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Everything posted by azslim

  1. azslim

    Scoped! Who has been on the other side?

    when I was a kid we called it "weatherby'd", have seen it on multiple occasions and a few that required stitches, I've been lucky so far (hope I didn't give myself the kiss of death)
  2. azslim

    My first trail cam photos (picture heavy)

    was going to ask the same thing, what happened to the shed?
  3. let jaw traps be legal again and thin out the coyote population
  4. azslim

    Kuiu guide/attack pants

    why don't you like them?
  5. azslim


    A 1/2 hp grinder is sufficient for the avg hunter, don't even need one that size but it will speed up the process if you are doing a couple animals. For years I used a Krupps counter-top model that ran about $100, still use it for 15 lbs or less of meat. The big industrial grinders are great just a pain to move around, mine weighs almost 75 lbs. It's nice tho when I am processing an elk or a couple elk, can have a 50 lb batch double ground in about 15 minutes.
  6. azslim

    So I went hunting this week

    I lean towards a lion
  7. azslim

    Not shure what to think

    never pass up something on the first day you would gladly take on the last
  8. azslim

    Carhartt pants

    been wearing them for years, the double faced ones work great in all the sticker bushes in Az, dark brown, black or green
  9. azslim

    Mule Deer range

    in the desert they move to the areas that got the most rain, could be a short distance or a few miles
  10. azslim

    Different Venison Recipe?

    they're good as long as you take off the hair..........
  11. azslim

    260 rem vs 7mm-08 vs 243 vs ?

    BAR in .270 doesn't have much recoil, my girls were shooting mine when they were 10 & 12
  12. azslim

    Home meat cooler

    I have an old fridge I use, pull the shelves and stand the qtrs up, can fit a couple elk if you do it right. Then when it's not full of meat have extra storage for drinks, bulk stuff etc.
  13. azslim

    Javelina Processing

    i slip off the easily accessed silver skin, backstrap, big pieces on qtrs, etc., with a really sharp boning knife you can slip it right off usually in one big piece. A 1/2 hp grinder is sufficient for the majority of home processing, I used a little $100 counter-top model for many years, could do about 15 lbs at a time then let it and the meat cool off. I have a 1.5 hp now but only break it out for large batches, still use my little one for 15 lbs or less meat. The big one is wonderful, just heavy. Couldn't pass it up in the Bargain Cave for $205 many years back. couple of threads on here about sausage making, suggest you dig them up. I mix 1/3 pork to my game, a fatty pork butt, but my sausage is real lean, personal taste on that. Buy your spices in bulk if you can, a lot cheaper, Sprout's, Winco, etc or Penzey's offer them online or a store in Scottsdale.
  14. try giving it a good cleaning with a copper fouling removal solvent first, may surprise you and be a lot cheaper
  15. azslim

    Javelina Processing

    several recipes posted here, the silver skin comes off easy with a sharp, flexible bladed boning knife, and some will also get caught around the blade in the grinder. Have never soaked my game meat in soda pop, bleach water, vinegar, etc - keep it cool and clean, pick all the hairs and you will get good meat.
  16. what makes you think this Administration would lie to us? We have Ebola under control Clapper gave me wrong Intel. It’s his fault. I promised to end the war in Iraq and I did. I never ordered the Taliban swap it was Hagel Not even a smidgeon of corruption I only found out about it when I saw it on the news. We won’t negotiate with terrorists. I will have the most transparent administration in history. I have Shovel ready jobs. The IRS is not targeting anyone. Benghazi was about a movie. If I had a son. I will put an end to the type of politics that "breeds division, conflict and cynicism". You didn't build that. I will restore trust in Government. The cops acted stupidly. I am not after your guns. The Public Will Have 5 Days To Look At Every Bill That Lands On My Desk. It's not my red line it is the worlds red line. Whistle blowers will be protected. We got back Every Dime we Used to Rescue the Banks, with interest. I will close Gitmo. I am not spying on American citizens. ObamaCare will be good for America. You can keep your family doctor. Premiums will be lowered by $2500. If you like your plan, you can keep it. Period. We'll put it on C-Span. 57 states. Your taxes will not go up unless you make more than 250K a year. I will cut the deficit in half in 3 1/2 years or this will be a one term proposition. The recession is over. I'm not an ideologue. We will get to the bottom of this. I will not sign the NDAA bill. Reverend Wright Bill Ayers no lobbyists in my administration. I'll go through the budget line by line. Fast And Furious. I've never met the uncle I used to live with. I Barack Hussein Obama pledge to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America
  17. azslim

    Guides-and using them

    the folks I have guided have been from out of state, trying(paying) for tags for a while and wanted to improve their chances of getting something on the ground
  18. azslim

    National Guard - anyone have any experience?

    I would suggest he focus on his education, I wouldn't go near the military nowadays, they are disposable people to our leaders. I say this after spending 7 years in the Marine Corps, my wife did 8. We had different leaders during my time, the ones in power now are an embarrassment.
  19. azslim

    1600 Yards to Freedom

    Glad of the outcome from this one. We still lost people this year, happens every year. Last year the total was 34, Granite Mtn was the worst incident. Our fire crews earn their money.
  20. azslim

    Looking to buy hunting rifle for under 400 dollars

    hit up some pawn shops
  21. try plain old Rem Core Lokt
  22. Use dried apricots, not sure if you will cuss me or thank me for this Chicken & Apple Sausage - I run the fruit through the grinder, it will take you all day to dice it up with a knife 1 cup apple cider - or thaw out apple juice concentrate and skip the boiling 31/2 lbs chicken - book says thigh's with skin but I buy boneless, skinless thigh's 3 oz dried apples or apricots, I am generous with the fruit & use a bit more 4 tspns kosher salt 2 tspns freshly ground black pepper 2 tspns dried sage 1/4 tspn ground ginger 1/8 tspn ground cinnamon 1/8 tspn ground nutmeg 1 chicken bullion cube dissolved in 2 tblspns boiling water - I have powder bullion so I just add a big tspn into the spice mix boil cider down to syrup, about 2 - 3 tblspns, cool & reserve (or use frozen concentrate, easier and quicker because I am lazy). Grind meat with 1/4 plate, mix in spices and liquids and knead together well. Cook small patty and decide if you want to add anything else.
  23. Can't blame the land owners, idiots with no respect forced their hand. A friend was down there several years ago, some idiots on quads siphoned all the gas out of the car of the lady living on the property that gives access to Ariviapa Canyon. She had just filled it the day before and they didn't leave her enough to be able to drive to the gas station, there are none close by. Larry gave her all the gas he had. She said she had had enough and was locking it down as this wasn't the first time it had happened to her. Only takes 1 or 2 people to screw it up for the rest of us. How would you react if in the same position she is?
  24. azslim

    Jalapenos! !!!!

    You need to can some with garlic cloves and boiled eggs, goes great with summer sausage and cold beer
  25. azslim

    How many of you have seen this?

    pro hunter for Team Walmart