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Rag Horn

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About Rag Horn

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 08/10/1985

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  1. Rag Horn

    ISO youth 20 gauge

    Looking to pick up a youth size 20 gauge shotgun. Open to most makes and models. 480 290 8227
  2. Rag Horn

    Stickers in pants help.

    They didn’t even really stick to my sons cheap pants. Lol. #moremoneymorebetter
  3. Rag Horn

    Stickers in pants help.

    Oh man I bet that is really fun! 😕
  4. Rag Horn

    Stickers in pants help.

    Lol. I like the plan!! Sure don’t like dealing with these things.
  5. Rag Horn

    Stickers in pants help.

    It feels like that is what’s going to take. Lol stupid things!
  6. Rag Horn

    Stickers in pants help.

    Ok this is embarrassing but how the heck do you guys get all these stickers out of your pants? I mean like an easy way? I’ve tried washing them and pulling them off individually but they just don’t want to come off! They are all over my pants and shirts.
  7. Rag Horn

    Find the spike!

    I just want to know if he will be there Friday?
  8. Rag Horn

    Sight in service at Ben Avery

    Along that line of questioning. I was at sams club today and across the parking lot there was a 20 car line for the free tire air pressure check and top off station. Lol. 20 car line. Couldn’t believe it. Wondering how long they waited to get their pressure checked and topped off.
  9. see original post for the sweet new updated deal!
  10. Hey speaking of which I have been trying to reach you about your extended warranty about to expire……
  11. Yes! Indeed it is! Limited release
  12. Lol. I definitely coulda guaranteed that at 100k but that last 107k miles the groups have opened up a little. Ha ha ha.
  13. update - free box of .22lr with purchase of truck just enter CWT in the promo code box at checkout to recieve your free box of ammo. - maybe dont look at it like you are buying a truck and get a free box of ammo. look at it like buying a brick of 22 ammo for regular price and getting a sweet truck for free. 207k miles Mostly new tires cold ac runs great no oil leaks 4x4 all new breaks and front rotors 2 months ago comes pre loaded with a coues whitetail sticker and I personally guarantee any buck/bull/turkey you shoot this season will score 37% more than it would be with any other truck. with the kind of luck and hunting experience this truck has I wouldn’t be surprised if you start shooting 1” groups at 900 yards call/text 4802908227 for more pics or info.
  14. I am looking for 7mm 154 grain Hornady innerbond bullets but the straits are getting dire I might consider a different 7mm bullet if you got enough kicking around you are looking to sell. If it comes down to it I have some .17 cal bullets I can paper patch to make work but i would prefer to just to load 7mm.
  15. Rag Horn

    6mm Remington deer bullet

    Assuming I am not an idiot. It’s a 1:9.5