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Everything posted by ctafoya

  1. ctafoya

    Another Payson Question

    Get a trailer backed up against the forest, have your own well, fill your above ground pool.
  2. ctafoya

    Another Payson Question

    Above ground pool.
  3. ctafoya


    cancel it. Sling has been screwing us. They change paid packages, normal channels, and hit you with rate hikes all the time. We have sling, hulu, netfilix, plex, and a few other streaming services, and they are starting to suck. The other problem is Cox slows down when we try to stream. im about to cancel it all.
  4. ctafoya

    Eberlestock dragonfly

    Can't argue with you on that one. A woman's gotta know how to cook.
  5. ctafoya

    AXIS build 6.5x284

    I had to think about that one for a while. I was thinking this started out as a Savage Axis.
  6. Been outlawed for a while. No keyboard bull/bullie here. Maybe people would take you more seriously if you didn't have such a bad attitude when starting your posts and bringing up crap that's been discussed already and calling for more government interference/oversight. G&F isn't smarter then most on this forum. Oh, thanks for the free bump on my dragonfly I'm selling. I'll take all the help I can get.
  7. ctafoya

    Eberlestock dragonfly

    Thanks for the bump, troll.
  8. Like I said in one of your other crybaby b!tch posts. Give up hunting, its obviously too stressful for you.
  9. ctafoya

    Eberlestock dragonfly

  10. Stop hunting. Seems like it's too stressful for you.
  11. ctafoya

    Animal crackers' animals "freed"

    The world is going to $h!t in a hurry. I just need a few more years to pay for all of my toys, then I'm disappearing to the mountains forever.
  12. Close the BLM. Problem solved.
  13. ctafoya

    2018 Rut Predictions

    Bulls were screaming and pushing cows in unit 1 3 weeks ago.
  14. ctafoya

    Eberlestock dragonfly

  15. ctafoya

    SOLD -PSA AR10 6.5 Creedmoor New. 750.00.00

    Box, paperwork, mags, location?
  16. ctafoya

    Home A/C help

    One of my units did the same thing a few years ago, but without the power failure. A crimp came off one of the tabs for the cap and it was arking to the housing. Put on a new crimp and it was good to go.
  17. ctafoya

    What the heck..

    I've seen stranger $h!t then that.
  18. ctafoya

    Popcorn thread

    About time this got resurrected.
  19. ctafoya

    Namibia July 2018 ( a return to Africa)

    I just got an itch to build another sand rail.
  20. I bet it stunk in those hunters immediate vicinity after that.
  21. Lucky. I'm still about 3 years away.
  22. i have a savage axis in .308 with a cheap vortex on it that is an absolute tack driver. I got lucky on my first load with 168gn balistic tips. I have another savage (model 11 i think) that I got second hand with a cheap leopuld scope thats even more of a tack driver with 95 grain sst. Both guns shoot dime size groups at 200 yards.
  23. ctafoya

    Lion attack on my trail cam?

    Looks like you need to get a lion tag.