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Rag Horn

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Everything posted by Rag Horn

  1. Rag Horn

    Lots of bears!!

    Man that thing is a brute. Well done.
  2. Rag Horn


    Wow very cool pics. That's awesome.
  3. Rag Horn

    Public Range Frustration

    I hate the range for the exact reasons you are frustrated with. It's a broad brushstroke but it seems like "every single person" that takes those Columbian drug runner guns and or their fancier more sophisticated "AR" cousins always are annoying. No offense to those types of gun owners that are considerate. I just don't notice you. You consideration secures your anonymity.
  4. Rag Horn

    Old Picture Help?

    The internet is calling these ore houses. They look .... similar.... sort of to what you have there.
  5. Rag Horn

    How do you judge size in June?

    Love those curling eyegards and extras in the back.
  6. Rag Horn

    "Food Saver" food saving tips

    Sounds awesome. I do love me some good glassing treats. Thanks for the ideas.
  7. Rag Horn

    A dog withh a Pseudopregnancy

    So I am pretty sure this is happening to my dog. Up until last night at midnight I didn’t know this was a this was a thing so I haven’t quite made peace with it in my head. The more I read about it the weirder it seems. The condition - False pregnancy, also called pseudopregnancy, is common in intact female dogs. It usually occurs somewhere between 6 and 12 weeks after a dog goes through her normal heat cycle and is caused by an exaggerated response to normal hormonal changes, including elevated levels of the hormone progesterone. During this time, females can develop many of the signs of pregnancy, even if they aren’t pregnant and haven’t even been bred. Signs of false pregnancies include appetite fluxuations, restlessness, whining, depression, anxiety and aggression. Many dogs engage in maternal behaviors, such as digging, nesting and mothering of stuffed toys, and some actually produce milk. These signs can be so convincing that even experienced breeders are fooled. Fortunately, with the help of modern technology, false pregnancies are easy to diagnosis. They usually don’t require treatment and go away on their own. Yesterday evening around 5 the dog started acting funny. She was real jittery and started frantically pacing the house. I figured she was just stir crazy so I put her on the treadmill for 2 miles. (lazy man’s way of walking the dog when its 105 outside... don’t judge). As soon as she hopped off the treadmill she was back to pacing the house and making kind of a whining whimpering sound. She had hauled 3-4 stuffed animals and some cloths out of the dirty cloths hamper up to my daughters room where she stacked them on a blanket she had pulled out from underneath the bed. Then when it was time to go to bed we put her in her kennel as we usually do at bed time. She lasted till 11:30 and she started to go crazy with barking and whining. I took her out to go to the bathroom and when she got back inside she started her nervous pacing and finding things to put in her mouth. After a while of just watching her and looking up a million things online we just went to bed and eventually so did she. This morning at 4 when I got up to go to work she woke up and started it all over again. My wife has said that to a lesser degree the dog has exuded the same behavior although to a lesser degree of intensity. The dog will play with the kids but after the play ends she goes back to her pacing and searching. Weird behavior we will have to monitor it going forward but have any of you ever experienced this kind of thing with any of your dogs?
  8. Rag Horn

    A dog withh a Pseudopregnancy

    Wow that is next level crazy. My dog seems to be unwinding a little but still acting funny per her normal. It has been a weird educational experience for sure.
  9. Rag Horn

    A dog withh a Pseudopregnancy

    It is kinda sad. From all I read that is the case. I did not really care one way or the other to get her fixed before but she is getting fixed now.....
  10. Rag Horn

    "Food Saver" food saving tips

    Good tips. Thanks
  11. Rag Horn

    "Food Saver" food saving tips

    Good tips. Thanks
  12. Rag Horn

    "Food Saver" food saving tips

    We do lots of canning chicken with my parents and we love it. It is so easy and so good. This food saver is a second option. Sorry to hear about the freezer. 😕
  13. Rag Horn

    Bulls looking good!

    But only in the waining seconds of shooting light on the last day of the hunt. Even then as you exhale and squeeze the trigger you have tinges of regret. 🙄😎😀
  14. Rag Horn

    Show Low area lakes

    My family has liked camping at canyon creek area. Trout fishing/playing in the creek and the kids loved the fish hatchery. We were there during the week and were mostly alone. Not really close to show low but my 2 cents anyway.
  15. Rag Horn

    Small Mouth Fishing on the Black River

    I have fished by whites crossing area and the pumping station there by point of pines. Pretty popular place. Slow fishing.
  16. Rag Horn


    36°35'4.32"N 112°30'40.13"W I have never been up in that country that looked awesome.
  17. Rag Horn

    Scouting 3a3c

    Pm sent
  18. Rag Horn

    Is this your cam in 3c?

    I found this camera in 3c over the weekend. If it is yours I want to swap notes. I have a camera VERY close to yours. I am sure you saw it. Thanks for not messing with my camera. With so many horror stories about cameras getting messed with its nice to know there are some good ones out there. Also I promise I did not turn your camera up to the sky. I did try to re position it to not take pictures of the sky for you though.
  19. Rag Horn

    Recent pics

    Nice buck but that fox is awesome!
  20. Rag Horn

    Is this your cam in 3c?

    Man ain't that the truth. They hate their picture being taken.
  21. Rag Horn

    Is this your cam in 3c?

    So i have been reading. ha ha No one has ever accurately accused me of taking the high road or being a real hunter! lol
  22. I have recently been made aware of the game and fish's fish stocking schedule; and have been brushing up on it trying to hedge my odds. While I appreciate the schedule it left me wondering these two questions. Anyone have any insight to any or all of these questions. 1- Does the game and fish not stock bass or bluegill in some of the desert lakes around the valley like Canyon Lake, Saguaro Lake etc or they do they just don't release the schedule? 2- Why are Big Lake, and Luna Lake omitted from this list? Or am I an idiot and missed it? https://s3.amazonaws.com/azgfd-portal-wordpress/azgfd.wp/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/19144618/April-to-Sept_2017-SummerStocking-PSH-EAST_-5_15_2017.pdf
  23. Rag Horn

    AZ Game and Fish's Fish Stocking Schedule Questions

    Good luck with the move. That isn't a fun activity. Would be interested in what he has to say.
  24. Rag Horn

    AZ Game and Fish's Fish Stocking Schedule Questions

    Big Thanks to all the relevant replies and regular size thanks for the rest. 😀 I would love to be educated on their stocking philosophy and learn the reason they have chosen this strategy. For some one as ignorant as I am to the ways of fish management programs I find it very interesting.
  25. Rag Horn

    goin' vegan

    Musta been a lot of pain here.