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Everything posted by ctafoya

  1. ctafoya

    SOLD New M4 FDE 500.00

    I'll do $350. That's what it costs new.
  2. ctafoya

    The Gordon Buck

    Awesome buck. But reading the article it says DIY, so why the watermarks, and why is it "presented" by blackovis? Does he own the company? Not in any way knocking the guy, I'm sure he puts in more time in field in month then I do in a year. Just curios.
  3. So, with my new M1A in the safe, I need to start reloading for it. I reload all of my bolt action rifles, but have stayed away from reloading semi auto. I've always heard that you have to crimp for semi auto or the force of the recoil could unseat the projectiles still in the magazine. Makes sense, but I would think my magnum bolt guns would do the same. Is there a reason not to?
  4. ctafoya

    Reloading for Semi auto

    Made up some rounds and everything worked out. Settled on 168 sierra match kings with 41.5 grains of H4895. I made a few dummy rounds and cycled the crap out of em to make sure the bullets stayed seated before loading. That rifle sure likes to put a beating on the brass. Hopefully I can get a few times out of them.
  5. ctafoya

    PSA complete AR15 lower & Milwaukee Power -SOLD

    If you were closer to me I'd take that lower off your hands.
  6. ctafoya

    Elk draw website down

    Interesting. Got our BP submitted for antelope without problems. Got my wife's elk app in without problems. Mine said there way an error at the end when I paid, but I have the app fee pending on my account.
  7. We'll the penis envy would be the coon pecker hanging from a string off of it. As far as rare, I would have to guess because it looked that bad when it was shot?
  8. i wonder if she guides kayak fishing trips on the salt river?
  9. LOL, WTF! I r is lafing.
  10. ctafoya

    Project Truck 95 Tahoe

    More then likely. Maybe more. It will idle all day without overheating. No way of knowing under a load as the registration is decertified or whatever the term is for it.
  11. ctafoya

    Elk draw website down

    Its about time they got this figured out.
  12. ctafoya

    Jawbone ID?

    That's why I don't swim.
  13. ctafoya

    Funny Wolf Story

    I agree that livestock and ferrel horses have no place on public land, but hybrid dogs have no place either.
  14. ctafoya

    Arrow tree

    I would hate to be walking around in the woods behind that tree when people missed.
  15. ctafoya

    Stolen pack in Payson

    Thieves suck.
  16. ctafoya


    Man I loved pistol Pete's in Albuquerque when I was a kid.
  17. ctafoya

    wild horses

    You mean ferrel horses like wisdom? Shoot em all.
  18. ctafoya

    Whos going to win the Super Bowl Poll

    This is the most boring game I've watched all year. My sympathies to anyone who watched the train wreck at the half.
  19. ctafoya

    Do we really need a border wall?

    Legalize it all. Take away the demand and let the junkies kill each other off.
  20. ctafoya

    Pacific Northwest Tuna

    If I only didn't get sea sick......
  21. ctafoya

    Reloading for Semi auto

    Good read. Thanks for the link.
  22. ctafoya

    Reloading for Semi auto

    Thanks for the info. Got my small base dies ordered. I'll give her a shot without crimps.
  23. ctafoya

    Whos going to win the Super Bowl Poll

    Whoever cheats the hardest and pays off the refs. I will often be kneeling during the game, while digging in the cooler for another cold beer.