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Rag Horn

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Everything posted by Rag Horn

  1. Rag Horn

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    Any successful "movement" these days has a Facebook page. Should we start a "stop hb 2072" page to help spread the word and make our voice heard past Coueswhitetail.com ? Just an idea.
  2. Rag Horn

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    Because it is the law and they promised. Bwha hahaha I can't even type that without laughing.
  3. Rag Horn

    monster new mexico shed

    +1 post the pics
  4. Rag Horn

    another find the coues deer...

    I am about 88% sure i found it, but if what I see is not a deer its a h@ll of a good fake. Nice pic thanks for the game.
  5. Rag Horn

    Find the deer pic

    I always like when people post "find the deer" so here is my first attempt at posting a find the deer pic. Find 2 does Find the quail/duck hunter
  6. Rag Horn

    Find the deer pic

    @ str8shot the pics were taken from my cell phone so sorry they did not hold up to zooming but if you are seeing a buck in that pic I need to start taking you out with me I watched those does on and off for the better part of 4 hours and never could find a buck with them. Sure would feel dumb to have watched them so much and not found a buck with them only to post pics and find someone 3 days later find the buck. ha ha maybe I need to learn what a buck looks like. @ non-typical M R ducks M R not O S A R C M wangs? L I B! M R ducks I don't get it maybe lark can translate that looks like his kind of language. @ elkaddict sorry bad pics I will get better at taking pics.
  7. Rag Horn

    Find the deer pic

    You are close. Slide almost straight down hill of your furthest left circle.
  8. Rag Horn

    Find the deer pic

    ^^^ I did not get any pics of his truck or plates. I was hoping someone on this site would recognize him and tell him I did not appreciate him spooking all the deer away shooting at quail or ducks i am not sure what he was shooting at to be fair to him Ha ha.
  9. Rag Horn


    Could someone define "part dog". I don't like the "wolf" program but this whole part dog thing makes me scratch my head because "dog" is a generic name for the k9 species. By that definition a wolf is all dog. 100% dog. Could someone define a little better this "part dog" doctrine. All "dogs" k9 breeds from foxes, Great Danes, Black Labs, coon hounds and every other member of the dog family have no more than 3% genetic variance between breeds. Less than 3% genetic variance between any 2 types of dogs. Were these wolves bread with labs? Queensland heelers? Poodles or maybe a laberdoodle?
  10. Rag Horn

    This one has both horns....

    Congratulations on a nice buck. Bigger congrats on keeping both horns on this time.
  11. Rag Horn

    Interesting Brain Game

    brown wrench
  12. Rag Horn

    Is there some kind of Doe Shortage???

    When I am out hunting I see a lot of does and never any bucks. However the trail cameras I have in the exact same area show an 8 bucks to 1 do ratio (or so I did not count all I know it is a lot to a little). Which leaves me to wonder if I know how to look for bucks? I guess I say all that to say all this. If I based my judgment of the area on what I have seen I would think that there was not one buck in that area. If I based my judgment of the area on what my trail cameras have seen it would be a completely different story. I am not suggesting that you do not understand the area you hunt in. I am just expressing how my opinion of my area has changed because of different perspectives on the same few square miles that I am talking about.
  13. Rag Horn

    wide buck

    I always thought this was a wide buck. That was of course before Dan posted his pics of that monster.
  14. Rag Horn

    Whos buying

    Pm sent
  15. I need a little help for work does anyone know of a Honeywell certified welder in the Tucson? Its a strange request i know. Thanks for your help.
  16. Rag Horn


    At this point if Ericscum gets canned I consider it a winning season for the ASU program. Then maybe the ASU football team can get out of the police report and into a bowl game. He is an undiciplined fud dud.
  17. Rag Horn

    wanted - coues antlers

    Pm sent
  18. Really it just depends on how good of a shot you are. Like me I just carry a mixed bag of who knows what weight bullets made by who knows who or even some of my reloads because my buck fever changes point of impact far worse than any variance in the bullet I shoot.
  19. Rag Horn

    Use of the word "Harvest"

  20. Rag Horn

    Use of the word "Harvest"

    Oh I was referring to what others did. If I was talking about what I did the list would have included, missed, bricked, air balled, forgot the bullets at the truck, scared away, spooked, jumped, ran off, couldn't find, etc.
  21. Rag Horn

    Use of the word "Harvest"

    Plugged, spanked, let the air out of, killed, smacked, shellacked, smoked, dropped, shot, rolled, knocked down, blasted, poked, etc (I could go on all day) are all fine around a campfire of friends. However I think for the face of hunting “harvested” may be the best adjective to use in open public forum so as not to draw more unwanted attention. Just my 2 cents. I do not believe in an in your face take it or leave it approach is the best way to go. As I feel it drives more away and creates more enemies than friends.
  22. Rag Horn

    Antlers needed

    pm sent
  23. Rag Horn

    Bucks and

    holy bucks! Nice lookin spot. wouldn't mind letting the air out of one of those bucks for you.
  24. Rag Horn


    +1 well said
  25. Could a bull score 365 one year and 410 the next? I know that feed, genetics, and on and on will alter the bulls’ antler growth. However assume normal to good genes and good feed. I am not asking is it possible because anything is possible I guess. I am asking if it is probable or not that a bull would score 365 one year and 410 the next?