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Everything posted by ctafoya

  1. ctafoya

    Kobe Bryant farewell

    Who gives a chit. What has he contributed to our country? He plays sports. Good for him for being the greatest basketball player of all time. Patriots die every day. Where is their front page recognition? Our country is seriously misguided. I'll be an asshole with you.
  2. ctafoya

    Kobe Bryant farewell

    Sad for sure. What about the ones who died on that flight that weren't famous? I guess they dont matter. This country needs a kick in the nuts. He was a basketball player. That's it. Why is this front page news?
  3. ctafoya


    So are these still available?
  4. ctafoya

    Must be the full moon

    TMI dude.
  5. ctafoya

    Must be the full moon

    Took your advice.
  6. ctafoya

    horses in elk unit

    Feed em to the government ferrel dogs. Then kill all the dogs.
  7. ctafoya

    God Bless Our Troops

    They don't have the balls to make a measurable retaliatory strike against us. Maybe under Obama, not Trump. Next best thing, shoot down a plane to satisfy their need for a body count.
  8. ctafoya

    Savage stock

    The rifle is center feed and top release.
  9. ctafoya

    Any big buddy heaters for sale ?

    15% off at sportsmans.
  10. ctafoya

    Wtb concealed carry pistol

    I just picked up a FNS 9C. I have big hands and this thing fits perfect.
  11. ctafoya

    Tonto FS road closure plan

    Welcome to the new California.
  12. ctafoya

    Killer Home Depot deal

    is the home depot in question under power lines? That's what really matters here.
  13. ctafoya

    Favorite Christmas Gift Growing Up.....

    Crossman 22 cal pellet gun. I loved that thing. I think I was around 10 or 11.
  14. ctafoya

    Creative Improvising/Field Craft

    I broke a coil over on my rail at the dunes. Used a 4x4 and a ratchet strap to keep everything held together till I got back to camp to reweld the mount. Used carb cleaner to blow a tire back on the bead while four wheeling. Used a strand of barbwire to replace throttle linkage that fell off. There is a lot more but I just cant remember everything
  15. ctafoya

    WTB: Benchmade Infidel

    I have a few OTF from Templar Knife. Not bad for $125.
  16. ctafoya

    WTB: Benchmade Infidel

    I think i saw some at sportsmans in mesa.
  17. ctafoya

    Kodiak canvas 12x9 deluxe

    I got the same tent this year. Best money I ever spent.
  18. ctafoya

    Diesel Gelling?

    How can they stop and search someone without cause?
  19. ctafoya


    Bass Pro had a sale this morning on them. It didn't list calibers, just said 4 calibers to choose from.
  20. Its because of that sticker.
  21. ctafoya

    Help with Christmas tree tags

    When will these tags be moved to the draw?
  22. ctafoya

    The trophy room!

    I feel like such a bad hunter now after seeing all of our guys trophies.