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Everything posted by GWBowhunter1

  1. GWBowhunter1

    SureLoc Sight

    this sight does not come assembled. the way you put it together determines if it is right or left handed. the owners manual goes over setup pretty thoroughly. it is a great sight. if you live in the valley run in to archery hq they typically have this sight in stock and will assemble install and level it for you.
  2. GWBowhunter1

    Vortex Viper 15x50

    I have a pair of Vortex Viper 15x50 i would like to sell. Binos are in excellent shape. I am asking $485
  3. GWBowhunter1

    Vortex Viper 15x50

    400 ttt
  4. GWBowhunter1

    Vortex Viper 15x50

  5. GWBowhunter1

    6a rocky

    has anyone ever gone up and looked for the sheep in clear creek up in 6a?
  6. GWBowhunter1

    Vortex Viper 15x50

    nobody interested?
  7. GWBowhunter1

    6a rocky

    i really want this tag someday i've elk hunted a fair amount toward the east end of clear creek and was curious if they were anywhere in that vicinity or the west side of the canyon. i was thinking the same thing, that would be really cool to be able to say you drew the first tag and harvested the first ram in that area.
  8. GWBowhunter1

    Vortex Viper 15x50

    ttt. make an offer.
  9. GWBowhunter1

    Vortex Viper 15x50

  10. GWBowhunter1

    Vortex Viper 15x50

  11. GWBowhunter1

    great weekend of Az turkey

    Nice work! Congratulations
  12. GWBowhunter1

    Hunting from treestands

    I try to place my stands between 15 to 20 feet up. any higher than that and the shot angles tend to get pretty sharp.