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Rag Horn

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Everything posted by Rag Horn

  1. Rag Horn

    Feeding the Frenzy - Story update

    ^^^^^^ they don't grow on trees .... Duh... But they do grow on deer.
  2. Rag Horn

    Feeding the Frenzy - Story update

    Sorry to say but looks like your buddy got the better end of that deal. Nice horn and pics though.
  3. Rag Horn

    Let's See Your Digiscoping Pictures

    Never did go get it. I think the antler gods deemed me ungreatful and have cursed my antler hunting ever since.
  4. Passed you on the way home from work. You turned on recker I went through on Pecos
  5. Rag Horn

    some finds

    I am digging the eyeguards on that far right head
  6. Rag Horn

    computer stupid

    Looks good. And nice pile of horns in the back too.
  7. Rag Horn

    computer stupid

    Yeah no problem I hope the grass grows great for you. Excellent call by the way on the propane tank ha ha ha. I dont know what you have tried or not yet but I always start by re-booting my computer. Sounds dumb but sometimes computers just get stuck and need a fresh start. Also you could try deleting your cookies and history Just throwing stuff out out there sorry if youve already tried um and were unsuccessful Post up some pics of your grass
  8. Rag Horn

    computer stupid

    Have you tried any of the "forgot user name" or password options ? I know you know your name and password but maybe you can sneak in the side door through one of those options
  9. Rag Horn

    free bob sod

    Ok I will let you know if it falls through
  10. Rag Horn

    free bob sod

    I just laid sod in the back yard and have some left over. Its free to anyone willing to come get it. I will deliver for a charge if you want/need. Its about 5/8 ths of a pallet. It is good sod the same kind of sod the dbacks loose 80 games a year on. Call or text 480 290 8227
  11. Rag Horn

    free bob sod

    Yes it is still in my posession but it is spoken for and has a home to go go to tomorrow.
  12. Rag Horn

    free bob sod

    Sold to the lowest bider.
  13. Rag Horn

    Walkin With the Bears

    looks like you are herding bears, pushing um along the trail like that. you been watching too much timothy treadwell
  14. Rag Horn

    what do i do wrong?

    +10 on timing. Especially if you are looking in popular spots. In some places you got to catch the Horns before they hit the dirt or someone else will beat you to um.
  15. Rag Horn


    +1 Thanks for the write up. All that stuff pre dates me. It's a great look into the past for sure.
  16. Rag Horn

    U of A

    Absolute discrace to antlers everywhere putting that garbage on an otherwise beautiful elk antler burr. What a hack job.
  17. I read some thoughts I in a book titled "All About Elk" written by Mike Lapinski, Dwight Schuh, Wayne Zwoll, and Duane Wiltse I thought were good and wanted to share. I felt it articulated well my thoughts on what was and was not a trophy animal. From the bottom of page 6 "The word trophy implies work, sacrifice, perseverance, and dedication to a preset standard." The top of page 7 "Big elk antlers are interesting objects to most hunters. They are only trophies to those who have earned them in fair chase, after paying the price. To consider any elk a trophy without taking into account the way it was hunted and killed is to cheapen the meaning of the word. There is so much to enjoy in hunting elk and there is legitimate prize in the kill hard won. But the joy and the pride are not a function of antler size, nor is the steel tape a measure of the hunt. Big antlers can be bought and sold; accomplishments afield cannot. There is a difference between a trophy and a souvenir. "
  18. Rag Horn

    Thoughts about what makes a "trophy" animal

    No apology needed. Thanks for sharing.
  19. Rag Horn

    NM Sheds 2012

    Very nice pIle of horn.
  20. Rag Horn

    how do you display your sheds

    Here is something I did with a little/lot of help from my dad. The set doesn't break any tape measures but it's my personal biggest. And to make it sweeter I found them out from under my little brother.
  21. Rag Horn

    What do you all think

    Congrats on #5 but for crying out loud avoid the name "coues" as your kids name. There is substantial research out there on the societal effects imposed on kids/adults with really off beat names. I wouldn't do it.
  22. Rag Horn

    Fab 32 anyone?

    I figured there were a few cwt members around. I am a shift 7 fab 32er.
  23. Rag Horn

    Fab 32 anyone?

    I was just sitting in OC8 eating lunch when I looked around at the masses of people and wondering if we had any other CWT members working in Fab 32? Intel is a big place surely there are a few CWT members around.
  24. Rag Horn

    newest finds may 7

    Very nice. Well done. Got to love the dark browns.