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Rag Horn

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Everything posted by Rag Horn

  1. Rag Horn

    Thanks Amanda

    Thanks for the sticker.
  2. Rag Horn

    Well Bucks were still packing.....

    We found 2 fresh deer horns last week.
  3. Rag Horn

    The lucky hat

    We hit the hills this weekend and found some bone. I owe the success to Amanda's lucky hats. Those hats know how to find horns. Thanks for the sweet lid it rides nice.
  4. Rag Horn

    The lucky hat

    Thanks everyone. had a great time hiking the hills always a bonus to have some luck.
  5. Rag Horn

    Coues sheds

    I think that they are/have/and will continue to start falling for the next little while.
  6. Rag Horn

    Apartment help

    I sent you a pm.
  7. I have a huge favor to ask from the Globe CWT members. Is there anyone in Globe/Miami area willing to let me park my truck at their house between Saturday night April 28th – Wednesday mid day May 2nd? I am going to hit the hills with a friend. He is coming from Snowflake and I am coming from Mesa. Our plan is to meet in Globe and pile in one truck and go the rest of the way together. Provided I can find a good place to leave my truck over that period of time. Thanks for your help 480-290-8227. Garrett
  8. Rag Horn

    WTB a small utility trailer.

    I am looking to buy a small utility trailer. The ones I have looked at are in the 4x6 range however I am not 100% sold on that size. However it needs to be somewhat close. If you have one for sale or know of one for sale I am interested call or text 480 290 8227. I live in Mesa (val vista and baseline) but my dad lives in Snowflake so preferably something relatively close to those two locations would be especially convenient. Thanks for your help. PS. Note to the self appointed classified police and any other fudd duds that want to post something dumb. Don’t do it. Either you can help or you cannot. I don’t need your self inflated and unprepossessing opinions.
  9. Rag Horn

    WTB a small utility trailer.

    ^^^^^ I stopped by the harbor freight location in Mesa and was not pleased with the options they had in store. Thanks for the link I will check them out again.
  10. Rag Horn

    WTB a small utility trailer.

    Well Mr ThomC if you happened to be south of Baseline road you were indeed in Gilbert, and I applaud your acute sense of direction. However if you were on the north side of Baseline you were actually in Mesa. Now if you were traveling down Baseline road I am not sure exactly what municipality you were in. Thank you for your postulation which was obviously heavily influenced by an erroneous assumption that I was on the south side of Baseline Road. Or it could be that you had not been to the val vista/baseline road area in quite some time and in the time lapse you had been there they redrew the line and address assignments. Lastly it could just be that you wanted to pipe up and prove to the CWT family you have no idea what you are talking about. Lord hope you read Unit boundaries better than you read City boundaries.
  11. Rag Horn

    WTB a small utility trailer.

    Thank you all for your help.
  12. Rag Horn

    WTB a small utility trailer.

    Thanks for the offer but it's a little big for what I am looking for and my preference is not to go with the enclosed option. Thanks though for your reply.
  13. Rag Horn

    WTB a small utility trailer.

    ^^^^^^ thanks I will research it a little harder. I had just strolled through craigslist and a lot over by my house.
  14. Rag Horn

    Family Dispute

    I say 30% of the state contains elk.
  15. Rag Horn

    WTB coues antlers 90-100"

    Pm sent
  16. Rag Horn

    Antler Crafts

    I ordered a couple night lights a while back. I called NT up and told him my 2 year old son loved BUZZ Lightyear and asked what can you do? Could not be happier. Then so as not to leave my little girl out I told NT my little girl needed a night light now. I think it's cool. My wife thinks it is cute. I have a hard time associating cute with antlers (seems to girly) but anyway here is my girls night light.
  17. Rag Horn

    Close encounter with a lion

    My wife 2 kids and I were walking along this trail when we saw some Javelina. We stopped to look at them. We ooed and awed at went along out way. Then maybe 30 yards down the trail we saw this lion sleeping up on this rock maybe 10 yards in front of us. I would have been scared to death but it looked like the zoo had built a fairly solid enclosure so I did not worry about getting attacked. Which brings me to my next and more important topic. Why doesn’t the Phoenix Zoo have Coues deer as a part of their Arizona Trail section of the Zoo? I mean that would be awesome to have a nice 110-120 inch buck with a couple does or at least a mule deer exhibit. I would be way more interested in looking at that than half the other animals at the Zoo. Just saying.
  18. Rag Horn

    Eli's coming

    The Brady rule and The tuck rule spygate don't need anymore reason than that.
  19. Rag Horn

    What Cell phone provider do you use?

    I am a Verizon loyalist. They have always treated me good. You should do a quick google search and see if your employer gets any discounts with Verizon. I found out a while ago that my employer gets a 15% discount off your monthly bill with Verizon. Its not much but hey its better than nothing. I just had to bring in my pay stub to prove that I work for them and they applied it to my account. Actually as I am typing this I remember it was not even my employer that got the discount it was the company we outsourced our payroll type stuff to. Anyway that is my 2 cents.
  20. Rag Horn

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    Here is the problem if you boycott the above places. Where are you going to spend your money to get your hunting stuff Bass Pro, Sportsmans, Cabelas, or Wal Mart? Do you know the organizations they support and what bills they push through? I would venture to bet that they are just as bad as the above mentioned outfits. I am not siding with the bill just saying that we need to be careful who we "blacklist" and boycott.
  21. Rag Horn

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    I may be headed to dance lessons with pbj after this but Chris and the outdoorsman have always been really good to me over the years. Granted I have only had a few transactions and interactions over the last few years with them but I have always felt like I got a fair shake with them. In addition to great customer service.
  22. Rag Horn

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    Regarding the costs of lobbyist. I am not sold on the idea legislation is the answer. Maybe enforcement of current legislation. I rarely think more laws help any situation.
  23. Rag Horn

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    For those not counting bonuspointJohn is sitting at a -36 reputation on this topic alone. Just an observation.
  24. Rag Horn

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    I don't mean to beat a dead horse but the fiesta bowl is non profit too. Fastest way to make a million dollars is start a non profit organization. The fact that they are non profit does not mean I should trust them or that they are not making money. Look at how much the big wigs of the red cross make each year.
  25. Rag Horn

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    +1 We are not too far removed to remember the Fiesta Bowl and their "administrative" costs. Different arena same corruption