a lot of years but a grasshopper fly worked no matter where I dropped it.
  19. azslim

    Northrim hunt June 8th?

    tough hunt, when I was up there at this time of year several years ago they all hung out just inside the park, would be a hundred head just inside the front gate in the meadows
  20. azslim

    Calf Killer Down

    a friend of mine that took a lot of lions around the state, including the Rez's, had an electronic caller record a 'lost beef calf' call, it was his go to call in cattle country
  21. azslim

    Looking For Cattle Troughs / Stock Tanks

    plastic kiddie pool will work
  22. their mind is already made up, holding public meeting for image, they could care less what hunters think
  23. azslim

    Looking For a concealed carry pistol

    pretty partial to my Sig P938, baby 1911 without grip safety, fits in my front pocket and doesn't weigh a ton
  24. azslim

    Fire in or near Mazatzal range?

    read on FB it has 87 closed, some dipstick probably threw a cigarette out the window
  25. Have a new rifle to work with and find out what it likes. I don't want to buy the latest manual for one bullet my rifle may not like, says likes a 1 in 8 twist and mine is 1 in 9. Anyway, if someone has the newest book what are the min/max loads for IMR4831 & IMR4350 and is it with regular or mag primers? Thanks for helping a cheap skate.