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The Coues

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Everything posted by The Coues

  1. The Coues

    Trail Cam #1

    yes, about 120 more pictures... You gonna share?? These were the best ones.... Sure there were pictures of deer and elk and turkey and bear and.... -Jeremy- Any horn?? Nope, Haven't found any horns, haven't really looked. Plus I am not good at finding horns anyway.
  2. The Coues

    Trail Cam #1

    yes, about 120 more pictures... You gonna share?? These were the best ones.... Sure there were pictures of deer and elk and turkey and bear and.... -Jeremy- Any horn??
  3. The Coues

    Trail Cam #1

    yes, about 120 more pictures... You gonna share??
  4. The Coues

    Trail Cam #1

    Nice pics Jeremy! Any others??
  5. The Coues

    I Got Robbed!!

    Sorry to hear about your cams..
  6. The Coues

    Alaskan Black Bear

    AWESOME!! Sounds like alot of excitement and fun... Congrats!
  7. The Coues

    wildgame 4.0 video

    Nice video!!
  8. The Coues

    My Desert Ram

    Awesome!! That is still a huge RAM!! Maybe not a record holder but still AWESOME!!!!!!
  9. The Coues

    Pictures from work

    Awesome pics!!!
  10. The Coues

    This sign is encourageing

    Exactly! Why can't they just fix it!!
  11. The Coues

    small bucks

    Nice pics!!! I haven't even gotten a coues yet..
  12. WOW!! real cool how people can think like that!!
  13. The Coues

    Huntin' Striped Marlin instead of Coues...

    Nice pics congrats!!
  14. The Coues

    My first bear on cam plus a few coues sheds

    Very cool!! Congrats!!
  15. The Coues

    Happy Birthday Angie!!

    Happy birthday have a great one!!
  16. The Coues


    Nice that is a real big bear!!
  17. The Coues


    Sorry to hear about your grandpa...
  18. The Coues

    19a antelope

    Nice pics, love the ones with the fawns!
  19. The Coues

    Check out my little fish!!!!

    WOW!! Great fish... Congrats!
  20. The Coues

    Canned Meat

    Real sad to see them all cooped up like that...
  21. The Coues

    RMEF Great Elk Tour

    WOW!!! That is a great bull!
  22. The Coues

    Looking for a toyhauler

    RV World in Mesa.. They hooked us up pretty good last year withe a real nice toy hauler!
  23. The Coues

    7mmRM at 1000yrds

    WOW!! 1000 yards
  24. The Coues

    how much would you Pay????

    I'd pay about $25.99