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Everything posted by ctafoya

  1. ctafoya

    What am i?

    i figured you was on mushrooms or something.
  2. ctafoya

    Ranger vs General vs Razr

    I love my RZR. I'm going to end up with a new cage and incorporate a roof rack in it for i when take it hunting.
  3. ctafoya

    Left Over List

    glad i drew something already.
  4. Where does it read that he is looking for something free? And WTF is #justboothings?
  5. ctafoya

    Effects of the virus scare?

    All the coverage will stop in November
  6. ctafoya

    Gas cans

    Rotopax but they are a little pricey. I think they also sell replacement nozzles for the new style cans.
  7. ctafoya

    sky cranes

    Just flew over and looks clear.
  8. ctafoya

    Pena Blanca Lake

    Man, I need a boat.
  9. ctafoya

    Polles fire (west of Payson) Helicopter down.

    Can you not refer to it as cracker jack. I find that extremely offensive.
  10. ctafoya

    Free rooster

    I knew if i waited long enough this would happen. I didn't want to be the first one...
  11. ctafoya

    Results up on AZGF Portal.

    4th choice 24a early November
  12. ctafoya

    Sad news- Hoghunter

    Met him after times swapping gear guns etc. Had a few conversations over the years BSing about getting screwed by the VA and boiling javelina skulls. 2020 sucks.
  13. ctafoya

    bars, gyms, theaters , tubing ect

    I'll take a stab. Q3 will be up. Everyone is staying home and upgrading phones and computers to stay up to date. Next year it'll be in the chitter. Market over saturation. Carpet sales depend on the election.
  14. ctafoya

    bars, gyms, theaters , tubing ect

    I get its a horrible job. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. But you can not shut down an economy and ruin peoples lives to save a few. This is insanity.
  15. ctafoya

    bars, gyms, theaters , tubing ect

    How do we start a recall petition? I was throwing a kegger in the desert that day in civics class.
  16. ctafoya

    Toyota 4x4

    I miss my 84. Wasn't the 85 4runner the only model to offer 22RE and the strait axle?
  17. ctafoya

    Only 1 hour until cards start getting hit

    I've never seen coues on the 37 side but I've seen some giant mulies in there. Either way it goes ill have a tag in my pocket!
  18. ctafoya

    Only 1 hour until cards start getting hit

    so i found my choices. 23 coues, 37b mule early and the next hunt, and 24a late.
  19. ctafoya

    Where's the Beef? Here! FS

    If I didn't have an elk and deer tag this year I'd be in.
  20. ctafoya

    Only 1 hour until cards start getting hit

    I wish I wasn't drunk when I put in. Got two deer tags and no clue what unit, mule or coues, late or early. Just glad to have tags again.
  21. ctafoya

    show low, linden, pinetop-lakeside, vernon

    if there was work up there id move there.
  22. I haven't shot for a while. Pulled out my bow to get back in the groove for my hunt in September and found my cable has a bow in it from where it rides on the cam. String could probably be replaced as well. Its a Bowtech 82nd airborne. Been using it for 10ish years. I'm considering getting a new bow instead of putting the work into this one. Maybe find something a little bit lighter. Last time I had the strings replaced was 6 years ago at bear mountain. I've heard their service has gone downhill but have no firsthand knowledge of it. If I were to have my cables and strings replaced or decided to get a new bow, where would you go for work, or where would you go to buy a new one?
  23. ctafoya

    Dodge Truck Owners

    Not true. I can count to 150.
  24. ctafoya

    New bow or new strings?

    It'll come back. My flights are fuller every time. People are starting to move around again.
  25. ctafoya

    Dodge Truck Owners

    Can't tow for shoot, but it'll do till the warranty is up and I get bags and a procharger