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Everything posted by azslim

  1. azslim

    Rancher Showdown

    and somewhere I read that there were fines levied on the ranchers due to harming tortoise habitat and that was when he quit with paying the grazing lease to the Feds, he is the last rancher left, all the others have been run off. Here is one you may not have seen, going to be great for all the wildlife in the area isn't it.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYszv9-wMbs and here is a little background on BLM, did you know they get to make up the rules as they go along and it is law? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAwALTdrMZ8
  2. azslim


    we can all expect a visit from the IRS and possibly ATF...........we don't believe we got a pony
  3. azslim

    What's a good bino power for the woods?

    I have 8x32's around my neck and 15's & a tripod in my pack, doesn't matter if I'm hunting mtns or desert
  4. azslim

    Paralyzed Elk?

    Prdatr, http://www.uwyo.edu/vetsci/research/red-rim-elk-lichen-poisoning%20.html
  5. azslim

    Paralyzed Elk?

    happened in Wy too, turned out it was from lichen on the rocks they were picking up while grazing
  6. azslim


    forced a bag of horse$hit on us and tried to tell us it's a pony
  7. maps, gas and shoe leather, study the maps in your living to plot the most efficient use of gas to put you in position to use your shoe leather
  8. azslim

    WTB Winchester 231 powder

    5.2 grs of 231 and a 185 gr bullet, great load and my empties land in a small pile to the right - .45acp
  9. azslim

    Fire Fighter

    Mike Adelman at Paradise Valley Community College gives a class on the interview process, you may want to take it
  10. was hoping he would move to Canada where they have gun laws he is happy with, and he can take Justin Beiber and Jim Carrey with him
  11. azslim


    what is the hurry, season doesn't open for a few more months, put aside $50 a month until right before your hunt and you will be able to afford better quality, that way you won't look to be upgrading them in a year or two I say this having given away a couple of pair of "these ain't what I want but will work till I get what I want" bino's
  12. I'm gonna pee in your beer next time I see you.......
  13. azslim

    Good Rifle For My Girlfriend

    another option is Browning BAR w/BOSS, takes most of the recoil out, my daughters were shooting my .300wm when they were 11 to 12 y.o.'s, the youngest has her own .300wsm
  14. azslim

    Hunter education?

    used to have to be 10 by the time the class ended, may have changed, been a while since I taught
  15. azslim

    The Walking Dead Finale

  16. azslim

    want a killer discount on big name brands???

    and a lot of companies have programs they don't advertise, contact them directly and usually provide a copy of your cards, license, etc.
  17. azslim

    Geronimo Hotshot video 2013

    I agree, pics and videos just don't do justice to being there, hope to run into you this season Great movie
  18. azslim

    Javelina hamburgers

    try grinding up 2 lbs javelina with 1 lb bacon for bacon burger, works great for burgers or cheese burger macaroni
  19. azslim

    Where to camp??

    Cherry Creek drainage, hike the cliff dwellings in the Sierra Ancha Wilderness Area
  20. azslim

    WTB Old leveraction gun

    hit up some pawn shops, don't pay their sticker price, you can usually save a bunch if you have cash in your pocket
  21. azslim

    What Are You Sitting On -

    I switch back and forth between a tripod stool and this http://store.kifaru.net/field-chair-p27.aspx with a pad
  22. azslim

    Girls and Hunting

    getting to this late, women tagged along on Mom's side of the family but didn't shoot until she hooked up with my Dad, he bought her a .244Rem and it was gung ho after that. I started my daughters shooting when they were young and started them hunting when they were 10 & 12. We had many a great hunt together over the years, just the 3 of us. Good memories. Women hunted on Dad's side just to make sure there was meat on the table if the men were tied up with work. A funny family story, my Great Grandma Annie was a short little Shoshone woman, stood about 4'8". On a family type sheep hunt up Dinwoody Canyon in Wy the guys told Grandma Anne she couldn't go out that day, she had to hang around around camp because they were going into some real rough country and she was too old. So off they went and she hunted around camp with the 30-30. When the guys got back that night just beat they were looking for some food, hoping all day long Grandma had it ready for them. Well she did, big stew in a dutch oven, but she told the guys you aren't getting any of this until you go pack my sheep back to camp. Yep, while the guys were off killing themselves she shot a nice ram from camp, field dressed it and stashed it in the shade. She didn't let them forget that story for a long, long time.
  23. azslim

    Rehydrating an non tanned pelt

    I worked at a tannery in HS for a while, the hides would come in stretched, salted and dried, they were were in a big saltwater vat for about a week before they got to working on them. So I suggest that, use non-iodized salt, but you need to agitate it and check on it at least once a day. If you soak it too long it will cause the hair to slip.
  24. azslim

    Binocular Choice

    kind of a 'yes' answer, either one will do the trick, may boil down to price difference and warranty, while both are good Vortex would get your stuff back quicker, at least based on reports that have to use the warranty