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Everything posted by ctafoya

  1. ctafoya

    Bruno’s has lots of powder.

    I appreciate the offer. Already something in the works.
  2. ctafoya

    Bruno’s has lots of powder.

    Just got an email update from brunos on current powder inventory. Hopefully nobody else uses h4895 and it makes it until Friday when I'm back in town.
  3. ctafoya

    Bruno’s has lots of powder.

    Figures. I'm in Ohio this week.
  4. ctafoya

    Jack's Reloading Supply

    Quick Google search results look sketchy at best. Hope he didn't lose too much money to these scammers.
  5. ctafoya

    Pay it forward - I will start

    Do adult kids count?
  6. ctafoya

    You guys SUCK!

    Picking up I meant to say, not leaving it.
  7. ctafoya

    You guys SUCK!

    I do the same every time I go out. Its getting pretty pathetic out there. Doubt many of us here leaving a mess though.
  8. ctafoya

    Go buy some groceries and commodities

    Word must have got around. Cabelas is picked clean. More then usual
  9. ctafoya

    ISO CCI#41 primers

    Like the tittle says, I'm looking for CCI #41 primers. I missed my midway notification the other day when they were in stock. Lots on gun broker but those people are crazy.
  10. ctafoya

    Go buy some groceries and commodities

    I heard that one too and I don't even do social media. Must be true!
  11. ctafoya

    Paying Children Allowance

    I never gave my kids an allowance, and I never received one. Everyone was expected to do thier part. They all got jobs when they were old enough and appreciated what they earned. I have one in the navy, one in school to be a teacher, one in school to be a rocket scientist,(seriously) and one is a senior in high school. They have all payed thier way. They all turned out just fine. They never ask for anything. When I see that they are struggling my wife and I help them out to keep them on thier paths, they have definitely earned it. My .02
  12. Its only OK if its BLM people.
  13. This is gonna be an interesting week.
  14. ctafoya


    Where is all the propane? I've been everywhere and everyone is out. Is everyone hoarding propane now too?
  15. ctafoya


    I've shot a few from that batch without any issues. Great guy to deal with.
  16. ctafoya

    Bruno’s has lots of powder.

    I wish someone in town would get H4895.
  17. ctafoya


    Man, where was this a month ago when I was in the market.
  18. ctafoya


    It's for important stuff
  19. ctafoya

    PSA has .223 in stock

    PSA has a few different manufactures of .223 in stock.
  20. ctafoya

    Urgent need of Hornandy 6.5 Ammo for hunt

    I actually like mine now that I quit trying to get 3000 fps out of it.
  21. ctafoya

    Covid relif bill

    Trump screwed us here. He should have never considered signed this garbage.
  22. ctafoya

    Covid relif bill

  23. ctafoya

    … AR15 Upper w/scope

    how fast is it?