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Rag Horn

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Everything posted by Rag Horn

  1. Rag Horn


  2. Rag Horn


    Ttt with price drop.
  3. I need some help getting my range finder fixed. I have never had any swarovski warranty claims so I am not sure the best way to start. I read to take it to a dealer but I dont imagine all dealers are equal. Surly some shops are more capable than others to process this warranty claim. Also what information I will need when I take my rangefinder to a dealer? My range finder turns on and seems to be accurate in reading distances but then wont turn off until the battery dies. I have looked online for some way to fix this but cannot find anything. Anyone have any tips? Thanks in advance.
  4. Rag Horn

    swarovski range finder warranty help

    https://www.swarovskioptik.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/WFS/SOP-US-Site/en_US/-/USD/SPAG_CustomerService-ViewWarrantySite# here is the link i have been to but the drop down menu has 3 options for catagories. it has accessories, binoculars, and spotting scopes. i cannot find my range finder. maybe i am not looking in the right place, or i am over looking something. i think the rangefinder had been discontinued maybe that has something to do with it?
  5. Rag Horn

    Anyone know who’s set up this is?

    Yeah that’s it exactly. I just wanted to avoid stepping over another hunter. I found a draw I wanted to watch when the sun comes up opening morning. When I was hiking out I saw this set up and it became obvious I wasn’t the only one hoping to shoot a toad out of that canyon. I searched my pack for some way to leave a note but couldn’t scrabble together something.
  6. Rag Horn

    Cost to paint a house (Exterior)??

    FWIW I had a couple estimates done on my house in Gilbert recently and all the quotes came in just over $1 a square foot.
  7. I started seeing wear marks on my rest and on my arrow fletchings. So I put a light coat of Prussion Blue on my arrow rest and sure enough my fletchings were getting blue on them. I came to the conclusion that the fletching was rubbing on the rest as it passed over it. I believe that the fletching should not contact that fallaway rest. I have tried adjusting the “football clamp” but I don’t seem to be making any headway. Does anyone have any information they can pass along for me to troubleshoot my problem? I am shooting with the odd color fletching up so as to avoid that fletching hitting the bottom. Thanks.
  8. Rag Horn

    Fall away rest help

  9. Rag Horn


    https://www.whatismyip.com/ip-address-geolocation-incorrect/ maybe somthing here on this site can help.
  10. Rag Horn

    Teach me about stabilizers

    Thank you all for your information! I appreciate you guys taking the time to respond.
  11. Rag Horn

    Fall away rest help

    For anyone on pins and needles steeped in anticipation awaiting conclusion I think the issue is resolved. Archery headquarters in Chandler fixed me up. They timed the rest and helped me with vein alignment and we were punching bullet holes in paper in no time. No more contact. Whew.
  12. Rag Horn

    Fall away rest help

    This happens from group to group to varying degrees but this example is the most pronounced. They are field tips. Only at 20 yards (it's all my back yard allows) I have to go to the range for farther shots. Side note it's been funny in a way after I bought the rest I have found way more negative reviews than before I bought one when I was doing all my research.
  13. Rag Horn

    Fall away rest help

    The image is flipped the arrows close together should be on top. But here is an example. The arrow separated in the group of 3 had more blue on the fletching than the other 2 indicating to me more contact with the rest. Maybe I shanked that shot or maybe it is separated because it hit the rest more. Either way it had more blue on it.
  14. Rag Horn

    Fall away rest help

    I am a very new bow shooter so exploring “poor grip/release” topic interests me because it’s probably an issue too. Can you expound on that topic?
  15. Rag Horn

    Fall away rest help

    Ok good info. Thanks.
  16. Rag Horn

    Fall away rest help

    I looked at 11 o'clock orientation last night and anything off top dead center and my fletching will hit the cable.
  17. Rag Horn

    Fall away rest help

    It's a rip cord code red. They are on the cheaper end of the fall away rest spectrum. Wonder if my iPhone slow mo would be good enough to catch that. I'll have to try.
  18. Rag Horn

    Fall away rest help

    It's hard to say for sure because I am not the greatest shot. I just assumed it had to be affecting arrow flight.
  19. Rag Horn

    Fall away rest help

    Hey thanks I will try that!
  20. Rag Horn

    Fall away rest help

    So I have moved that guy all around trying to find a spot where it didn’t hit. Those specific marks probably came from when cock vein was at a 9 o’clock ish position.
  21. Rag Horn

    Podcasts are ruining hunting areas

    I am not exonerating podcasts and social media however there is just a lot more people that live in AZ than there used to be. I don’t think the deer population has grown like that. Least I have never met any deer that moved here from Wisconsin or Florida unlike my neighborhood that is full of transplants. Comparing 2018 hunting to 1990 hunting is tough because of the population growth of the state. It’s bound to be different.
  22. Does anyone know the laws surrounding shooting a bow inside city limits? I know there will be lots of opinions on what should or shouldn't be. But does anyone have any reading material that spell out what is and is not legal when shooting a bow inside city limits? Maybe each city has its own ordinances? I am assuming the law would be different if i am on private property vs the playground of the local elementary school but I am interested in learning the nuances of what is legal and illegal.
  23. Lots of angles to consider for sure! As many people have said above things can go wrong.
  24. Sweet.... range time at your place!Arent you NTS kid? Come shoot at my place anytime. Careful.... I might just take you up on that offer!
  25. Sweet.... range time at your place!