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Everything posted by ctafoya

  1. ctafoya

    Midway has ammo

    They probably kept a stockpile and waited until today to release it.
  2. ctafoya

    King size bedroom set

    Willing to break up the set. If there is something you want let me know. I need my garage back.
  3. ctafoya

    Punched my 2020 Tag

    Nice. What's with the Band-Aid on him?
  4. ctafoya

    Monday Check in

    I'm scared to lift again. Don't want another hernia.
  5. ctafoya

    bar mirrors

  6. ctafoya

    Credit card hits tomorrow ??

    Two javelina tags in my house. My buddy in Minnesota drew with me too. First timer for him. Not sure how he's gonna feel not being in a heated stand.
  7. ctafoya

    camp shower

    been looking for a camp shower for my upcoming elk hunt, unless the wife caves and let's me buy a toy hauler. What setups do you like the best? The stuff I've seen online looks like crap.
  8. ctafoya

    Corona palm tree

    Nope. Just don't feel like putting it together.
  9. ctafoya

    Old soda crates and shelf

    Looking to downsize some more. Crates gone. Shelf is actually the top of an antique buffet. Has been used as a shelf. $50
  10. ctafoya

    Corona palm tree

  11. ctafoya

    Old kitchen tins.

    Would like to sell as a lot for $65.
  12. ctafoya

    Old kitchen tins.

  13. ctafoya

    bar mirrors

  14. nikon p series 1" rings. $25. Burris AR PERP SOLD Leopold 2.5" shade. I tried it on a VX5 and the threads didn't match. Might actually be for a pre 2002? I have one ill try it on tomorrow. $20. East mesa.
  15. ctafoya

    Airplane engine picture

  16. ctafoya

    late archery strategies

    i wish i would have started hunting that young.
  17. ctafoya

    WTS: H1000 8lb jug

    I feel like in need to insure all my ammo and reloading supplies these days. Its outpacing my 401k.
  18. ctafoya

    bar mirrors

    I quit watching football and nobody ever used the pool table. Going with 1800's furniture instead.
  19. ctafoya

    Airplane engine picture

  20. ctafoya

    bar mirrors
