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Everything posted by Shane.A.Luke

  1. Shane.A.Luke

    2010 Polaris Sportsman 550

    Price reduced to $4,500 Great quad. Come check it out. I live in Surprise. Shane 623-866-2262
  2. Shane.A.Luke

    2010 Polaris Sportsman 550

    Sorry, I don't have any need for a Cabover.
  3. Shane.A.Luke

    Anyone making a big purchase at Cabelas soon?

    The $20 off $150 (13%) was better than the $50 off $500 (10%) on the same coupon. Either way I received the same coupon. I would be glad to help settle the PM dispute. Who missed out? Accepting PM
  4. Shane.A.Luke

    Paralegals/ Wills

    Luke Reynoso (480) 306-6738 aztaxlawyer.com Has multipule offices but you will work with him directlly. My family have used him and cost is no where near $2-3k. He represented my mother in law's estate in 2012 when she only had a will and passed suddenly. I highly recommend you give him a call.
  5. Bring a fishing pole with floating lure to retrieve the birds. What does everyone else do on ponds? I did hear of one guy swimming for his kill.
  6. Shane.A.Luke

    Need to Wine a little

    Like post above. You can apply for the draw. Just need to be 10-yrs before hunt date & complete course before. OP: if you have completed the online they will usually work you into a field day. Give the AZGFD coordinator. I've been very impressed with the Hunters Ed instructor working with people to get them through the course.
  7. Shane.A.Luke

    6b Jr hunt

    I have two boys that drew 6b youth tags. I have the 1st gen hunt
  8. Shane.A.Luke

    Importing Deer and Elk into Arizona

    I can tell you that we left two WY antelope bucks to get boiled out in another state due to this rule. We would normal have this done here in AZ. This is good to know. I wish it was clearer. I guess we should have called our local taxi before making plans for out of state processing. Thanks for bring this forward.
  9. My brother's tan Yeti warped in the back of his truck and would not seal properly. They exchanged it for a white one and it has survived the AZ sun. I have a Igloo 55-qt Sportsman cooler, which was $199 at Sam's Club. Great cooler for the price but it's heavy and take up a lot of space. I still go back to my old faithful Coleman Xtreme Marine cooler for shorter trips and to hold the beer on longer ones. The Igloo stays closed to hold meat and ice for the long haul. I think Igloo is making a 70-qt now.
  10. Shane.A.Luke

    pleasant stripers

    What's the trick for bigger fish?
  11. Donated as well, praying for you Jared! Great prom pic!
  12. That's awesome. Give us some details. hand calls? how many stands? multi per stand? rifle setup / caliber? or did you just hit the whole pack while driving out after drinking 9 cold ones?
  13. Shane.A.Luke

    Lowe 14 ft aluminum boat

    What is the transom height?
  14. Nice. What shotgun are you using? Look like a nice shorter barrel gun good for brush country.
  15. Shane.A.Luke

    Desert Mule deer rut

    Big Wave, good luck on HOAL. Great to see those still going on & people helping out.
  16. Shane.A.Luke

    Desert Mule deer rut

    BigWave, let's see your buck.
  17. Shane.A.Luke

    For Sale, Jim White Head & xtra Plate

    I'll take it. Pm me the payment details. Shane
  18. Shane.A.Luke

    for sale Rem 700 25-06 Sold!

    PM sent. Shane
  19. Shane.A.Luke

    lone wolf tree stand

    PM sent.
  20. Shane.A.Luke

    Downriggers for sale

    PM sent