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Everything posted by azslim

  1. azslim

    what to do once buck spots you?

    you sure they weren't laughing and pointing at you Donnie? Do you make grunts and teeth clacking noises too? I have bent over with my ghillie suit on and slowly moved in on game, they would let me get just about to shooting range before moving off, chased one buck around the desert for about an hour, bet it was hilarious to watch
  2. azslim

    what to do once buck spots you?

    patience, there is a reason he is big, wait until he makes a mistake
  3. azslim

    Best Tripod Adapter Option for Swaro 15s

    I prefer the Outdoorsman over the Swaro
  4. azslim

    free elk sheds/backpack/trap/frame all free

    I will take the sheds if he doesn't
  5. good choice, you can even go up in caliber, my daughters were doing shooting demo's in my Hunter Ed classes when they were 11 & up with my .300wm and 180 grain bullets, they are a bit heavy, makes for a long day if you go up and down many hills
  6. a book I really enjoyed was "Last Flight From Tokura", joins the Navy at age 15, is one of 3 survivors, from a mine sweeper that was sunk, hiding on a Japanese held island, how they escape is wild, well worth reading. I was lucky enough to meet the author last year up in Idaho.
  7. azslim

    what happened to the site

    database problems
  8. azslim


    if you watch a mule deer will shake their tail before raising their head when feeding, if you are stalking move while their head is down and freeze at the tail shake, you will be surprised how close you can get
  9. azslim

    Now I have two javi tags for 37B

    I thought the 2nd tag had to be for a different hunt in a different unit, may want to check the regs
  10. azslim

    The boil out ...

    I just dump in a big bottle of peroxide with clean water for the last boil
  11. azslim

    2014 archery deer tag

    when I did it many years back just told them what unit and if there were any left they gave it to you
  12. azslim

    A Few Hunts To Share

    cool, tell Mark he is still ugly, hope to see you in Feb
  13. azslim

    Venison Heart Recipes

    diced up and mixed in with corned beef hash and a couple over easy eggs on top is pretty good
  14. azslim

    Duck id

    That is Daisy Duck, Donald is going to be very mad at you.......
  15. azslim

    Caseys 30" Muley, 1st deer!

    I agree, that is a whitetail face
  16. azslim


    there is a ghillie suit for sale on here, it is a Rancho Safari same as I use, works great and you don't have to worry about someone stealing it
  17. azslim

    A few things I should sell

    bummer, he drew the elk upsidedown.......
  18. azslim


    these things work great, this is a deal folks with this set up and a strip of camo burlap you can build a blind in short order, back into a tree and string the burlap in front of you, works good for still hunting also.
  19. look at Kifaru also since you are putting out that much money http://store.kifaru.net/packs-c3.aspx
  20. azslim

    Viper HD 10x50 or 15x50?

    10's or 8's for your neck, 15's for a tripod
  21. azslim


    ghillie suit and a strip of camo burlap, build up a background and string the burlap in front of you
  22. azslim

    Vortex 15x50 Viper Binos-Pics uploaded 11/23

    these are good glass, I have a pair I use as my backups and loaners, plus lighter than 56's if you want to drop some weight
  23. azslim

    Wild Life project

    vodka and creme de mint
  24. azslim

    Lost rights to possess firearms.....

    he can petition to get his rights back provided there was no violence in whatever he was convicted of, know a couple of people that have had theirs restored
  25. azslim

    It was an adventure... Weathered out.

    sometimes discretion is the better part of valor, have bailed a few times over the years for the same reason, leave now or stay for a week